
Rune Possessor

Growing up with a loving family, Yasuo was enjoying a normal life. However, one day the world changed. The thing that was portrayed in numerous manga series became reality. Interdimensional portals started appearing on earth and monsters came out of them, taking the lives of many people. The lives of Yasuo's parents were also taken on that day. Luckily there was still hope for humanity as a phenomenon happened, known as [God’s Gift], which gave powers to humanity and [awakened] them to fight back the monsters. Having also gained the [Gift] in this phenomenon, Yasuo swears to take revenge for his parents, but this isn't as easy as it sounds. Even though he has the [Gift], he just can’t [awaken]. Desperately trying to gain power, his determination is rewarded and he even got more than he could have wished for. Follow Yasuo on his journey to take revenge for his parents and make an enemy out of every single monster that tries to harm humanity. *** Other novel - Senseless life

unfadable · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
37 Chs


'Yes! It is the same as stage two of the evaluation.' Yasuo and Nari both thought as they saw the environment change into a forest with three grey wolves spawning in front of them.

"Yasuo get ready! Start with plan A!" Yelled Nari, not wanting the wolves to have the chance to prepare.

As they had thoroughly discussed strategies to fight grey wolves, Yasuo knew exactly what he had to do when Nari said plan A, and with no hesitation Yasuo immediately dashed towards the grey wolves in a straight line.

In return, all three grey wolves started running towards Yasuo, as they had confidence in facing a human three on one.

The distance between them was soon closed and Yasuo was only one step away from the front leading wolf.

"Yasuo now!!" Nari Yelled.

Yasuo smiled, having waited in anticipation for Nari to give him the command, and immediately reacted by dashing towards the side.

*Woosh* Not a second later from when Yasuo dodged to the side, an arrow could be heard whistling by, hitting the wolf in its opened mouth, who was ready to bite Yasuo.

'The plan is not done yet!' Yasuo excitedly thought, seeing the first step of the plan having worked flawlessly.

With the momentum of Nari's attack, the other wolves were distracted for a split second, which was enough time for Yasuo to get a swift attack in on the wolf to the right of him, the direction he dodged towards to avoid Nari's arrow.

"It worked Nari!" Yasuo excitedly said, looking back at Nari.

Nari smiled when she saw Yasuo so excited, but as he had once again lost focus while a monster was still alive, Nari was stern with Yasuo: "Not now Yasuo, you can be happy when all monsters are defeated!."

As there was only one grey wolf left, Yasuo alone was enough to face it. And in under a few seconds, the last wolf was easily defeated, as Yasuo had build up enough experience in the evaluation test to comfortably fight lone grey wolves.

~Level 31 clear. Level 32, starting in 60 seconds~

Immediately when Yasuo defeated the last wolf, he looked back at Nari, but didn't say anything.

Seeing this, made Nari let out a sigh. "Okay, you can be happy now." She said with a joyful expression on her face.

"That was an amazing plan Nari! Grey wolves have a high reaction speed so ranged attack usually don't work on them, but by using me to create a blind spot so that the wolves won't have enough time to react is so smart." Said Yasuo as he was rambling, because he was just so excited to finally experience his first real teamwork with Nari.

"Well, I only came up with the idea because you told me how you fought the wolves at the evaluation test. And don't forget that I couldn't have done this if it wasn't for you putting your full trust in me while I practically shoot an arrow at you and tell you to dodge just in time, haha." Nari said with a pleased expression on her face, who also never really had a teammate she could count on this much.

Nari had been in different portal clearing groups many times, but she never really felt part of the team. With the groups being organized by her mother, Hana Lee, it were all professional hunters that acted more like bodyguards for her, rather than teammates.

~Level 32, starting~

When they saw the notification that the new round begun pop up, they immediately regained their focus again.

This time five grey wolves spawned in.

Yasuo looked back at Nari with a smile on his face and asked: "Plan A again?"

Nari smirked. "Why not, let's do this!"

With a strange sense of security, Yasuo started rushing straight towards the wolves again. Having full faith in Nari, Yasuo could leave his back completely exposed to her, only having to worry about the enemy on front of him.

Yasuo was waiting once again for Nari's signal, and there it suddenly was. "Yasuo, now!"

Like a sense of déjà vu, the plan went exactly like last time. Nari's arrow pierced the wolf though its mouth, instantly defeating it, and Yasuo took this chance once again to take the wolf to his right down.

'Two wolves are down, three to go!'

The exact moment Yasuo thought this, he could hear another arrow whistling passed him, striking a wolf in its chest.

"Wow, two left now." Yasuo accidentally said out loud, from being amazed.

"Use this momentum Yasuo!" Nari Yelled from the back, snapping Yasuo back into action.

There were only two wolves left, the two outermost wolves. 'Perfect' Yasuo thought as he could fight the wolves one on one.

Nari having created the one on one scenario for Yasuo, he could make short meat from both wolves.

~Level 32 clear. Level 33, starting in 60 seconds~

Level 32 was cleared in less than a minute, without much problems because of the perfect synergy between Yasuo and Nari.

With plan A going so smoothly, they decided to use it again for the next round. And again, without much problems, they had defeated all the wolves of round 33, all seven wolves without being injured in the slightest and even not having to use any mana at all.

~Level 33 clear. Level 34, starting in 60 seconds~

With this only being the first day that Nari and Yasuo fought together, they were very pleased with their dynamic, both feeling like they were a perfect match for each other.

~Level 34, starting~

The environment started to change drastically, and Yasuo and Nari found themselves in the middle of the red desert. In front of them spawned three giant scorpions.

"Me first! I pick the right one!" Yasuo immediately said.

"Okay, I will go second. And… I will pick the left scorpion." Nari replied.

When Yasuo and Nari were discussing a combat strategy against the giant scorpions, they soon found out that both of them had no problem whatsoever against the monster from this stage. The strengths of the giant scorpion are close combat, poison, and a high defence.

But with strengths, also come weaknesses, and the giant scorpion's weakness were ranged attack. Giant scorpion's don't have enough time to react to ranged attacks because of their bad eyesight, and they don't take the initiative to attack.

With Yasuo and Nari both having ranged attacks, they didn't see the giant scorpions as a threat at all. They even were talking about them like they were living targets, which could be good to showcase their attacks.

With Yasuo excited to show his ice spear rune skill to Nari, he quickly raised his hand and pointed it towards the giant scorpion on the right side.

"[Ice spear]"

Upon saying this, the ice spear started to form, and within a few seconds it was completed and shot out towards the scorpion, perfectly piercing it through its hard skull.

Full of anticipation Yasuo looked at Nari to see what she thought of Yasuo's ice spear, which he was so proud of.

"Wow, that was good." Said Nari genuinely, which made Yasuo happy.

"But watch this a real ranged awakened at play, Yasuo." Said Nari half-jokingly.

Drawing an arrow back on her bow, "[Fire arrow]", the arrow got engulfed into red hot flames. As Nari released her grip on the arrow, it shot out with an incredible speed, piercing trough the skull of the scorpion, going all the way through it before finally being stopped in the sand. But as if that wasn't enough, the scorpion lit ablaze from the fire attack.

"…wow… So that is a ranged attackers power." Yasuo said full of amazement.

"Did you like it?" Nari asked with a hint of arrogancy.

Yasuo's eyes lit up. "Did I like it? That was amazing. My ice spear was nothing compared to that." Said Yasuo, being happy that he formed a group with someone so strong.

"I'm glad you think so, as that was one of my strongest attacks. And it uses a lot of mana… So, from now on I will use something a little weaker to deal with the giant scorpions." Said Nari with a serious look on her face, which made both Yasuo and Nari laugh.

With the scorpions acting like perfect living targets, and nothing more, Yasuo and Nari easily managed to defeat every scorpion in a single attack.

~Level 34 clear. Level 35, starting in 60 seconds~

~Level 35 clear. Level 36, starting in 60 seconds~

~Level 36 clear. Level 37, starting in 60 seconds~

With round 36 being cleared, Nari got a serious expression again. "Okay Yasuo, from her on out we need our complete focus again, understand?"

Seeing Nari become serious again made Yasuo also get focussed again. "Yes! Let's be serious again and go with plan C as we discussed."

"Sounds good to me. That will be perfect for those fat trolls." Nari said in response.

~Level 37, starting~