17 Chapter 17

After last night experience no matter how much courage parker had he couldn't bring himself to start cultivating that horrible technique so after some time he decided to train his heavenly dragon force which only required him to convert his normal Qi to dragon force and store it in his heart instead of dantian.

Once he started cultivating he could feel his strength increasing with every passing second and after cultivating for the whole night he was able to reach the level 1 of the heavenly dragon force increasing his strength by 10%.

then a week went during it he kept on going with the same routine of doing his work in the morning and cultivating the heavenly dragon force in the night which allowed him to reach level 2 that made him able to increase his strength by 20% and also now he had collected all the knowledge available in the second floor but he still couldn't find unother strong skill and he couldn't practice the blink skill as their was not much free space in the library for large movements and even if there was he wouldn't practice there as it was under the watchful eye of the old man guarding the library.

Now a month is about to pass and Parker felt that there was nothing more to do in the library as the third floor was only for the inner disciples and the one responsible for cleaning it was the library guardian but it wasn't much work as the floor wasn't that big so now he was saying his thanks and good byes to the old man as he had helped him much more than he thought he did.

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