
Awakening. Chapter 1

My life was average up until 6 months ago, I had just graduated from my Junior year of high school.

"Why did you have to go on and grow up on me, I miss the days where you could hardly get around without me, now you're driving and... oh I can't bear it."

"Mom, please its not that big a deal, I'm still with you for another year, and GCU is only 3hrs away." " I know, but its hard to see you leave so soon" Stacy had adopted me only 5 years ago, I had bounced from orphanage to orphanage, but Stacy was the only person to stop and put the effort in to know me. I had almost given up on getting a family, I was twelve and the older you get the longer you stay there, the oldest kid that was adopted at that orphanage had barely turned ten, I was really lucky to meet Stacy, she was a single woman in her mid thirties, she had just gotten a divorce because her husband didn't want kids, and she always did.

Stacy had always been my role model, even though she had no experience with children, I'm in the top 15 of my school and have a basicly guaranteed scholarship to GCU. It made me glad I was an orphan, its not like my actual parents were ever existent in my life, other than a faint memory of being left outside a police station by my biological mother when I was 2, before that I have no memory of either of them.

"What's for dinner?"

" Oh I'm making some pasta and Alfredo sauce."

My favorite, everything about her was amazing, but over the years, her body has been increasingly harder to look away from, her perfect ass sitting snugly inside tight blue jeans, her D cups swaying with every turn, her hour glass figure and beautiful face coupled with her kind and gentle personality. I had a hard time not looking at her, the situation only got worse when a swell grew in my pants, it was hard to hide in the passenger seat next to her, I smelled something odd, it was a sweet scent like honey and vanilla extract, but familiar, I've been in a similar situation before I just had to wait and calm down, when we arrived at home I went straight to my room under the cover of taking a nap, while Stacy said she had to take a shower, and quickly relieved myself, by the time I cleaned up the mess and got back to the kitchen Stacy was still in the shower, so I started the dishes and set the table.

A week later and several more acurrences of random erections, and getting even more aroused every day it was getting harder to suppress my urges, we could be having a normal conversation about my grades when I would get hard and have to excuse myself, luckily she was also busy, so I had plenty of time, but being alone with her all day, seeing her in her robes, workout tights, and nighty. It wasn't enough to imagine her anymore, that night I waited until I knew she was asleep and snuck into her bedroom. I slowly slid into the dark room, I walked slowly towards the bed as I got close enough I knelt on the bed and laid my eyes upon a sight I shouldn't see but always wanted to.

Instead of being under her blankets, all of them were pushed to the side exposing her busty figure, her purple nightgown had been lewdly pulled down to expose her plump and firm tits, her panties were halfway down her thighs, thats when I noticed her hands, one was limply cupping her left breast, the other was over her pussy her middle and ring finger were bent and slightly reaching between her lips around her clit. Thats when I understood, she had passed out after masterbating...

This is my first chapter of my first book, I would greatly appreciate some feedback on how I could make these better.



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