
Road to Rogue Ninja

This is a story about a reincarnated person in the Ninja world. He has a happy life then suddenly tragedy struck one after another and he is forced to become a rogue ninja. An adventure of a rogue ninja and his survival. He also has a computer in his mind with cross wold internet. He is born in Konoha in a small declined family. A small happy family but third ninja war is still

UlTiMaTeNiNjA · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

Chapter 028 One Night Stand

-Three years later-

Menma is in a cave again. He is undergoing the awakening of his chakra points which he saw from a video from India. Kishimoto was inspired by the Indian yoga chakras to create the chakra system. The concept of yin and yang is Japanese and Chinese.

At this time, Menma is at his third chakra point. If he hadn't watched it, he would have forgotten about these small details. The third point from the bottom to the top is the correct way to awaken it. Menma's chakra reserves have undergone a tremendous change because of it. It has become easier to control both its quality and quantity. And his chakra reserves have gone from Jonin level to Ten Kage level.

Sometimes, you have to discover the true source of your power to overcome your limitations. He read an article about Kishimoto's Inspiration and his story. As soon as he realized this, he sought out more information on the subject. His computer confirmed what he had found. However, he had to undergo a tremendous amount of meditation to achieve it.

He still has four more chakra points to awaken after this awakening.

Menma suddenly felt an awakening, and his chakra reacted to it. His third chakra began producing more chakra within his body. He remained in this state for two hours before finally waking up and cleaning away any trace of having been there.

During the past three years, he has practiced irojutsu, medicine, fuinjutsu, and other jutsu in his spare time. When he is not roaming around any place, he is currently thirteen years old. He does not visit Konoha as part of the canon storyline. Fate ensures that canon characters stay the same; he can interfere, but he cannot change the origins of the main characters. This is like a fixed point in the timeline.

-A few days later-

Menma was treating people within the village when he noticed some chakra signatures approaching his location. The chakra signature was weak and he could tell that the other parties were not in good condition.

Menma had finished his work when he noticed the group approaching him. Some of them were familiar faces from the Third Ninja War. Among them was Tsume Inuzuka.

Menma said, "What can I do for you?"

Tsume approached him and said, "My comrades were injured during our fight against some Iwa Anbu who tried to sneak onto our borders, as usual. They retreated soon afterward, taking the injured with them. We discovered that Menma-kun is nearby; so we hoped that you could help us heal them."

Menma nodded his head. And he started to heal her comrades. They were poisoned during the fight. Menma healed their wounds and removed the poison. He has done it many times if he finds any Konoha shinobi injured outside the Konoha village.

Tsume, the mother of Kiba and Hana, looked worried for her comrades.

Menma looked at her and said, "They are fine now. They need to rest for a day to recover. So you have to wait for another day. By tomorrow they will have fully recovered and they can leave for Konoha."

Shinobi heal pretty fast if they can get emergency treatment on time. But Menma is a top medical ninja almost reaching the level of Tsunade. So they don't have to wait for a few days.

Tsume nodded her head and said, "Thank you, Menma-kun. You always help us when we're outside of the village."

Her dog also barked as an affirmation. Menma played with his hair a little.

Menma said, "You should take some rest too. If you're hungry, come with me; the villagers have invited me for food."

Menma produced a shadow clone who stayed behind to watch over the patients. Tsume nodded her head and followed him. She knew that Menma was not only famous for his kindness as a medic but also for his ruthlessness when attacked. Her dog followed after her.

While they walked, they discussed village-related matters. Menma asked her about Minato's son. Tsume didn't hold back and told him about the civilians' reactions to him. As a clan leader, she knew about his secret. However, she couldn't speak about it. Even she was amazed that somehow civilians knew about his Nine-Tails Jinchūriki status. Hiruzen has been having a difficult time keeping them from her words. She suspects that someone on the Council leaked it to weaken the Third Hokage's position.

Menma had an idea, and Danzo was the one who wanted to weaken the Third Hokage for a long time. This was his golden opportunity to do so.

Menma said to her, "Konoha is in chaos and even I cannot do anything about it. As you can see, retired shinobi do not have that much power to change anything within Konoha. Danzo still holds more power than me, even if he is not a Hokage candidate."

Menma indirectly hinted to Tsume about Danzo's involvement in this case. However, even she knew that no one could prove it.

Tsume said to him, "It's quite a mess. No one is sure who leaked that information."

Menma looked at Tsume and said, "I heard you have a daughter and son. Why are you still on this dangerous mission?"

Tsume sighed and said, "I am the clan leader too. My husband ran away before Kiba was born. As a single mother, I have to take care of my children. It's very exhausting, but I have to take on more missions to provide them with a stable life."

Menma could see that Tsume had a hateful expression on her face whenever she mentioned her runaway husband.

Soon they reached the place where the villagers had invited him for dinner.

Menma said to Tsume, "Your husband was a fool. You still look beautiful, Tsume san. Maybe your husband couldn't handle you in bed. So he ran away. It happens sometimes in couples' marital lives."

The words almost choked Tsume. Her situation was exactly what he had described to her. She was very energetic in bed and her husband couldn't handle her. Menma explained this from a doctor's perspective. However, Tsume had many strange thoughts going through her head. This was because Menma was a young, energetic man who was also tall for his age.

Tsume laughed a little and said, "You are such a flirt, Menma-kun. But you're still too young for me."

This time Menma choked a little. As Tsume called him a flirt.

The village restaurant is nice. The servers serve them the food, even giving some to the dog. They eat in peace and don't talk much. The silence is very awkward between them. Menma tries to diffuse the situation, but the mood has already turned awkward among them.

Later, Menma tried to pay the money back to the restaurant owner, but he refused to accept it. The reason was that he usually helped people for free or at a minimal cost. Therefore, Menma did not give him any money and considered it as a token of gratitude from the villagers.

Later, both of them came back to check on the injured shinobi. Menma looked at Tsume and seemed to think about something for a moment. As if he wanted to try something. Tsume looked at him for a moment and felt very awkward, but she didn't say anything. Her eyes were glued to his.

Tsume looked at her dog and said, "You should stay here until I come back. I have something to talk about with Menma-kun."

The dog looked confused but remained in that spot. He could sense his owner was in heat. Menma and Tsume left that spot and returned to Menma's room.

Menma placed a silence seal on the room. Soon they started to kiss. Menma soon removed her clothes and when he removed his clothes. Tsume said, "It is too big. Is that a boy's weapon? It is 12 inches long. It is way bigger than my runaway husband."

For two hours, Tsume was ravaged by Menma like a beast. He healed her sore legs afterward. Then, Tsume got a late-night visit from him. And Tsume had never felt so dominated by someone else in all her life... until she eventually lost consciousness.

-Next day-

Tsume woke up naked in her bed. After taking a nice bath, she got dressed and went to meet her teammate. Her dog was looking at her as if he was a lost puppy; she had forgotten about him all day long. She went over to hug her dog.

Menma suddenly appeared and said, "Your teammates are ready."

They did not say anything about the previous night. One is a young man who had an uncontrollable urge last night. The other is a woman who hasn't had a good night in many years. Her husband left her because he couldn't handle her issues many years ago.

Tsume said, "Thank you." Menma did not know why she thanked him for. Maybe she thanked him for drilling her like a beast or healing her comrades. It could have been both. Tsume smiled and said nothing afterward.

Soon she left with her comrades and her dog toward their village. Menma also wanted to go back to his village. But he held back his urge.

Later that day, Menma left that village and went to a secluded place. He took out many seal-made scrolls and after that, he started writing fuin seals inside the cave. Soon after writing hundreds of seals. He placed scrolls inside them in an open position. He checked them again for few times.

Then he made a seal and all the other seals started to move. Even the seals inside the scrolls were moving. It crawled into the body of Menma. Soon they started to gather above his skin. And then they formed a drawing of an eye in various places on his body. Some seal surrounded his right eye. And it became like a tattoo, just like Jellal has in Fairy Tail. And a third eye tattoo appeared on his forehead, which was inside a circle. Some eye drawings also appeared on his back of his palm, and even on the right, left, and back sides of his neck.

Soon all the tattoos had disappeared and Menma looked very happy about it. He ate some food and then went to do his usual meditation.

The tattoo and seal are named as Illuminati. And what are its actual powers? It can cast high-level Genjutsu just like how the Mangekyou Sharingan functions. It can also see through all illusions. But it can also cast illusions on the surroundings. But it can do more than that. Even Menma will find out later.