

Disclaimer, I do not own Marvel, Assassin's Creed, or the Xianxia Chinese novel genre, this work is entirely and completely non-profit, created by a fan for other fans.

Prologue 6 - Vol.1: The rise of the brotherhood.


Mayan Catacombs.

"Ugh ... Ugh ... Ugh."

Blood, that nauseating iron smell mixed with dust and dirt. Inside that old catacomb, a pile of rubble began to have a slight movement.

As the seconds passed this movement became more intense, underneath all this slowly a hand slid out. David's bruised body struggled out of the prison of rubble he was in, the mask on his face showing cracks in the glass as fresh blood seeped through the cracks.

"Ah ... Argh ... Ugh ... Hello? ... Does someone receive me?."


"Argh!" David's body fell to the ground, he could feel the stabbing pain run through his entire body. From his legs to his head, he was almost certain that he could feel some broken bones.

With an effort, he crawled over the ground.

"Come in ... Gwen? ... Alex? ... Clarence? ... Is anyone listening?."

* Static *

Dropping his head to the ground he sighed as he removed the now unusable mask. "Shit." Coughing between times, he gritted his teeth as he felt his body scream in pain. As he could, he found the strength to get up, resisting the screams of pain in his throat, as he stood, David looked inside the small room, it was shown that for some reason he was even older than normal.

Taking a wider shot he could see some piles of skulls that were gathered in piles around the room. On the surrounding walls were large open tombs, stacked over hundreds and hundreds of cranial bones this continued to the end of it.

And oddly enough, at the end of the hall was old torch lit. It was ancient, very ancient indeed, the surrounding walls painted black with overgrown moss adorning them. The small particle of illumination lazily licked the gloom of the place, being strangely illuminating.

"Where I am?."


After getting up he did a recount on the team. The oxygen mask had been rendered unusable. Like the radio and the helmet, the 9mm pistol had disappeared from his hands, the chest and other body protectors were damaged, it was thanks to these that he had managed to survive without injuries due to the fall.

Deciding that it was no longer worth taking them was decided by all. He only kept the long-sleeved lycra shirt, boots, pants. And the tactical machete.

"This ... is this? Could be? The fourth floor?." Faint whispers came out of his mouth as he made the effort to breathe in his stomach again. "No ... There was no mention of such a room."

From what he could remember, there was no mention in any text or part about a catacomb. Unless it wasn't official, that would explain why in this place that should have been empty for hundreds of years there was a burning torch.

David was not stupid, he knew that such a place was like a source of business for a certain group of people. It was a good guess, but I couldn't be sure either there were many types of sick people in the world, not only urban explorers were in this business after all.

While he was thinking he had finally arrived before the place with illumination from the torch. In some weird way, it seemed new, as if someone had just passed the place recently. Which didn't make any sense, in contrast to everything else this room had been abandoned decades ago.

After a more analytical look, he could see the lazy fire feeding on what looked like a burned canvas. The strangest thing of all is that apart from that there was nothing else, a big room just for a torch didn't make much sense.

"Maybe ... A secret passage?"

It was not the first time he encountered something like this.

Even though it was Gwen who normally took care of these matters. He was personally very good at that matter as well.

Bringing his hand to the middle trunk of the torch he applied force trying to move it sideways.


Nothing happened.

He didn't even have any movement mechanism.

Looking back around the room, David was feeling the beginning of a severe headache. He was sure that the key was this torch, there was nothing else and from what he can remember ancient civilizations like the Mayans did not have or should have had, the way to create a secret room with something as complex as a hidden button or something like that.

Now David had only one option.

It was either finding the secret passage or dying in this place slowly. There was no way to return, now with the collapse the way to climb had been blocked. And luckily for his person the thing that chased him hadn't fallen with him.

In short, unless out of nowhere, he obtained the strength of a superman, it was impossible to get out of this place.

* Whispers *

"Without a manual activation mechanism, then something outside has to go into this but ... what?."

* Whispers *

Doing his best to ignore the peculiar ghostly voice he whispered over David, he advanced until he was once again in front of the torch. He was worried about the others, but with the radio dead and he was locked up he couldn't do anything for them he wasn't sure if he could do something for him.

Taking one of his fingers over the fire he replied. "The Mayans were a civilization based on religious beliefs, something recurrent in their culture is a human sacrifice to the gods. Human sacrifice among the Maya is evident from at least the classical period (AD 250-900) to the final stages of the Spanish conquest in the 17th century." Taking a moment to regroup his thoughts David watched the lazy flame move still rhythm slow on wood. Smiling slightly, I continue his train of thought. "Something so ingrained in your culture would affect all your future decisions, whether in the social sphere or your beliefs about life and death."

With his free hand, David grabbed the tactical machete.

* Whispers *

David was thinking of something very stupid.

He looked at the machete for a few long minutes, he had an idea what might work, but there was the fact that there was no way to be completely sure.

A decision that could change his life forever in the most literal sense possible. The whispers around him seemed to tell him that he will continue. Like a sweet and tempting wish for security, something that could lead him to discover heaven where his greatest wishes would come true. He didn't know why, but for some reason, he felt calm.

To test the theory he would have to take a big step.

To get to the other side he would have to do something drastic.

He knew it.


Something that could lift him to heaven or lower him to hell in one fell swoop.

To be able to find the secret room.

He would have to die.


It was worth it.

He did not know.

He was scared.

No ... he Strangely he didn't have it, little more than that he didn't feel anything. This was what worried him the most, the feeling he was experiencing was not normal, something inside him was wrong. He was a rational person and a person like that he did not consider the option of committing suicide as something viable, but no matter when he thought about it these thoughts were sent to the back of his mind.

Something was forcing him to move on. More yet, he didn't want to go back, he couldn't explain, but he felt a strange tug towards the old torch "something that most likely called it a sixth sense of some kind. Even if he understood it, it did not matter, he could not return his only option, no matter how crazy it sounded, was to continue and let himself go."


"Good." Taking the machete with both hands, she pointed the point toward his stomach.


It was this or die slowly due to his injuries, either of the two things that will happen, they were not good for him. Opening and closing his hands, his body began to perspire. The sweat on his hands began to pool and drip onto the floor, his heartbeat becoming erratic.

The previous calm state had disappeared like smoke in the wind. Despite popular belief, taking your own life is far from easy. Unless some extra situation comes into play like a mental illness, or simply an imbalance of the same margin, a person in his senses could not dare to take his own life.

* Heartbeat * * Heartbeat *

Only a mistake would separate it from what is right and what is not. Thinking now was quite funny, Gwen's words the day they came to this place ran through his mind again.

Yes, he had raised a flag.

And now he is about to pay the consequences.

* Heartbeat * * Heartbeat * * Heartbeat *

Holding on tight.

With all the strength of him.

Under the hands.

And the pain came.

"Aargh !."


As it penetrated his stomach, the blood exploded outward in an unusual way, as if a grenade had detonated inside him. Time seemed to stop as blood splattered the wall where the old torch resided, the little dancing flame erupting into a sea of ​​flames. In front of his eyes, a light flashed, and the sounds stopped, his senses were deactivated and the image in his eyes was distorted, similar to a black hole swallowing everything, the darkness claimed him.


Ancestral Catacomb, Itzamná. November 30, 2019.

Pain, David could tell he was used to this. After years of urban hunting, the accidents had not been without presenting themselves.

Broken bones, damaged muscles, even days in the hospital were things that went hand in hand with the trade. But right now, at this moment David was sure that all the previous experience had gone down a drain, the pain that ran through his body was more there than he had felt.

"Argh! Whore!." Screaming as he crawled across the ground like a dying worm David traveled a great distance.

Searching for air in his lungs desperately he knelt holding his stomach.

He expected to find blood or worse still the guts inside him hanging in a grotesque and rather disturbing image.

Strangely or fortunately, he didn't find anything unusual. Nervously she ran her hands over his body repeatedly, searching for something missing in him.

Finding nothing out of place he heaved a heavy sigh of relief.

"Thank God ... I'm complete."

Suddenly remembering where he was, she looked up.

"¡!." A small semi-circular chamber greeted him. Both the ceiling and the walls were made of a strange material that he could not identify, everything until the end was marked with ancient drawings that by definition represented the life of a person.

Just the person they were talking about was resting in the middle of the bedroom. A large tomb adorned with gold and jewels followed by a statue of what looked like a monk with a long face, dressed in cloth, and a necklace of large balls around his neck. For some reason, his face was painted green and the monk in question was sitting in a lotus position.

The most striking thing was the object that his hands were holding.

A kind of spherical formation marked with golden lines.

These lines glowed faintly in gold, almost causing a feeling of hypnotism the longer you look at it. "A monk? ... This is it." Cutting off his speech, David walked towards the tomb. "Fascinating, because of the state of the chamber and the amount of gold and jewels in this place, it should belong to someone of high rank within the Mayan civilization."

He was surprised to see large nuggets of pure gold, there were no coins or anything processed, everything was pure. Most likely taken from the earth of someplace, like jewelry or rather crafts all this could drive a person crazy on the outside if they found out.

Arriving in front of the tomb, he ran his hand over the plaque with the monk's name. "Zamná." Going into contemplation David remembered. "Zamná? Wasn't that monk who created the first Mayan city? I remember reading about him a priest and leader who guided a group of Mayans who came from present-day Quintana Roo through the jungle."

Bringing her hand to his chin she forced his brain to remember. "His destiny of him was always clear to him: he had to found a great city, and he did. Under his gaze, Chichén Itzá was built around the year 525, which, over time, would become one of the main political and religious centers of the entire region. Too

It was he who gave names to some of the emblematic places of the Yucatan Peninsula, but also, the legends affirm that he instructed his people in the cultivation of henequen and agave. Over the years, he became a god to her. With his new name, Itzamná, he was related to the face of the Sun, the rain, agriculture, and medicine."

No wonder he was known to her. This guy was practically the creator of the Mayan civilization itself, David gazed contemplatively at the monk's statue.

Smiling he replied. "So if it existed and was not a legend, this type of discovery would create waves in the Mexican nation if it were to go outside."

Then he looked from him to the spherical orb in his hands.

Of this he did not know anything, he did not remember records of something closely similar to this.

* Whispers *

Like the gusts of wind, those whispers came back louder. He now he could be sure that the voices were coming from this strange object. This was giving him a very peculiar feeling, whatever David might know that his life would change forever.

Many things could have gone wrong.

Many things had already gone very wrong.

But at this point, he already did not care. He was already in this place, he even already died to be able to enter, to withdraw at this time would be stupid.

After everything that had happened, he only had to move on.

Making the decision and hardening his heart.

David took the spherical orb.

And he closed his eyes.

The seconds began to run.

Followed by more minutes however he continued without anything happening. Whatever David hoped would happen didn't happen he didn't know what to expect in the first place. Looking sideways he let out a heavy sigh. "Then."

"That was all?."


How in answering his question the whole place started to shake.

Worried David looked around, the walls were beginning to jerk around. If a landslide occurs again, this time he will be dead with no chance of escape.

* Whispers * * whispers *

The orb in his hands likewise began to move, letting out strange whispers. Sensing that something was about to happen, followed by the eminent sense of danger that embraced him, David tried to release the orb, but unfortunately, it was a second too slow.

The patterns in it seemed to come to life. Rising into the air, like a long serpent they broke apart in the wind and attacked David's body, gliding and forcing his skin to mark with them, similar to putting molten iron on his skin a tearing scream left his throat. hard.

"Aargh !!" Falling to his knees, David's eyes turned white. The strange patterns moved through his skin leaving marks wherever they passed, while in front of him, appearing out of nowhere, a line was drawn in a straight way divided he spaced.

As if you will cut the air with a stay.

* Whispers * * whispers * * whispers *

The space within the catacomb was fractured. How the brittle glass, large white cobwebs expanded through the place, enclosing the kneeling David who was still screaming in despair at the pain, reality itself was destroyed around him, hundreds of colors mixed and forms erratically appeared together. one after another


A vortex drifted from the fracture line in front of him, across the room swallowing David in a wild tide-like blow.

Lost in pain, the last thing he saw was the image of what looked like a similar old man still vagabond smiling at him.


Multiverse UCM, Earth-19999 ?. August 17, 2005.

New York, Queens.

It was a calm rainy night, the cold weather hit the city with light drops falling from the sky between strong and deafening lightning.

The streets of the city were empty. The lights in the homes were on, the families enjoying a nice family moment as the black sky spiraled, anyone who could look up would see lightning gathering through the storm clouds.

Below this, a small house in which the lights were already off. The inhabitants of said residence rested without any concern until out of nowhere.

The accumulated lightning roared with inordinate fury, forcing the walls of homes in the area to tremble at its furious, crackling sound.

Hitting a few inches from the apartments, one particular boy who had his room close to impact was abruptly awakened.

"Argh! What the hell!?."

David opened his eyes, after the pain was finally over, when he tried to look around, all he could make out was a blurry view of a room.

The headache followed by this was of course nothing to be happy about. Kneeling she brought her hands to squeeze his head tightly, the buzzing in his ears screeching less loudly, he could almost make out the sound of something constantly falling.

Followed by sounds of something thundering in a fairly large echo.

"Shit ... That was a bad idea."

Breathing in and out repeatedly after a few long and very painful minutes he managed to get up.

The sound returned to normal as did the vision of him.

But now he was even more confused than before.

"... Now ... Where the hell am I?." A bedroom, I was in what appeared to be a teenager's bedroom. Strange pictures of what he would swear are scientific, an old computer falling apart on its own, David was honestly beginning to believe that he had lost his mind.

Standing up.

He started walking around the place.

A hallucination?

Or perhaps he had never stepped out of the rubble and all of this was nothing more than his imagination at work before he died.

He did not know.

He didn't know what the hell was going on and why the hell he was traveling from one place to another was increasingly rare.

He wanted to scream.

But he knew that this state of mind would not help him at all. With nothing else to do, he went into the bedroom bathroom, as if he were a well-oiled robot he turned on the tap and put his head in completely. The cold water cooled his tired mind as he closed his eyes, David reviewed everything he had lived through so far.

I wish they had never planned that hunt, he regrets not being able to spend more time with his friends.

All of them.

He didn't even know if they were alive.

He missed them.

The minutes ticked by before David lifted his head out of the water. He looked up looking for a bath towel to dry his hair, after a few seconds of searching he could not find anything, annoyed he opened his eyes in front of the mirror unfortunately how he had become customary, lately the only thing he found led him to another surprise.


He took a good look in the mirror.

He blinked several times.

And then I react.

"¡ !."

His eyes widened in a mixture of terror, amazement, and disbelief.

"W-what ..."

He took her cheeks with his hands and then moved them all over her face.

"W-what is ..."

David had been through a lot.

Various pretty strange things, from dying to traveling to strange places but at this moment he couldn't believe what was happening. And that's why he knew what he was seeing, yet he couldn't believe what he was seeing. His face, his body, damn it all was gone. In front of his eyes was the image of another person, he was another person, or he was in the body of another person and did not know what to believe.

And the worst thing about the dipper is that he was damn sure he knew the body that he was in.

"What the fuck!."

He screamed with all his might.

And then to finish off and hit the coup de grace his hands that had been recharged from the wash, as if they were not in that place, pierced the solid material.

His arms disappeared, even though he could still feel them, they were not. He couldn't grasp anything, in a chain reaction his entire body blinked away in spasms. His brown eyes were painted a deep green. And without any warning from between his lips, a strange whitish mist found its way to the sky.

David could no longer bear it.


He fell to the ground.

Among the unconsciousness, David saw an older woman of approximately 35 years running towards him worried.

Screaming what seemed like a name.


The endless darkness was beginning to recede.

The pain in his body completely evaporated.

David's eyelids began to move. Little by little his eyebrows fluttered, the sight of a strangely alien but at the same time so familiar ceiling puzzled him a bit. He still remembered what had happened before, he didn't like it but he had no choice.

Rational thoughts came to his mind leaving irrational feelings behind.

He knew this was not a dream.

Not even a hallucination.

This was happening, somehow the spherical orb had put him in a body that was not his. David as an urban hunter had been a man of culture, in more ways than one, he knew well and was well versed in both movie plots, anime, and video games.

He was a lover of these things.

The subject of reincarnation was not unknown to him. Even though of course this was supposed to be fiction it shouldn't be possible.

That is, what were the chances that this could exist. And even worse, that the only thing capable of turning fiction into reality was hidden in a grave.

Unless Zamná was reincarnated or transmigrant, there was no other way to explain it.

And honestly.

He was not going to make sense of such a long and difficult subject. Concentrating on the problem at hand. He seemed that he had undergone transmigration, to where he still did not know but this was an undeniable fact.

"Peter! You're awake, what a joy ... you have no idea how worried you were of me."

A woman's melodious voice snapped David out of his thoughts.

Turning his gaze he found a beautiful mature woman, approximately 35 or 37 years old, of medium height, long shapely legs accompanied by an hourglass waist. No marks of excess fat anywhere, big breasts proudly raised.

Her face was quite beautiful too, fine features full lips matching a small, upturned nose.

Brown eyes as well as her long wavy hair.

It wasn't the woman herself that took David's breath away. If not her name is hers, she came to her mind like lightning the moment hers her eyes fell on her. "T-Aunt May !?."

With a settling, he approached David and grabbed her hand. "Yes darling, what's up, are you okay?."

May Parker.

It was her full name.

Of all things.

Of all possible worlds.

It was this.

Now he knew where she was.

And he doesn't like me at all.


Creation is more difficult than it seems. If you like this story, do not forget to comment and leave your review, it is something important for the creators.

Chris_Mayocreators' thoughts
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