
rwby of ragnarok

Akita yanagi was an American otaku who loved to talk about theoretical crossovers,and one day he meets an unknown user in his chat room. after the user makes a scenario,akita suddenly gets thrown into the world he created,but he is not helpless. now armed with the record of ragnarok quest template system,he will soon become a legend not only in the world of remnant but through the multiverse.

Thelostswordman · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

(1)(alternate chapter) rob kidnapped me via chat,but I get a template quest system in return.

Before I begin,I tried to think of a way to make my writing easier,so I came up with this as the first chapter,hope you enjoy this one.


It was late at night and I was talking with people using a chat room,where we would debate how certain character in manga or anime,even games could beat goku or satoru gojo,and I was participating.

[akita yanagi] I'm telling you people!! Literally anyone from record of ragnarok could solo the entire jjk-verse,hell even Lu bu would look at gojo and laugh!

[makima-loves butt] in your dreams man,the only way you can beat someone with cursed energy is with another person with cursed energy,it's cut and dry dude.

[esdeath is my queen] @makima-loves butt has a point man,you're just butter that Adam didn't win against Zeus.

[akita yanagi] and you're saying making a can solo all of jjk? Gojo would steamroll over her,im saying that any record of ragnarok character,god or human,would solo most of any fighting anime.

I was talking to some online friends on how any anime character would solo another anime universe,and these idiots were saying that makima and anyone from soul eater could solo jjk? Utterly ridiculous!

[you have a private chat request by (random omnipotent being) will you accept?]

Seeing that I had someone unknown to me request to chat with me,I was too stressed to continue my conversation with them,so I left while they were talking about which waifu they would sleep with.

[you have accepted,now entering chat room]

[random omnipotent being] I happen to oversee your chat about which anime soloes another anime,so I thought I'd lay a scenario for you.

[akita yanagi]scenario? Sure I'll play,what's the scenario?

[random omnipotent being ] you suddenly get sent to a chat room with a god,and he asks which world would you want to be on,which world would you go with?

[akita yanagi] if I had to choose I'd have to choose remnant,but as a twist the gender morality is reversed.

[random omnipotent being] so instead of men being perverts it's women? Gotta say that's an amusing option.

[akita yanagi] thanks,do you want to continue?

[random omnipotent being] yes,so now you are in this morally reversed world of remnant,you realize you aren't your usual self,what do you look like in this world?

[akita yanagi] well being human is too normal,and Faunus are discriminated horribly,I'd make myself as a daywalker,I would be stronger at night,and be immune to the sun,plus I would t need to consume blood for food,as for how I'd look,I'd want to look like Merlin caster from fate grand order,and go by the name shirou archer emiya.

[random omnipotent being]damn man,you're pulling out all the stops for this scenario,okay…now as you get up off the ground of the forest,you find a small fusion of a small mansion and cabin,and your new home is a mile away the family of ruby rose and Yang xiou long and their father,when you see your new home,who will appear?

[akita yanagi] well if we're talking what would appear,I'd say a system called the record of ragnarok quest template system,the system gives me daily quests that involve training on a template I get from the system,and when I reach certain percentages I'd get weapons or skills from the characters,like Adam or nikola Tesla,and it would include god templates,but they would be nerfed to high heaven,so I can't use godly authorities or anything like that,but I can use their less powerful abilities.

[akita yanagi] also there would be a summoning ticket that would allow me to summon a goddess from record of ragnarok to act as my parent or guardian.

[random omnipotent being I have to admit,that sounds very entertaining,now is there anything you wish to add system-mechanics wise?

[akita yanagi]actually yeah,the system gets a built in inventory,I'd have to think on what I want and it appears,also like an rpg,both my godly parent and I have a status command to allow us to allocate points we'd get from leveling up(as you kill grim,you get exp,and get 3 points per level up) and even see what skills we have.

[random omnipotent being]that would definitely work,I'd also add a shop to it,where Roy gold you earn can buy items and skills,and now for the final question,would you go to this scenario if you were given the chance?

[akita yanagi]yeah if given the chance I'd go there in a heartbeat,and I'd ask the being sending me there to make me four years old,eleven years before the main story,so I can prepare.

[random omnipotent being] then welcome to your new world.

[akita yanagi]cool,oh yeah I forgot to ask,what's your name?

[random omnipotent being] oh you'll know who I am soon enough,just don't panic about what happens next.

[random omnipotent being has logged off]

"Huh? I wonder what he meant….by…tha-"

I saw everything get dark,and I couldn't see,nor feel anything.

And then I open my eyes as I feel warmth on my skin,and see…a forest?

"Where…am?…?!…why is my voice high pitched?!" I scream as I didn't know what was going on,and after a full minut of panicked confusion,it dawned on me.

"Wait…you mean that guy I was talking to was an actual ROB?!" I say in horror,as I didn't expect to see something I'd find in a novel.

I look around in a panic and see a small pond,I ran as fact as my legs could carry me,and take a look at my reflection.

I was a child again,my body was a bit stronger than the average human,but my frame looked skinny compared to an average child,I had very pale skin,my hair was a silvery white,I looked exactly like Merlin.

Except…instead of my eyes being a vibrant purple,they were red,like the eyes of a Kurta from hunter x hunter.

"This is unreal…huh?" I say to myself as I see a quest prompt.

[welcome to your dream world,your new life is exactly like the scenario you wished for,and for your first quest,here it is!-your friendly neighborhood ROB.]

[objective:find your new home(hint: follow the yellow light)]

[reward: your system installation and a godly parent summon]

I see the quest and I look around until to my right I see that light,so I start walking the trail,and after ten minutes of walking barefoot,with some tripping,I made it to my scenario home.

The home was at least 5,000 square feet,but it had a rustic,homely feel to it.rustic yet doesn't stand out.

As I open the door I hear the sound of a bell.

[request completed,now beginning installation]


[system has been installed! Now giving you first template]

[template(nikola Tesla) has been chosen]

[number of daily quests to fully complete template:365]

[enjoy your record of ragnarok system]

As the final prompt disappears a ticket took its place,the ticket had an iridescent glow,with only one thing on it,'tear me!'

I follow what the ticket says and a bright light blinds me for a full minute and as the light fades I see a figure.

"Um….hello? Who might you be?" I ask since I was still blinded.

I suddenly hear an extremely seductive voice,"I am Aphrodite,the goddess of love and beauty,now tell me mortal,where am I?"

And this begins my new life in remnant.

hope you like this chapter,I had fun writing it.

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts