
Rune Possessor

Growing up with a loving family, Yasuo was enjoying a normal life. However, one day the world changed. The thing that was portrayed in numerous manga series became reality. Interdimensional portals started appearing on earth and monsters came out of them, taking the lives of many people. The lives of Yasuo's parents were also taken on that day. Luckily there was still hope for humanity as a phenomenon happened, known as [God’s Gift], which gave powers to humanity and [awakened] them to fight back the monsters. Having also gained the [Gift] in this phenomenon, Yasuo swears to take revenge for his parents, but this isn't as easy as it sounds. Even though he has the [Gift], he just can’t [awaken]. Desperately trying to gain power, his determination is rewarded and he even got more than he could have wished for. Follow Yasuo on his journey to take revenge for his parents and make an enemy out of every single monster that tries to harm humanity. *** Other novel - Senseless life

unfadable · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Recruitment plan

A new day had come, and Yasuo was full of enthusiasm to find potential members for his portal clearing group.

As Yasuo had thought of a plan yesterday, he had woken up early and shot straight into action. 'First destination, the cafeteria!'

In Yasuo's words, he was going to stalk people from the top ten ranking. Knowing that the first lectures would start at nine in the morning, Yasuo had planned to begin his stalking before classes even began. With the cafeteria opening at six in the morning, he would have three hours there to observe the top ten students.

At exactly six in the morning, Yasuo had arrived at the cafeteria and sat down in his usual spot, waiting for students to arrive. As it was still early, Yasuo had to wait a while for students to start coming in, so he went over his plan once again.

'Okay. Today I am going to observe all the people from the top ten to scout someone for a portal clearing group. While observing I will need to mainly figure out two things: the type of awakener class and personality of the person.'

It was a simple plan, so Yasuo didn't really have to prepare anything, which made the time go by very slowly, waiting for people from the top ten to arrive…

Yasuo was getting bored of waiting, but then a person from the top ten suddenly arrived. Looking at his badge, Yasuo could quickly confirm that it was the fifth ranking student. 'Yes, finally! Student number five.' Full of anticipation Yasuo began observing every little detail from that person, from the way they talk, how they treat the cafeteria staff and all their mannerisms.

Unfortunately, Yasuo quickly got a reality check. 'How am I going to find out someone's personality from this…'

Yasuo couldn't really make out anything useful from student number five ordering food and eating it. Yasuo's expression turned a little somber, but his it immediately brightened when he saw two other students walking inside the cafeteria. It were the third and seventh ranking students.

Full of hope, Yasuo began observing them. But once again, Yasuo couldn't really tell much from this. 'It was dumb of me to think that I could find out a person's personality in the cafeteria.' Yasuo thought, as his plan clearly wasn't going the way he expected.

Having given up hope for the first stage of his plan, Yasuo decided to just eat his breakfast. 'I let my food get cold for nothing.' Yasuo thought while feeling disappointed. But as he took a bite from his breakfast, a smile quickly formed on his face. 'I knew that the breakfast would never disappoint me!'

As Yasuo was quietly enjoying his breakfast, waiting for classes to start so that he could begin the second stage of his stalking, a commotion could be heard forming behind him.

"Why is it taking so long?" Someone yelled.

As Yasuo looked back to see what the commotion was all about, he saw three familiar faces. It were the three people from the top ten ranking, who were demanding people to get out of their seats at the introductory lessons yesterday.

Yasuo hadn't paid much attention to them yesterday as they were technically in the right. But now they were obviously being rude to the cafeteria staff.

"We have already been waiting here for over two minutes, are you going to hurry it up, or what?"

'ugh, obnoxious.' Yasuo thought, while looking at them with disdain.

Weirdly Yasuo's expression suddenly brightened as he thought of something. 'Wait! They are all three people from the top ten ranking. Number two, five and nine. That means that stage one of my plan did work. I can cross these people with bad personalities off the list of potential people I want to create a portal clearing group with!' Yasuo thought about this excitedly as he felt like he hadn't wasted his morning and that made some progress.

Out of his excitement, Yasuo forgot one crucial thing. 'Wait, this isn't positive. Now I have three less people to choose from… So, there are only six people to choose from now…'

While Yasuo had been thinking about all of this, the commotion had already been resolved. Having lost three out of the nine people to team up with, it began looking a little less likely for Yasuo to create a group, but Yasuo still had hope in humanity and thought positively about the six remaining students.

Other than the three people that Yasuo had crossed off his list, only three other people from the top ten had entered the cafeteria, and luckily Yasuo didn't notice anything negative about them.

With Yasuo having arrived at the cafeteria at the earliest time possible, he was expecting to encounter everyone from the top ten.

But now, with only ten minutes before lectures would begin, there was still no sight of four students from the top ten. Yasuo found this strange, but soon thought of a reasonable explanation. 'Oh, right. All students from the top ten have a kitchen in their bungalow.'

Thinking that probably no other students from the top ten would be arriving at the cafeteria anymore, Yasuo headed towards the lecture halls to start the next stage of his plan. His goal for stage two was to find out what type of awakeners the students were, from following them to their lectures.

Yasuo's reasoning was: 'If someone went to a sword wielding lecture, they are probably an awakened swordsman.' This logic was sound, and seemed fool proof, so Yasuo was full of confidence.

With his notebook in hand, Yasuo went by all the lecture halls and noted down which classes the top students had gone to. Having started searching for people from the top ten in the lecture halls only five minutes before the first lectures would begin, Yasuo had surprisingly managed to locate all nine students in only a few minutes.

'That was easy…' Yasuo thought to himself, being surprised that he had been able to find all students in such a short amount of time and having roughly figured out what type of awakener the students from the top ten were.

Having thought that this step alone would cost him the whole day, Yasuo hadn't planned ahead this far yet.

<The first lectures of the day will start in one minute>

Panicked from the loud announcement, Yasuo quickly went into the lecture hall in front of him and sat down a few seats behind a person from the top ten.

Looking at this person, Yasuo remembered that he had seen this person before. 'Oh, right. She is the red haired woman I locked eyes with when I exited the evaluation hall.' As Yasuo had seen that she was the number four ranking students, he really wanted to have her on his team.

Her awakener type was also compatible with Yasuo. The lecture he was attending was a theoretical archery class, which meant that she was an awakener related to archery. With Yasuo mainly fighting in close combat, a ranged awakened would be a fantastic asset to the team.

The lecture started, but for obvious reasons Yasuo wasn't interested in the lecture, so he began to observe the red haired girl to find out her personality.

The first impression of her was positive as she had sat down in a normal seat instead of a 'privileged' seat for the top ten. As Yasuo kept observing her, only positive things could be seen.

She was attentive and diligent during the lecture, being one of the few students who was taking notes and she was even asking questions to the teacher.

At this point, Yasuo had gained a pretty good understanding of the personality from the red haired girl. 'For now she is my number one pick!'

Even though Yasuo had enough information to gauge her personality, he continued observing her for the whole duration of the class, simply because he didn't have anything better to do.

"Okay class, that is everything for the lecture today."

As the teacher ended the class, Yasuo looked surprised. 'Have two hours already passed?'

As Yasuo could hardly believe this, he quickly took out his phone and looked at the time. 'Wow, it is already eleven o'clock. Time really flew by for some reason.'

Suddenly, Yasuo heard the voice of a woman directly beside him, which startled him.

"What are you doing?" The womanly voice said.

Looking up from his phone, he saw the red haired girl he had been observing in front of him and got flustered. "oH, I-I was looking at my phone." Yasuo stuttered as he responded quickly. 'She can't possibly have known I was observing her, right?' Yasuo thought, trying to reassure himself.

The girl slightly frowned when Yasuo gave her that answer. "You know I wasn't asking about that. Why were you staring at me the whole class?"

"How did you know?" Yasuo said, accidentally saying his thoughts out loud, which made him turn red from embarrassment. Thinking that the girl would be mad, Yasuo didn't dare look at her.

But Yasuo heard her giggle for some reason. "You aren't supposed to admit something like that so easily, you know? Okay, because you were so honest I will answer you. I knew you were staring at me because of my womanly instincts."

Yasuo was confused by what womanly instincts even mean. 'Is that even a real thing?' Yasuo thought, with a puzzled expression on his face.

While Yasuo was still thinking about what womanly instincts were, the girl started talking to him again. "Now that I have answered your question, you also have to answer my question. Were you staring at me because you like me?"

With a straight face Yasuo replied: "Yes."