
Royal Devil

What will happen if a modern man was transported to a story as an unknown character? A follower of the story 'Who Made Me a Princess' Heusc died because of a virus and woke up at the body of a young bratty prince who had no part in the story. Heusc was forced to enter the Obelia Empire and he was forced into the story... How was he supposed to fit in the story? "What will the plot do to me?"

NileCarviella · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs


A carriage with a royal crest embedded in the door was in the middle of the forest, with a few royal guards around the carriage prepared by the king. Inside the carriage were two people, one was Heuse wearing a suit with a black cape, and in front of him was an armored knight. He was before the reborn Heuscs' bodyguard and butler. His name is Aaron Ice, since Heusc now has memory loss Aaron has to explain his past and how they met.

Aaron was abandoned by his parents at a very young age, the reason is unknown to him. Heusc found out why but never told Aaron until recently. No one else knew but Heusc had gained some of the original's memories, but only the important ones. Aaron's parents abandoned him, it was because they didn't want a child in the first place, and even if they did want a child the doctor said the child was a bit weak so it was really expensive to treat him.

Aaron somehow survived a few days and was found in an alleyway by some random people who were sent to a pretty wealthy orphanage. At least that's what they told him. The adults in the orphanage were nice to him; it was the kids that didn't sit well with him. At the age of 5, he started to train himself because other kids thought he was too feminine and weak. When he was 10, Aaron escaped the orphanage and was found by Heusc, and was adopted by him. 'What a name, but it fits perfectly well with him.'

Listening to Aaron's story reminds Heusc of his past life 'I wonder how they are doing back at the earth.' Suddenly the carriage slammed forward causing Heusc to fall but was caught by Aaron. Heusc's face was dark 'Goddammit what's going on outside' "Coachman what's going on?" He asked. "Sir there are some bandits outside, but everything will be fine the guards will deal with them." "Okay," Heuse replied.

He got off Aaron and nodded at him "Thank you" and looked out the window, outside was a lot of blood. 'Looks like the guards are winning.' After sitting back down Heusc got lost in his thought 'It seems like I'm in the world of Wmmap, well since I'm already here the future is going to change from butterfly effects. If I escape right now my father is going to report me missing and since they will be sending messages to the castle. If they don't get any replies they are most likely going to come there and look for me themselves, and since they are not supposed to be there it is going to have deadly consequences.'

Heusc sighs 'How troublesome, plus what part of the story am I supposed to be in… Why is it so silent?' he opened the door and jumped out. What he saw made him widen his eyes, there was almost no one left, only a few guards were awake and a few if not most of the guards were dead, and all of the bandits were dead.

It was a bloodbath.

Aaron also jumped out of the carriage and was surprised not at the corpses but at Heusc and how calm he looked. Aaron just stared at him when he turned around and held his breath. Heusc looked like a god to him. He has been with Heusc for over 5 years and somehow never knew this side of him. When Aaron was spotted Heusc smiled at him.

Heusc has always been cold and bratty to people he doesn't know, but when it comes to Aaron and his family he's personality changes 180°. He is the definition of a good child. It was like he was trying to gain favors.

But then this morning his cold expression can send shivers to almost everyone in the world. Just because of amnesia, Aaron got to see a different side of himself, a side that no one else knew since this morning. He was smiling at Aaron, the expression the king didn't see today.

"Aaron, do you know where we are?" Heusc asked him. Aaron snapped out of his thoughts. "Yes, my prince. Do you want me to be the coachman for the carriage?" Heusc thought about it and then said, "No the carriage is too big to go fast, and if there's any more we wouldn't be able to escape fast enough, So just put everything that we must need for the days of travel." Aaron nodded 'His Highness is smarter than before.'

"We need food and only keep two of the horses and let the rest free, a few pairs of clothing to charge, weapons, tools…" While Heusc listed off most of the items they needed Aaron was packing the things. "My prince, I'm done packing the items." When Aaron turned around to see the prince with some of the clothing from the bandits. With his clothes on the ground, random pieces from swords belts strapped to his torso ect now he looks like a bartender.

Heusc jumped on the horse without hesitation. It was his first time riding a horse and he just copied the motion from the movies. Aaron freaked out because the prince has never ridden a horse before. After Aaron got on the horse Heusc followed him going towards the Obelia empire.