

Rose (the MC) is in a world where she will run into a bunch of trouble.

GrimHunter · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The Escape

When I wake up, I am in a cage. The metal of the cage is stronger than the shackles and I can't break them. I start to look around and see there are more cages all covered with a cloth hiding whatever is inside and I am now wearing tattered clothing and I realized that I don't look like my usual self. I have white fur and I'm a different gender from before the fire. I realize what happened I must have been reincarnated.

If I truly reincarnated then I must have some sort of ability but what would it be? I start to experiment by saying some words like "Fireball," and "Lightning," but I get nothing. Someone in the next cage tells me to be quite so in response I ask "Why? Where are we?"

"We are at the slave house and if they hear you talking they will beat us," the person next to me whispers to me.

"Why don't they like us talking to each other?" I ask her.

"They say that it's un-needed so they prohibit us," she whispers in an annoyed voice.

We hear footsteps coming down the row of cages and both go silent. Two people walk past us and they're talking about a good slave to buy. A few minutes pass and their walking back down and stopping at a few cages when suddenly they're about to pass my cage when the one following the merchant says, "What about this one?"

"She's quite new and probably doesn't know how to behave." the merchant says while taking out his keys. "So, you still want her?" he asks the man.

"How much is she?" he asked the merchant.

"One gold?" He answers.

"That's a bit much for an untrained disobedient slave don't you think?" The man complained.

"I can go as low as 50 silver." The merchant stated.

"I can go as high as 10 silver." The man bartered.

"How about we do 20 silver?" Responded the merchant.

"Do I have a say in this?" I asked.

"Who told you that you could speak?" Yelled the merchant.

"Well, I'm sorry I have a voice that you can't stop," I yelled at him.

Just then he holds out his hand and chants something and says "Lightning-bolt." and I scream in agony as I get electrocuted. Then suddenly the other man grabs his arm and yells "STOP SHE IS PERFECT!"

As he yells this all the pain had stopped and I believe that I have learned something. As I lay on the cold stone ground I start to think, and everything around me fades into darkness.


I wake up and I'm not in the same spot, in fact, I seem to be moving. I'm not in a cage nor shackles. I sit up and I am in a horse-drawn carriage and that man is with me controlling it.

"Where are we and what do you want with me?" I ask him.

"You're awake, and what I want with you is just a traveling partner, the name is Jim by the way," he says.

"Thank you for getting me out of there. My name is K..." I can't use that name it might not fit this world what should I call myself? I start to look around then I see an engraving on the cart, it looks like a rose. Rose that's it ill call myself, Rose. "My name is Rose."

And with that, they set off on an adventure. Where will they go? Only Jim will know.