
Ruins Of The Vows

"Did you realize we could've been doing this for years if you hadn't been such a pain in the ass?" Aaron's smile bloomed as he plumped her down and replied. "Nah—I didn't like you until recently." "Enemies-to-lovers—it's our trope, bambi." "You poor, confused little love lover." A giggle shimmied through her before she set her hands on his face and said as she pulled him back to her, "Just shut up and kiss me." — Hannah Mathews is a young woman with modest ambitions. Her love of fashion first wins out over everything else after earning her degree in fashion design. She eventually decided to launch her own brand, Mulberry. Aaron Moore is an arrogant, infuriated man and her ex-husband. After being divorced for two years, she was standing in front of her ex-husband as her current boss. Who understands what it is to have a beautiful life? But she is also a human who has had enough of everything.

ashk29 · Urbain
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16 Chs

Chapter 10

Aaron closed his eyes in annoyance. However, he felt stupid standing there and listen to his employe insult his guest. Not his, but she was his father's guest and he was here to take her to him. So, appearently, she's his guest too.

He never knew his workers were this rude to his clients. No wonder his mother referred to them as "so-called" and "useless" workers.

"In what tone are you talking to her?"

The girl's soul left her body when she came back to the present and stared at the man standing in front of her with a sharp gaze and hands clenched.

She could feel the tension and apprehension radiating from the man as he spoke to her, his tone a mix of guardedness and uncertainty.

Aaron's eyes flared in anger, like the calmness of the sea has vanished, giving way to a brewing storm.

She wondered if she made a mistake by asking the girl what she was still doing. Was she an important client? She didn't know what to do or say at that moment.

"I'm sorry, sir." She looked up and started to explain.

"She said she wanted to meet Senior Moore, and I asked her if she had any appointments with him, but she didn't have any. So, I told her to go back and that she couldn't go to meet Senior Moore."

She breathed after explaining, but she knew she wasn't in the position to even explain the situation to him.

Who was glaring at her as if he would rip her alive. When she looked up at him, her feet gave way in horror.

She'd never seen Aaron Moore so enraged before. She never saw him closely before because he never stopped in the reception and always strode with long steps towards the elevator.

"I don't need your explanation. You can collect your salary from my assistant. You are fired!" And he walked away from there with long steps.

Hannah, came to tease him because he came to receive her from his office, which must be on the top floors.

She was shocked and stunned to see this arrogant and cold side of him.

Hannah felt a sinking sensation in her stomach as she watched him walk away.

When they had used to be together, he was soft, but when they met in the Moore Mansion, he became more aggressive. He was rude there too, but not this much.

Aaron was angry at her for being in his room, but not this much. Yup, the girl did make a mistake by not letting her in and then misbehaving with her.

But this was all; he didn't have to fire the girl because of her. While the girl did deserve to be reprimanded for her mistake, it was not reasonable for Aaron to take such drastic action.

Hannah glanced at the girl who was standing there. She wasn't moving or looking at anything in particular.

She didn't even have energy to look back at her.

But then she did, and she noticed tears welling up in her eyes. Hannah had an overwhelming feeling of empathy for the girl, and wanted to do something to help.

"Why didn't you tell me you are close to the vice president?" She asked in a low voice.

"Huh... I am n...not close to the Vice President."

"That's why he came down from the 15th floor to meet you personally, not sending his assistant or any ordinary worker, but throwing away his important work to escort you."

She was a young girl, a few years younger than Hannah, watching how her new job had gone. She became emotional and started complaining.

"You weren't listening to me when I was trying to explain to you."

"You have to-"

"Are you coming, Ms. Mathews?" A loud voice came from a distance, but not so far. She spotted him standing near the pillar. He looked at his watch and then back up at her.

"Yes, I'm coming!" she said, turning around and heading toward him.

Hannah looked back at the poor girl, and then she walked towards the elevator with Aaron.

It wasn't her fault anyway. She tried to explain, but she was the one not getting it.

In the elevator, Hannah didn't say anything, neither Aaron. The words came back to her mind when the receptionist said that she was close to Aaron

She wasn't close to him—not an inch to consider them friends or even strangers?

She knew Mrs. Moore pursued him to receive her; otherwise, why would he dare attempt to get down there just to take her to Senior Moore's office?

Even if it was in her dream, she would never believe in that dream either.

She took a glimpse at him from her side and saw him checking his watch. She looked away and then back to stare at his attire.

He was wearing a business suit and looking handsome, but Hannah didn't say it out loud. She didn't want to appraise him in her mind either.

"Uhmm..." Hannah started and successfully grabbed his attention towards her.

"You don't have to do what you did there..." pointing her index finger at the door. She said, "... Especially for me. I don't want."

Her words were stuck in her throat, and her eyes were wide as she stared at the man in front of her.

"W..What are you?" His one hand was placed over the glass wall, and the other was on his side.

He had pinned her to the wall in such a short period of time that she had no idea what had happened.

With a cold, determined voice, he spoke.

"You don't have to say anything about it." He pushed a single strand of hair behind her ear.

The touch made every cell in her body pup and run with heat. She looked into his dark eyes and felt a chill go down her spine. She was stunned at his behaviour and would say she missed his touch.

The silence stretched between them for twenty-five seconds before Aaron spoke.

"And don't give yourself high hopes that I fired her because she talked to you in a rude manner." She felt embarrassed, her cheeks flushing. Why was he saying that now?

"She is my worker. I know how to handle it."

At this, Hannah frowned and noted that he was still standing there close to her. She attempted to put her hand on his chest to push him, but in vain.

Her senses faded within his dark black eyes and succeeded to get her focus towards them.

Hannah felt a warmth radiate from Aaron's chest when her hand touched it.

He was so strong in comparison to her tiny fist. "Please... you are standing in my... my personal space."

She met his dark, jaw-clenched expression. She almost gulped nervously but didn't show the nervousness that she was feeling.

Poor Han thought he fired the girl because of her. But the truth was he fired her for being rude to the new worker and their guest.

He might not like her, but that doesn't imply the worker acted and spoke with the visitors in this type of manner.

Whether or not they have appointments. And especially in front of the Vice President? He just couldn't believe his employees.

He did know he overstepped by firing the worker, but he was already angry because of his mother, and then as her mother's words yelled in her brain. He lost it.

"I have to fire her so that she will not be able to do that thing with another employee or a visitor." With this, he retreated and maintained the distance between them.

Hannah sighed in relief. She straightened her hair and moved away from him.

"You can still guide or scold her for her mistake, but firing workers for minor mistakes is cruel in my opinion." She shrugged, wanting to reason with him.

"Who asked for your opinions?" Hannah was taken aback by Aaron's harsh words but didn't able to say anything more because the elevator stopped on the tenth floor, and he walked out.

She looked down and sighed. However, before the elevator stop on her she walked out of there.

She had to follow him where ever he goes now. He walked with long steps, while Hannah had problems matching her steps with his.

Employees were looking at them, especially at her because she was accompanied by the vice president.

Hannah tried to keep her head high and her pace quick, in spite of feeling a little overwhelmed.

She stopped when he walked inside an office that had a huge door and knew this was Senior Moore's office.

Her heart began to race as she considered how Mr. Moore would react to seeing her arrive late.

It felt as if she was late for her class, and the professor was definitely going to punish her.

She grinned and shook her head before pushing the door open and entering inside.