
Chapter 38

◇New World, Zou◇

◆7 days before the arrival of Luffy's group◆

Nami and the others who are on ship silently followed the Vivre card that Law gave them.

And after sailing for quite some time, They found the gigantic elephant.

(a/n: Nami and the others reached Zou in one day while the others took 1 week to reach Zou.)

They used Caesar's flying ability to go up towards the back of Zou. Once they got there, The Curly hats pirate entered the Momoko Dukedom and noticed the ruins.

The group slowly traverses the strange place.

And so, Chopper discovered the existence of the gas lingering in the city.

Of course, the Gas bastard proudly told everyone that it is his product. Chopper and Sanji immediately coerce him to neutralize the gas.

But before it happened, The Minks have discovered them!

They have just experienced something bad recently and didn't trust any Invaders!

So, The musketeer squad initiated a battle with the Curly pirates!

Shortly after, The misunderstanding is resolved and Wanda, a musketeer, happily brought them to their base.

Nami and the others walked until they saw a burning blue feather in a fence.

"What is that thing?" (Sanji)

"Ah... That? It is a feather of Marco. He had to strap some of his feathers to stop the gas from coming inside the treatment center." (Wanda)

"Impossible! Nothing can stop my weapon!" (Caesar)

"Shut up!!" (Chopper)

Yes, Chopper is hot-headed since along the way, He noticed some weak musketeers and civilians who had breathed a small amount of gas.

He told Wanda that he would make an antidote and the dog mink brought them to the facility that takes care of those who are sick because of the gas.

◆Zou, Treatment Center◆

Marco has proven himself a good doctor.

Koro, the gas weapon, is said to kill people in two days after inhaling it. Since the gas weapon was used earlier than the normal plot, It was quite worrying since the Curly hats group arrived in 3 days.

Sadly, He can't beat the gas! All he can do is to relieve the patients and stops the spreading of sick people.

Many have breathed the gas including the leaders of this Dukedom. If there's no cure, Then 65% of the Mink tribe would die sooner or later.

Fortunately, The Lady luck didn't abandon them.

"Marco! The Straw hats have arrived, They want to help with creating an antidote." (Wanda)

Marco with his doctor coat met the Curly hats. What good timing! Marco quickly went to them.

"Welcome~yoi! Then let's get right into it!" (Marco)

"Yes! I need this and that..." (Chopper)

"Shuroro~ You've done well, suppressing my gas weapon. Why don't you work for me from now on." (Caesar)

"Shut up!! You're helping us! Okay!!" (Chopper)

And so, With the help of the creator of the gas weapon. In just a few hours they made it and administered it to all the sick mink people in the Dukedom.

In the meantime, Sanji cooked some porridge, Brook sang a song, Nami and Jimbei are there for emotional support.

◆The next few days◆

After experiencing the word Garuchu~, Sanji's in cloud nine. But it didn't last long since the plot is now catching up to him.

Sanji's group encountered Big Mom's subordinates. As for how and why? It's because they wanted to get Caesar for the continuation of the project that Charlotte Linlin wants.

Sanji wanted to battle them but he was surprised that he was betrothed to someone by his father.

Jimbei was also given a choice to marry a shark mermaid called Charlotte Praline.

Since Jimbei is here, Capone 'Gang' Bege couldn't make a daring move. He wanted to take the woman and the Tanuki as his hostage.

If he really did it, then surely he'll be hunted right away!

And so, a tense but peaceful parley happened.

◇New World, Zou◇

◆Present Time◆

"Eeeeeh?! Sanji's marriage?!" (Luffy)

"That's right, the problem is the family of the bride to be. The truth is, Big mom, has also arranged a wedding for me." (Jimbei)

"You too?!" (Usopp)

The Straw hats had reunited. All of them are together except for Sanji.

The pirates are now discussing what to do and will head to the temporary base of the Mink people.

◇New World, Gran Tesoro◇

◆Shikage's POV◆


I am... awake~

I slowly left the golden bed and heads to the bathroom to wash my face.

It really is comforting, this room of mine. I even felt bad taking it away from Tesoro.

But I don't regret it. He's beyond saving anyway.

While I'm getting ready, I better recap what I have done in this past few days of taking over this city-ship.

We have been getting prepared for the war. I have already sent them all the gold and money we had gathered. So my part is already done.

Since I can instantly travel there anyways they have agreed to let me move freely. Ace was clearly envious of because he's actually the one who is busiest in the preparation.

All the hunters that will participate are only volunteers or people who have confidence in their skills. This would be a major operation so performing well here can boost their reputation.

Kuzan is, unexpectedly, the most active at organizing these hunters.

Well, he's a former Admiral so he does have experience in handling this kind of gathering.

So, That was what I had been doing aside from living a luxurious life here in Gran Tesoro.

Oh, By the way. I've already talked with the CP-0 who arranged a meeting with me.

We had a deal regarding my rise of position in this city-ship. I have claim ownership but they wanted me to do something like Tesoro did. Which I immediately refused. I may be a selfish person but I do have a limit. Slavery isn't my thing. But it's different if they're dead.

I don't mind them serving me for the rest of their 2nd life.

Just as I went to my temporary office in Gran Tesoro, my secretary knocks at my door and reported a situation.

"Guildmaster! You have a call from Marco!"

This secretary is dependable as always, She took a lot of workload at making this city-ship become our new headquarters in the New World. I am the same as her, busy with paperwork.

"I see, Thanks Kalifa. Please send it to my line." (Shikage)

The blonde woman nodded and left.

It may be weird saying this but I'm famous. I have received plenty of transponder snail calls from people requesting aid, making requests for hunting, to be in a relationship with me, and also people who wanted me to hire them while treating them differently.

So, my calls were naturally directed to my information center where Kalifa is the head division.

And only important calls that matter were reported and then I'll receive that call. The exception is Nami as she can call me directly.

Just a few minutes after Kalifa left, my personal transponder snail rang and I answered it.


"Shika? How come it is hard to contact you? Anyways, Strawhat is here~yoi. Didn't you want to be notified after I called you when Zou was saved?" (Marco)

"Ah! right. Thank you Marco. I'll be going there soon after I finished signing things. I'll be quick!" (Shikage)

It's time to meet the Straw hats. Then I opened the desk in front of me and took out an invitation.

An invitation to a tea party and also a wedding ceremony.

The bride-to-be is Charlotte Pudding while the groom-to-be is Vinsmoke Sanji.

Yes, I got an invitation but it's not from Big Mom, It is from the Vinsmoke family.

They are what you can call a frienemy. Our Organization relationship is also weird.

You see, The bounty hunters are monopolizing the bounty system. The main competitor of my Guild is the organization that Buggy created. The mercenaries! And the German 66 works the same as Buggy and we did clash at times and work together.

If a country employs the German 66 while also hiring us to hunt their enemy, Then we will work together with those warmongers.

And if the people who we are hunting has employed them, then sometimes we and the German 66 would clash.

Bounty hunters and Mercenaries have always struggled to be the ones to be requested.

So far, I'm dominating the industry and that's how I've earned the respect of Vinsmoke Judge.

(a/n: It kinda makes sense right? hope so!)

(Oops, I better get dressed! I want to make my girlfriend proud at seeing me!) (Shikage)

And so, I decided to be handsomely dressed. Lucky for me, Tesoro has all sorts of clothes. Oh my, Now I'm feeling bad at taking all his things. Well, Never mind!

◇Deep inside the whale forest◇

"I'm more worried about you-gara, Nico Robin. All the big names that have poneglyph will do anything to kidnap you." (Neko)

The cat monster has guided the Straw hats to the Road poneglyph.

Robin simply replied to Nekomamushi that she has strong Nakamas that will protect her.

Making others blushed and happy to be relied on.

Marco saw it all and smiles, He kinda misses this kind of bond during his time of Piracy. Although he's a bounty hunter now, these pirates has saved them a week ago. Therefore, he wouldn't try to hunt the younger brother of Ace.

The group of people there continues to converse.

Then suddenly, a corpse came downstairs and met them.

"Hiyaaaah! What is that thing?!" (Usopp)

"is it an enemy?!" (Zoro)

Only a few people had recognized the corpse.

It is the two leaders of the Dukedom, Marco, Law, Robin, and Nami.

"Hey, Kitty? That thing, Is it what I think it is?" (Nami)

"That's right-gara, It's a Draugr." (Nekomamushi)

"Draugr, the race that Guildmaster Shikage created? What is that thing doing here?" (Robin)

"I called him. He wants to talk to you all~yoi." (Marco)

The name Shikage has alerted them in a good way.

They all waited until the Draugr's shadow expanded and a young man with a cool outfit emerge from it.

(a/n: Image)

"Yahallo~!" (Shikage)

As per usual, The move that Shikage did is still unnatural. Imagine a person rising from the shadows, So it's normal to be surprised.

◇Shikage's POV◇

Damn it! My greeting didn't lighten the mood. Fair enough, their situation is grim right now.

Anyways, I better do something about this atmosphere.


"Shikaaaa~! 💕" (Nami)

Nami with her daring outfit made by the minks jumped to my arms and planted a light kiss on my lips.

Uh, Not what I had in mind... Also, it's a different way to lighten up the mood.

You know what, I don't care anymore. After the kiss, I hold her tightly and looked at the people around us.

Usopp's face is like teasing us. Good for you bud to have a childhood sweetheart.

Luffy's indifferent as always when it comes to this kind of stuff.

Chopper is daydreaming about something. It's too early for you bud.

While the mature ones didn't think much of it. Although Law is somehow relieved.

Ah! There's someone here who's vexed about the kiss. It's the little kid. This 20-year-old kid!

Of course, the situation can't pause here, I spoke some pleasantries to the others.

I greeted the Straw hats and let go of Nami. Then I head to the minks to make sure everything is okay. Next, I went to Marco to tell him about his good work. Finally, I neutrally greeted the Samurais since I didn't know them that well in person.

But I know their history. It's written in my Shikadiary.

Shortly after, I went right into business.

"Straw hats, Do you know anything about the Tea party that Big Mom hosts?" (Shikage)

I didn't receive an answer so I told them everything I learned from the reports of my Guild.

"It is said that you won't get away from Big Mom's tea party! that's common knowledge throughout the New World. Big Mom hates bittersweets and empty seats at tea parties. So, when you get an invitation to a tea party from Big Mom, That's basically an undeclinable summon! There's also the marriage to think about." (Shikage)

Of course, It's from my Guild and my Shikadiary. But with this, I can assure them that Big Mom is that powerful. I know that they already knew that when they learned Sanji was being threatened.

But the guy in front of me doesn't know fear! He also has a different mind that strangely thinks of stuff.

"I don't care about that stuff! Sanji can get married if he wants! But we don't wanna become Big Mom's subordinates because of it! So if they get married they should become my subordinates!" (Luffy)


Very good, Straw hat! You made my day. Marco, over there is already laughing and holding his tummy.

Nami tries to back up her captain.

"Pekoms said that It is a political marriage, He said that Big Mom always forms a connection with those who'll become her subordinates. So this marriage is a ritual to form a connection between the Vinsmoke Family and the Charlotte Family." (Nami)

"He also said that from the moment of their wedding, Sanji will no longer be part of our crew!" (Brook with teary eyes),

Oh, He doesn't have eyes! Skull Jo-

That's enough! I know what's troubling them.

"I see, Then what was your supposed plan?" (Shikage)

"Quietly go there and ruin the wedding!" (Luffy)

You?! Quietly?

Knowing him and the Shikadiary, I know how impossible that is.

Hmm... I'll go there after the war since I've been invited. Why not enjoy the show hahaha!

Oh, I'll be going there not as Shikage, the Guildmaster of the Hunters Guild. But as the long-distance relative of Vinsmoke Judge.

My mask is already prepared.

Anyways, Blackbeard would think that the opportunity to take the weapons of the Revolutionary is fate.

"Nami... You know how influential Big Mom is to know about Sanji's history right?" (Shikage)

"H-how did you-" (Nami)

Nami and the others were also surprised. I signaled Marco and he nods then proceeds to stand beside me.

"Your boyfriend is not losing any grounds against someone like Big Mom. The Hunters Guild is more superior than an Emperor's influence!" (Shikage)

I boldly told everyone there that I can match or even surpass Big Mom's 'power' and they all looked amazed.

Yes, The Hunters Guild has grown enough to fight off an Emperor's scheme.

But the surprise is not over!

"Let's go there as Black Foot's friends. We'll demand that it won't be a matriarchal marriage! Let me handle the rest~!" (Shikage)

I calmly showed them my invitation and Luffy even chuckled in amazement!

"Let's go attend the wedding!" (Shikage)

"Yosh! Let's do it!!" (Luffy)

I guess I'll be messing around in the territory of Big Mom.

First, Blackbeard then Kaido and now It's Big Mom's turn. I'm just picking a fight with all the Emperor!


(a/n: there's a lot of time that happened off-screen when the Straw hats are heading to the Whole cake. So I'll be using it for my own arc~!)

(Also... We're close to 1 mil! Thank you all readers~! It's a milestone for me! my other work has stagnated before reaching it eheh)

The wedding is still days ahead! So there's time for a massive war to be inserted~!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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wakadannacreators' thoughts
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