
Chapter 1

****Author's POV****

Going through the narrow path of the woods leading to her home feeling bothered about something going on with her since her last birthday party,Malia was worried that something might be wrong with her when she felt the presence of someone lurking around her,with her hands and feet wrobbling she turned towards that direction but saw nothing."is someone there,come out from your hide out right now",she waited for a while but saw no one. Thinking to herself,"I could have swore that I felt someone else here but who is that and why will that person be following me because my grandparents house is the only house here. I should talk to grandpa about this once I reach there and also about this feeling that I am having recently". She remained still for a few seconds trying to get that feeling of being watched out of her mind before walking,as the feeling continued she hastened her steps but immediately she arrived at her grandparents doorstep, the feeling vanished as if it was just her paranoid self getting the best of her.

Turning around one more time surveying the environment just to be sure of what she felt before knocking on the door but just before the door was opened,a dusk of wind passed as if something passed her by with an extreme force from the wind, making her curious whether her mind was playing tricks on heror that she felt something. Malia sniffed the air and caught a scent of a male light perfume in the air,"That's strange,why did the scent around here change all of a sudden", turning to follow the scent she heard her grandma's voice,"Malia,my dear granddaughter come inside already "Angela hugged her as she gently dragged her inside the house while settling her down at the sofa,"so how was your school today","Grandma is there anyone else who lives around here",Malia asked her back instead of answering the question she asked because she felt like her grandma was trying to hide something from her,".....and where is grandpa Magnus,is he at the garden".

Judging from her interview questions, Angela finally knew that it was time to tell her the whole truth about who she really is ,"First take a shower and take your meal before we talk,your grandpa and I have something to tell you",she walked out before Malia could ask her another question

****Malia's POV****

Hi, I'm Malia Rodriguez. Daughter of Mateo and Lia Rodriguez and the only grandchild of Magnus and Angela Gutierrez. Although I don't know anything about my parents lifes or where I use to live, because I don't seem to have any vivid memories of them only those ones that I usually see in my dreams and those that I heard from grandparents because my parents died in an accident when I just a year and eight months. I lived with my grandparents ever since then in an unknown hill top but when I was thirteen,I persuaded grandpa about us moving to a place with people around so that I can socialize myself with people and they agreed,I was finally going to meet people my age but I was shocked when I saw the house grandpa Magnus bought,the only house in that area but still the thought of me going to school and making friends fueled me up with excitement. I was registered at Evermore high school and it took no less than 12 hours before I met Lily,my bestie and literally the only friend that I have. But that never damped my fighting spirit because I promised grandpa Magnus that I will always be the overall best in school and I focused on that because as grandpa Magnus always say "a promise can never be broken no matter what and a person who breaks their promise is a coward and a cheat that people despise s especially him". Just few months and I was known as the school flower and boys started following me around but that never distracted me from my objective and I would be lying if I said that I wasn't shakened when Sadrino,the school heartthrob asked me to be his date at prom last semester but that never got to my head instead it made me persistent on studying harder than ever but I never excepted to hear the news that shook my entire existence today after dinner

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