
RWBY: Oscar the gamer

Oscar pine was chosen for manything, the last thing he expected was to have what is it called oh or right, a system yeah he didn't expect that he just hopes this is the craziest thing to happen to him MC: Oscar ship: Oscar x Harem so yeah this will my own type of system with it's one rules and everything, also yeah hope people like this

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Autres
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55 Chs

Team R.O.S.C First mission

As Oscar, Ruby, Scar, and Camellya stood in front of the mission board, they scanned the available tasks. Being second-year students at Atlas Academy meant they had the privilege of choosing their own missions now.

"I say we go for something challenging," Scar said, flipping a card between his fingers with a grin. "Something that tests our skills."

"How about this one?" Ruby pointed to a mission involving a Grimm infestation in the outskirts of Mantle. "It's a high-level mission, but I think we can handle it."

Camellya smirked, leaning closer to examine the details. "Sounds perfect. A little chaos to start the day."

Oscar nodded, his mind already strategizing. "Alright, we'll take it. Let's make sure we're prepared. Scar, you handle reconnaissance. Camellya, work on our defense strategies. Ruby, we'll focus on our offense."

"Got it!" Ruby responded enthusiastically.

Scar gave a mock salute. "Consider it done."

Camellya chuckled. "This is going to be fun."

The team gathered their gear and headed out, ready to tackle their first mission as Team Renegade. The outskirts of Mantle were known for being dangerous, but they were determined to prove their worth.

As they arrived at the location, they were met with the sight of several Grimm wreaking havoc. Oscar quickly took charge.

"Scar, scout the area and find their numbers and positions. Camellya, set up defensive barriers. Ruby, you're with me on offense."

Scar vanished into the shadows, his reconnaissance skills put to the test. Camellya's aura flared as she created barriers to protect the nearby civilians. Ruby and Oscar charged forward, weapons at the ready.

The battle was intense, but Team R.O.S.C. worked seamlessly together. Scar's intel allowed them to avoid ambushes, Camellya's barriers provided crucial protection, and Ruby's and Oscar's combined offensive power cut through the Grimm with precision.

As the last Grimm fell, the team regrouped, panting but victorious.

"Great work, everyone," Oscar said, wiping sweat from his brow. "Let's get back and report our success."

Scar grinned. "Easy peasy. I knew we could handle it."

Camellya nodded. "This is just the beginning. We're going to be the best team Atlas has ever seen."

Ruby smiled brightly. "Team Renegade, ready for anything!"

With their first mission under their belts, Team R.O.S.C. headed back to Atlas Academy, their bond stronger than ever and their reputation on the rise.

"This is kinda weird," Oscar said, feeling a chill run down his spine as he observed the fallen Grimm. "My Grimm title lets me sense and hear them, but these... I didn't hear anything. It's almost like they were already dead."

Ruby frowned, glancing at the lifeless Grimm. "That doesn't sound right. Grimm aren't supposed to be like that."

Scar, having finished his reconnaissance, returned and overheard their conversation. "Maybe they're being controlled by something or someone. Could be a new type of Grimm."

Camellya nodded, her face serious. "Whatever it is, we need to report this anomaly. This could be a bigger problem than we thought."

Oscar agreed. "Yeah, let's head back and let Ironwood know. We might need more information before we take on another mission."

The team packed up their gear and began the trek back to Atlas Academy, the unsettling experience weighing on their minds. They made their way to Ironwood's office to report their findings.

Ironwood listened intently as Oscar described the Grimm's unusual behavior. "This is concerning," he said, his expression grim. "We've been getting reports of odd Grimm activity, but nothing like this. We'll need to investigate further."

Ruby spoke up. "Is there anything we can do to help, sir?"

Ironwood considered for a moment. "For now, keep your ears open and continue your training. If you encounter anything similar, report it immediately. Your experience in the field is valuable, but we need to approach this cautiously."

Oscar nodded. "Understood, General. We'll keep an eye out and stay vigilant."

As they left Ironwood's office, the team felt a renewed sense of purpose. There was more at stake than they initially thought, and they were determined to uncover the truth behind the strange Grimm.

"Guess we're in for more than just regular missions," Scar said, his usual grin replaced with a thoughtful expression.

Camellya smirked. "That's what makes it interesting."

Ruby looked at Oscar. "We can handle this, right?"

Oscar smiled, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Absolutely. We've got each other's backs, and we'll figure this out together."

As Oscar looked at Scar, he saw the determined glint in his eyes. Without another word, Scar opened a portal, and they stepped through, arriving back at the area where they had encountered the strange Grimm.

"Yeah, no, we are not waiting," Scar said, looking at everyone with resolve. "Let's investigate."

Ruby glanced around, her weapon at the ready. "Alright, but we need to be cautious. We don't know what we're dealing with here."

Camellya nodded, her eyes scanning the surroundings. "Agreed. Let's stay close and watch each other's backs."

Oscar led the way, feeling a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Let's start by examining the area where we found those Grimm. There might be clues we missed earlier."

The team moved carefully, their senses heightened. As they approached the site, Oscar noticed something peculiar on the ground—a series of strange symbols etched into the dirt, faint but distinct.

"Look at this," Oscar said, pointing to the symbols. "These markings weren't here before."

Scar knelt down, studying the symbols. "These look like some kind of runes. Maybe they're connected to whatever is controlling the Grimm."

Camellya frowned, her mind racing. "We need to figure out what these symbols mean. They might be the key to understanding what's going on."

Ruby took out her scroll and began to scan the symbols, sending the data back to Atlas for analysis. "I've sent the information to the Academy. Hopefully, they can decode it quickly."

As they continued to search the area, Oscar felt a sudden chill. He turned to see a shadowy figure watching them from the edge of the forest. "Guys, we've got company."

The figure stepped forward, revealing itself to be a tall, cloaked individual with a sinister presence. "You're trespassing," the figure hissed. "Leave now, or face the consequences."

Scar drew his weapon, ready for a fight. "We're not going anywhere until we get some answers."

The cloaked figure sneered. "Very well. You've made your choice."

With a swift motion, the figure summoned a horde of Grimm, their eyes glowing with unnatural energy. The team braced themselves as the creatures charged.

"Here we go," Oscar muttered, readying his swords. "Stay together and fight smart."

The battle was intense, the Grimm attacking with ferocity. Oscar and Ruby fought side by side, their teamwork impeccable. Scar unleashed his full power, cutting through the Grimm with precision, while Camellya provided support, using her abilities to shield and heal her teammates.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Team R.O.S.C. held their ground. They fought with determination, their combined skills making them a formidable force. As the last of the Grimm fell, the cloaked figure retreated, disappearing into the shadows, as then he was chained and trapped by Camellya.

"We did it," Ruby panted, catching her breath. "But who was that?"

Oscar shook his head, frustrated. "I don't know, but we need to find out. Let's get back to the Academy and see if they decoded those symbols."

As they made their way back through the portal, Oscar couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning. They had uncovered a mystery that went deeper than they had imagined, and he knew they had to be prepared for whatever came next.

"Good work, everyone," Oscar said, his voice steady. "We'll figure this out together. No matter what it takes."

The team nodded, their resolve stronger than ever. They were ready to face the unknown, to uncover the truth, and to protect their world from the darkness that threatened it.

Oscar looked at the figure in disbelief. "How can you do what you did? What are you doing?" he demanded.

The figure laughed, a chilling sound that echoed through the trees. Without warning, he snapped his own neck, and a dark, sinister light emerged from his body, rushing towards Oscar.

Oscar felt the dark energy trying to invade him, but a notification flashed before his eyes:

**[Notification: A soul is attempting to enter the player's body. The system is initiating rejection. Second soul has been rejected.]**

The dark energy was expelled from Oscar's body, and it screamed in frustration, its voice echoing in the night. "How dare you! How did you deny me, The Grimm Monarch?" it shrieked before dissipating into the darkness.

Oscar took a deep breath, steadying himself. "What was that?" he muttered, shaken by the experience.

Scar stepped forward, his eyes wide with concern. "Are you okay, Oscar?"

"I'm fine," Oscar replied, though his voice betrayed his unease. "But whatever that was, it was trying to possess me."

Ruby looked around, her weapon still at the ready. "We need to figure out what we're dealing with. That was no ordinary Grimm."

Camellya nodded. "We should report this to Ironwood and Ozpin. They need to know about this new threat."

Oscar took another deep breath and nodded. "You're right. Let's get back and debrief. But first, we need to make sure the area is secure. We can't leave any loose ends."

The team conducted a thorough sweep of the area, ensuring no other threats were lurking. As they regrouped, Oscar couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter was just the beginning of something much larger.

Once they were confident the area was safe, they opened a portal and returned to Atlas. They immediately sought out General Ironwood and Professor Ozpin, who listened intently to their report.

"This is troubling news," Ironwood said, his expression grim. "A new type of Grimm, one that can possess people... We need to understand what we're dealing with."

Ozpin nodded thoughtfully. "I'll have our researchers look into the symbols and the nature of this dark energy. In the meantime, stay vigilant. This may be part of a larger scheme."

Oscar glanced at his teammates, their faces set with determination. "We won't let our guard down," he promised. "We'll keep fighting and find out who's behind this."

As they left the debriefing, Ruby put a reassuring hand on Oscar's shoulder. "We'll get through this, together."

Oscar smiled, feeling the strength of their bond. "Yeah, we will. No matter what comes our way, we'll face it as a team."

With renewed resolve, Team R.O.S.C. prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead, ready to protect their world from the darkness that threatened it.

Meanwhile, in another place, two lights converged in the void.

"I see you still haven't found a vessel," the Beast Monarch said, his voice a low growl. His form flickered, a dark silhouette with burning eyes, exuding an aura of untamed ferocity.

The Grimm Monarch, a shadowy figure with piercing eyes that seemed to absorb the very light around him, responded with a cold, measured tone. "Indeed. My attempt was thwarted by the system protecting him."

The Beast Monarch snarled, his frustration evident. "Mine was taken by the Ruler. He was such a perfect vessel for me."

The Grimm Monarch's eyes narrowed. "The Ruler's interference is problematic. But it proves we are on the right path. The vessels we seek are among them, powerful and destined for greatness."

The Beast Monarch's form shimmered with barely contained rage. "We must act swiftly. If we delay, the Rulers will fortify their defenses. We cannot allow them to gain the upper hand."

"Agreed," the Grimm Monarch replied. "We must coordinate our efforts. Identify and seize the vessels before they are fully integrated into the Rulers' fold."

The Beast Monarch's eyes gleamed with a savage light. "Then let us begin. Our next move must be decisive and overwhelming. We will crush their resistance and claim what is rightfully ours."

The two Monarchs' forms merged briefly, a swirling maelstrom of darkness and primal fury, before they separated, each preparing to enact their plans.

"Prepare yourself, Rulers," the Grimm Monarch hissed. "The true battle is about to begin."

The Beast Monarch paused, a flicker of concern crossing his fierce eyes. "Wait, did you say 'system'?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of unease.

The Grimm Monarch nodded slowly. "Yes, the system rejected my attempt. It seems he is protected by it. This makes him an unknown variable, one we did not anticipate."

"This is troublesome," the Beast Monarch growled, pacing restlessly. "If he truly is protected by a system, he could become a significant threat to our plans. We must contact the other Monarchs. They need to know that their vessels may also be protected."

"Agreed," the Grimm Monarch said. "If the system is as powerful as it seems, it could interfere with all of our efforts. The other Monarchs must be informed, and we need to devise a strategy to counteract this."

The Beast Monarch stopped pacing and turned to the Grimm Monarch. "Then let us waste no time. We will gather the others and prepare for what is to come. This unknown variable must be addressed swiftly and decisively."

The two Monarchs extended their influence, reaching out to the others of their kind. Messages were sent across the void, summoning the remaining Monarchs to convene and discuss this new development.

As the calls went out, the Grimm Monarch looked at his ally. "We must be prepared for anything. The Rulers may already have vessels, but with this system, we are dealing with an unpredictable element."

"Indeed," the Beast Monarch agreed. "We will need all our strength and cunning to overcome this. But rest assured, we will find a way."

The Monarchs' forms began to dissipate, their dark energies spreading out as they set their plans in motion. The balance of power in the world of Remnant was shifting, and the stakes had never been higher.

In the distance, the other Monarchs received the summons, their attention now focused on the emerging threat. The battle lines were being drawn, and a clash of titanic forces was inevitable.

To be continued