
Rune Possessor

Growing up with a loving family, Yasuo was enjoying a normal life. However, one day the world changed. The thing that was portrayed in numerous manga series became reality. Interdimensional portals started appearing on earth and monsters came out of them, taking the lives of many people. The lives of Yasuo's parents were also taken on that day. Luckily there was still hope for humanity as a phenomenon happened, known as [God’s Gift], which gave powers to humanity and [awakened] them to fight back the monsters. Having also gained the [Gift] in this phenomenon, Yasuo swears to take revenge for his parents, but this isn't as easy as it sounds. Even though he has the [Gift], he just can’t [awaken]. Desperately trying to gain power, his determination is rewarded and he even got more than he could have wished for. Follow Yasuo on his journey to take revenge for his parents and make an enemy out of every single monster that tries to harm humanity. *** Other novel - Senseless life

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37 Chs

Awakener ID

Yasuo chose to fight six goblins because he thought that it would probably be around the minimum requirement to get an awakener license.

Having heard this, the lady looked surprised for a second.

'Choosing to fight six goblins… Surely he is choosing something above his capabilities knowing that it is augmented reality. Fighting one goblin would have been enough.' The lady thought, putting a smile on her face.

"Yes, I like it. Get ready, I will now spawn in the six goblins." She said, giving one last reminder that it was augmented reality and that it couldn't injure him.

Yasuo put his guard up and six goblins started to appear in front of him. Yasuo was shocked at how real they looked, but quickly regained his concentration.

Assessing the situation, there were six goblins in total. Two of them were unarmed, three of them had a short sword and one of them had a bow.

From his actual experience in fighting goblins, Yasuo formulated a plan in his head.

Before giving the goblins a chance to group up, Yasuo sprinted towards the goblins trying to catch them by surprise. Unlike in the forest, the goblins could already see Yasuo, but because of the quick action from Yasuo, the goblins didn't have enough time to put up their guard.

Now within reach of the goblins, Yasuo attacked. With the first [slash], Yasuo took out the archer, which would be the hardest to deal with in a group of goblins if left alive.

Without wasting a second, Yasuo targeted the next goblin, [slash]. Using the momentum of his first attack, Yasuo swung his dagger in a continuous flowing motion, decapitating the second goblin, who was armed with a short sword.

With this attack being so fast, the goblins still hadn't fully put up their guard. Taking advantage of this, Yasuo targets the goblin closest to him. Locking his eyes on the goblin, Yasuo changes his grip of his dagger.

With the blade now facing down, Yasuo stretches out his arm while turning, [stab]. With his back turned towards the goblin, the dagger had pierced its heart. Quickly taking it out before lunging away from the goblins, creating distance between them.

Yasuo had quickly taken out three goblins before they could react and had now created a three versus one scenario against one unarmed goblin and two goblins with a short sword.

Yasuo first had his doubts about facing six goblins as he had only fought groups of five goblins at most, while having an advantage by sneaking up on them in the forest.

'Okay, I can do this.' Is what Yasuo thought, now having created a three-versus-one situation, which he was confident about.

With a calm demeanour, Yasuo took down the three goblins that were left over without much of a problem because he had faced groups of goblins numerous times before.

Having defeated the goblins, the test was over.

During the fight, the lady watched him in awe. Up until this point all the other awakeners who wanted to become registered anonymously were relatively weak and rough. But Yasuo showed composure, decision making and expertise as if he had fought numerous goblins before.

Not showing Yasuo any expression when he finished, she quickly continued explaining the next test.

Following the practical combat test, there was one more test left which tested for agility and evasiveness.

For this test Yasuo had to enter a room which shot out tennis balls that he had to evade. Early on it wasn't so difficult to evade them as the tennis balls were only shot out one at a time.

Making use of his agility, Yasuo managed to avoid them pretty easily. But once more balls were added, Yasuo quickly got hit.

Yasuo was disappointed in himself for not doing well on this test and was afraid of possibly not getting his awakener registration because of the poor performance.

Never really having trained for this and also not having encountered a situation where he had to dodge something, Yasuo overlooked the importance of evading. Having realized this, Yasuo immediately added this to his training schedule from now on.

"You have completed all tests. I will put in this data in the system and will prepare your awakener ID. This might take a few minutes, so I will guide you back to the room first."

Hearing that he would get his awakener ID, Yasuo became ecstatic. "Yes, thank you."

Full of anticipation, Yasuo waited in the room for a few minutes until the same lady came back in with an ID in her hand.

Yasuo immediately started eyeing the ID, but he wasn't given it.

The lady sat down in front of him. "There are a few minor things left to do before I can give you your ID. First of all, which name do you want the ID to be under?"

Yasuo had never been good at naming things and didn't know what to say. "Can't you leave it blank, because it is an anonymous ID?"

Having misunderstood this, the lady wrote down the name 'Blank'.

Yasuo saw this and chuckled.

Having heard Yasuo chuckle, the lady looked up. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing is wrong." Yasuo replied, not really wanting to correct her and come up with a name.

"Next is your class. Is it [Dagger wielder] or something else?"

[Dagger wielder] is the most common dagger class. Not wanting to rise any suspicions about his actual class, Yasuo said that [Dagger wielder] was indeed his class.

"Perfect, there is only one thing left to do. I will need your fingerprint to complete the ID."

Yasuo was hesitant about giving his fingerprint as he thought that would give away his identity.

"Wasn't this registration completely anonymous?" Yasuo asked.

The lady replied professionally. "That is right. Your fingerprint is only needed to check if you are a criminal or not and it is needed for entering portals. If you don't have a criminal record, your fingerprint shouldn't be in the system, so it would still be anonymous."

What the lady said was logical, so Yasuo complied and gave his fingerprint.

Having completed this step, the awakener ID was finally complete. Having received it, Yasuo stares at it in admiration.

The lady having seen this, she thought that Yasuo wasn't happy about his rank. "I am sorry that you only got F-rank. If it weren't for the last test, you would have gotten E-rank." She said.

Yasuo hadn't even considered the possibility of him getting a rank higher than F-rank, so hearing her say that he nearly got an E-rank made him happy.

'Technically I could have used my barrier skill on the last test to reflect all the tennis balls, but that would have made me stand out too much and might have revealed the rune on my forearm. Does that mean that with my full abilities I am an E-rank?'

Finally having received his ID, Yasuo didn't go home to celebrate. Instead he immediately entered through the front entrance of the National Awakener Bureau and began standing in the line of the help desk, wanting to clear a portal as soon as possible.

With butterflies in his stomach, Yasuo waited in line. Being happy thinking about the fact that he could now legally go into portals, which would significantly speed up the time it would take to defeat 5.000 goblins.

After a few minutes of waiting, Yasuo was finally first in line.

"Next person please."

Walking up to the help desk, Yasuo politely asked how he could enter portals with an awakener ID.

The person at the help desk explained that there is an app for awakeners, which they can bound to their awakener ID. In this app, all the portals in the area could be seen on a map. From there, you could click on a portal you wanted to clear and reserve it.

Once someone had reserved a portal, the portal wouldn't be visible for other awakeners anymore. But if a portal that you reserved isn't cleared within 24 hours, a rescue team will have to come and it could possibly lead to a penalty.

Having heard this explanation, it was pretty clear on what to do. The person at the help desk helped Yasuo download and bind his awakener ID in the app, which meant that he could now start clearing portals legally.

Looking at the map of portals in the app, Yasuo was surprised by the big amount of portals there were. It looked like it was an impossibly high amount of portals, but as he was looking he saw the portal count slowly going down, which meant that people were reserving and clearing them at a higher rate than the portals could spawn.

Seeing this number go down, Yasuo became excited and quickly reserved an F-rank portal that was close by.

Going there immediately after having reserved it, it didn't take long for Yasuo to arrive at the portal.

Usually most portals are guarded by people of the association and there is always someone on standby, but because so many portals were spawning, only the higher ranked ones had people on standby.

For Yasuo this wasn't a problem and he even preferred it. Now standing in front of the portal, he only had to scan his fingerprint on his phone for verification of having entered.

Having done that, Yasuo put his phone down on the ground and finally legally entered a portal for the first time.