
Chapter 1

Welcome to bantel the best/ worst city to live in, it just depends on your status and ability. A city with few laws, well at least few that are actually followed. This world made up of 20 percent of people who have special abilities, has made it difficult for police to enforce laws. Dealing with these people with super powers fall to the hero association. The association has some of the most powerful Paragons (ability users) as they are called.

Coming back to bantel, it also comprises of a group of organizations whose views differ from the heroes, collectively known as 'The Celestials'. There presence limits hero activity in bantel to a minimum. A paradise for illegal activities all kinds of business deal and products can be found here. Which comes to the most important rule in bantel, to be weak is a crime.

The weak have no rights, which sadly brings us to me now. Name is Sebastian Vizois, 17 year old genius. I have lived in bantel most of my life, but my bodyguard slash guardian AKA my sister just got arrested which leaves me defenseless. Dammit relax breathe. So I have three main problems

1. Need to protect my self

2. Need to make money while staying safe

3. Finally need to get out of this city

Sebas lay on his bed while thinking of his plans. As he finalized his plans he decided to sleep and execute his plans tomorrow.

"Hey Sebas wake up open the door"

Was the sound Sebas woke up to in the morning. It was the voice of his only/ best friend Trevor.

*Bang bang bang*


" I heard you the first time, so shut up I'm coming to the door!" yelled Sebas

Having reached the kitchen he open the door, letting in Trevor.

"Damn took you long enough, so how is independence treating you?"

"Haha very funny it sucks, since you brought it up I need some cash help a friend out."

"sure how much do you need Sebas?"

"I knew you would help me out, haha not much not much just about a million to get me out this city and set my self up else where"

Trevor stood frozen staring at Sebas as if looking at an idiot

"What admiring my good looks?" asked Sebas

" No at idiot, if I had that much money why would I still be hear."

"And hear I thought you just liked my company or had a crush on my sister, I'm kind of saddened by that huh."

Sebas faked sighed disappointedly. He then went on to explain to Trevor his plan to join a low level organization, gain some money and disappear.

"Hmm if you're serious I recommend the Mafia, the size is just about right and they are having problems with their vehicles after their clash against the Tri biker gang, most are totaled"

Sebas silently thought for a moment

"Hey Trevor to you mind joining with me."

"Sure I don't really mind but why do you want me?"

"They will probably try to kill me I need some one I trust watching my back"

"Always, so when do we go."

So Sebas and Trevor made plans to go to their off headquarters. Few hours later Sebas and Trevor arrived at their office building. The guard then stopped them as they tried to enter the building.

"Excuse me we are hear for business." Trevor explained.

"No entry without invitation, new rules get lost." coldly answered the guard.

"Hey can you at least call any higher up I need to talk to them, it is of paramount importance."

"No entry to outsiders, period!"

The exchange quickly escalated, as Trevor and the guard went back and forth slowly drawing a crowd. Sebas coldly watched this for a few minutes as he was about to leave a black tinted car pulled up to the gate. The car then stopped and the back window slowly rolled down.

"Howard what is going on here, get rid of all these people I don't care much for commotion much less here in front of our building." Said the beautiful young woman seated in the back seat of the car.

"Apologies Miss Silva, these two want to go in but they won't listen when I tell the they can't." said Howard (the guard)

"So why wont you leave?" Asked Silva

As Trevor was about to answer Sebas stepped for and explained.

"Sorry if we caused you any problems we simply heard you had a few problems and wanted to offer our assistance, we simply want to talk and explain."

"I see, let them in."

The car Silva was in drove into the premises. Sebas and Trevor were then allowed to enter the premises. As they arrived at the reception area they meet a beautiful receptionist who the guided them to the conference room, where they found Silva sitting waiting for them.

"Do you know I hate opportunists and traitors, so which are you?" asked Silva

"Opportunists no question about it. I also hate traitors but this is an opportunity for both of us don't you think so?" inquired Sebas

"Oh honesty I like it but how is this an opportunity for me, or rather for us?"

"You get the best engineer in Bantel and I get protection and most importantly money. That seems like a win win to me."

"Hahaha. Arrogant are we. Aren't you worried I will have you imprisoned to build machines for us?"

"Not possible for various reasons, but the one that involves you is you get nothing, I'm more likely to build a bomb that kills us all."

"Is that a threat?"

"No it is a fact, a statement or warning call it what you will. Killing me might not be too difficult to you but aren't you curious what skills I have to warrant my confidence?"

"Tsk, very well I will give you a test. Do you dare take it? You fail you die!"

"Sure bring on the test, what do I fix or build first?"

"No the test has nothing to do with mechanics. Your test is to kill Skrul."

"Why that doesn't make sense I'm here to offer intellect not brawn. But just to be clear do you mean Skrul the un killable that Skrul, Skrul the leader of the Biker Gang that took out 40% of your man power, 60% of your vechicles that Skrul. If so off course failure will lead to death. If so I refuse."

"Don't miss understand this is neither up for debate nor do you have a choice in the matter." said Silva as she pointed a gun at Sebastian's head and instantly the doors opened with 10 men and women entered with guns pointed at Sebas and Trevor.

hey sorry for the short chapter hopefully the next chapter will be longer. feedback is highly appriciated.

Ganswae_The_Greatcreators' thoughts
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