An ordinary grey rabbit after gaining his soul rune find’s himself on the journey to be the apex predator in a world full of predators against his will. As he climbs to the top he discovers others like him from other races only more lucky, talented or hardworking so he uses any trick he can to climb higher. and learns more about the world Oneiros.
On a calm sunny evening, on a small hill near the edge of a swamp and a forest was a all grey rabbit with white paws and yellow eyes laying down cloud gazing enjoying a nice breeze.
Abruptly his ears twitched as he heard an idiot trying to stealthily jump scare him. He slowly and lazily got up and looked that way with his golden eyes as he said "hey karma what brings you here" an all dark green rabbit came out the bushes and spoke "dam that hearing of yours grey someday some bunny will get you by surprise."
"Fine~ your no fun anyways" he had messy fur and droopy ears with lime eyes. "Anyways~ I asked your mom and she said you can come over to my burrow for the awakening ceremony on moon years night. And before you say no we have our homemade pizza."
The moment he said pizza grey jumped up with drool coming down his walk off as he said "let's gooo" but karma asked "you not gonna say goodbye to your siblings and mom?" As grey looked back he saw his whole family all seven of them waving him good bye. He smiled and waved back.
With a smug look Karma said "No matter how indifferent you act or how much you say they annoy you, we all know you have a soft spot for them you refuse to admit." "Especially after you found out the crows messed with that blabber mouth brother of yours their beaks were bent or broken by stones the next day somehow. " he said with a knowing smile.
Grey looked off into the distance to see his family safely going inside their underground house, then looked around at village above ground was mainly farmlands while most of the homes were underground where it was safe from predators. And said "let's ask doni for a ride to the 14th burrow from the 11th to go faster before your fat ass eats all my family's blueberry crops."
While hoping the the swamp joking and playing around while the distant sounds of animals dying, mating and just being loud. After a while of talking the mostly safe paths they before what appeared to them as an all White House floating above the treetops. " I believe that he call this thing a laboratory. Whatever that means." Grey said as they both took a deep breath and yelled "Demigod of creation and illusion, the prince of all pranks we seek an audience with thee."
A few seconds went by before a pair of green eyes appeared behind them and a large white owl emerged from behind them. As the two young bunnies turned around they greeted him with a bow.
" Well~ if it isn't my two favorite young tricksters, I hope you haven't come to eat all my food again but to help with my next prank." Grey laughed nervously and stated "unfortunately we can't mess with your pet hoomans because we have our awakening ceremony coming soon and need a ride to the 14th burrows." Then grey gave karma THE look; he nodded and the both gave their puppy dog eyes to get him to agree.
Doni the demigod looked at them for a few seconds before sighing "First off they are not my pets but friends. Second they are called humans and soon you will know the joys of human stupidity and creativity. And third since it is you younglings big Day I will help. Remember this though awakening is just the start. The path ahead is a wide one and not every path is for you to follow."
"Bla bla bla save the old people talk for old people; I will follow the easiest path and lead a good long life full of joy and food. I only care about enjoying myself and just making it to the next day" grey shouted whilst karma just laughed nervously
" ~sigh~ your lucky I like future tricksters." Doni said as he lifted his wing and from the ground the nearby mud clumped together in a grotesque and odd manner formed a clay owl puppet.
"With the power of creation at my side I can take you to the ceremony by morning while I work on my next prank here. And good luck at tomorrow night awakening ceremony." The big owl said before disappearing like a ghost.
Karma already sitting on the puppet said "Hop on and let's go before we miss dinner cause I am hungry" grey hoped on with a smile as he said do you think if we raid other demigods food storage they will be nice to us." Whilst the puppet took off flying Karan shook his head "Other demigods would probably have eaten us instead, but that owl is a gentle soul who acts evil on the outside especially when he is pranking some bunny. But the main reason he probably likes us is because you two have similar personalities."
"Nope I don't see it." Grey stated as he got comfortable to enjoy the ride. Kama gave him a judging eye saying "Sure you don't… anyway how is your friend winter blueberry is she ~you know~ seeing some bunny."
With a cheeky smile grey said "you know if you want to get to know her you should try talking to her. And remember this advice is coming from someone who doesn't talk much with other folk unless I know them." They both started joking back and forth while talking about random things for the rest of the ride.
After a few hours passed the moon was slowly rising and the could see it a small rabbit village surrounded by mushrooms and cranberries with a lot of burrows leading underground where the real village was. Only visible due to the glowing moss all around illuminating the path a beautiful blue hue while also keeping predators away.
As they landed the clay puppet melted and became one with nature again. They started hopping into the village two rabbits in dark green leather armor that seemed to be made from gator skin protecting northern entrance stopped them. After verifying who it was they went the burrow to karma's home.