
6: What's up?

I blinked awake slowly, thankfully finding myself back in my room, and not a physco's van. I groaned as I sat up, rubbing my head. What the hell had happened?! Why couldn't I remember? Were my family and friends in danger? At that, I instantly stood, and stumbled out my door, finding Josh on the couch with my siblings. I sighed, then walked over, and tried to take Kairos from him-but my shoulder burst in pain and I set him back down in Josh's arms before I dropped him. I noticed a paper sitting on the counter, next to some water and a pill. I went over to it. "Kids were amazing, behaved pretty well. Sorry I fell asleep-I wanted to stay up so I could see you, but I was just very tired and it was nearly 5:00. Anyway, drink this, it'll help the pain. And dont do any lifting!!! Sincerely, Josh. I sighed, yet again, then took the pill, and went back to my bed. I didn't really have an idea of what to do, so I just stared at the ceiling, lost in my thoughts after writing this. Signing out for now, Ted.