
Rise of The Monster King

Alex is your average 19 year old high school boy who dislike many things, Like.. going to school..waking up early in the morning.. .doing chores for others..unwanted kindness.. And Human hypocrisy, the most. He never liked heroes who beat bad guys in his life. Why? Because they're the epitome of hypocrisy.. They will stick to the morals when it's good for them but will throw it away as if throwing cold coffee when it goes against them.. Same way, Alex respected monsters for their true character. They do what they want. They don't deceive others to get something. They get it by force. ... ....... ..........." If I get a chance to reincarnate, like in those isekai novels, then I don't want to become a hero, but a Monster" ..... ...then I met the infamous truck - kun on my way to school. [System Integration:7%.30%..69%..99%..100%] 'System..?' [Mutating Bloodline 8%..30..55%..76%..Failed to mutate complete bloodline] 'Bloodline what..?' [Synthesising New body for host..77..100%] 'It can't be, right..?' [Transmigrating to 'World Droid'] 'No way this is happening, right..?' And just like that, I got reincarnated in another world as a "" Goblin""?? .. ______________ no r-18 for now ( mc like monster girls and there's a harem tag..get it right? (+_+)) *The cover pic is not mine obviously, so if anyone wants me to take it down, contact me*

pacman_3301 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Life is just an illusion

As I reach near my ' hideout ', I stop a few tens of meter away from the spot.

' Not good '.. I thought, after looking at the monster standing near the dead wolf.

He was yet another wolf, but this time he was bigger and sturdier than the last one. A single look at his fierce eyes and ferocious face with those sharp fangs which might be as long as the stone head of my spear, and I knew I was not his opponent.

Even if I had my both hands and was level 10, my chances of winning would still remain below 50%. And in my current state, forget about winning, if he notice me there would be no running away.

' I can just wait and watch or return to the tent for the time, but the thing I am concerned about is my hand!! .. I don't know what he plans to do to the dead wolf or what their relation was, be it that of father-son or fellow kin or senpai-kouhai.. I don't care!! As long as he leaves my arm behind unscathed.! '

Not willing to take any risk, I climb up the tree which I was taking cover from. Climbing with one hand with the spear held by mouth proved to be much harder than I thought.

Reaching a good place that I was sure would be hard to notice, I observe his actions.

' He has been just standing there and looking at the dead body, are they really of the same camp?.. '


After taking a good time to observe and smell the body, the big wolf howls loudly and soon enough two more wolves come out from the side. They were of the same built as the dead one and stood behind the big wolf like his minions.

' So they were hiding. How sneaky!! '.. and they earned my dislike soon enough. I mean Where's their pride as a monster ? .. Don't they feel ashamed in hiding behind and setting up an ambush for the enemy ?!!.. '

Then I remember my own situation and zip my mouth shut.

' No, our situations are different. I am on the losing side so it's justified, Yes!.. But they really are smart huh. More than those goblins.

But they didn't put a good bait. They should have used their weakest member as the bait, not the strongest.

Or.. maybe it's just a second trap and the strongest wolf is still in hiding?.. No way, right? They are wolves, how smart they can be. '

Cold sweat rolls down from the side of my face thinking of such a possibility. But luckily no such thing happened. The two minions dragged the dead body using their strong mouth into the forest. And the boss observes the area once more before following them.

I didn't go down quickly, I waited 15 minutes in case the retreat was just a trap too. I know it sounds funny but I can't take risks !!

After throwing stones in random directions and getting no response I finally climbed down the tree.

' There goes my hand. And I was really looking forward to the scene where the white light covers my body and my hand miraculously fixes itself back to position.


Let's just get this over already now '

And I returned to the camp, and as I was coping up with the depression of losing my arm, a bulb lit up in my mind, looking at the goblins who were struggling to get free after getting their consciousness back.

' Does it really have to be my own hand? '.. an evil smile formed on my face as I moved slowly toward the ' prisoners of war ', holding the spear in my hand.

' Let's give it a try now!! '.. I exclaimed..my voice filled with joy and expectation, as I looked at the newly acquired detached hand.

The reason I spared these three for last? Because they were slightly bigger than the rest. I placed the the detached arm in position.


[ You have killed 3 level 9 lesser goblins. ] (killed simultaneously to avoid leveling up and reducing the exp gain)

[ You have gained 273 Exp: 788>> 1061]

[ You have levelled up : Lvl 7 >> Lvl 10 ]

[ System points + 12 ]

There was no light engulfing my body but I could feel the muscles and nerves of my damaged arm reacting. Blood vessels were formed, nerves connected and bones were attached then covered by the muscles.

The new hand didn't reject the changes and the process went smoothly.

And it was over in 5 minutes.

' I can barely move the fingers but it's good for now. It'll take time for the body to synchronise with the new hand. I am relieved that there was no graft rejection. But I can't be sure of that. I have to keep observing the changes for some time.'

And I noticed that the System points rewarded didn't doubled, maybe from now on? I am not sure but if my gaming knowledge is correct then it should.

I can't tell yet.

But the answers will come in the future by itself.

I need not worry.

And there are some more changes happening to my body like I feel I have gotten a few cm taller and my muscle density seems to be increased with an overall touch.

I have to look for a reflection to see the changes of my face, but surely there is also a plus.

Making sure everything is okay, I went inside the half burned tent to search for anything useful.

' I didn't find dead bodies of any human, did the goblins really kill them.. or they are just out scouting?.. If so, then it would be dangerous to stay any longer.

Fighting goblins is different from fighting humans.

Not only humans are stronger, they have more intelligence..and they're too cunning!! '

Speeding up my search, I found two small glass bottles and a scroll.

' okay..let's leave now..' after getting the things and taking the pot too, I left the place, not towards my ' hideout ' but for a high slope nearby.

The place where the tent was put was 15 meters below the high plane.. Even half of the first with my previous ' hideout ' was below.

The higher plane was far-stretched with very less trees.

' It's more like a grassland. Though I will lose a good cover provided by the forest, I can't stay there any longer when I don't know what danger surrounds me.

The wolf pack and the humans are just a part of it.

I opened the scroll, which I expected to be either a map or a magic scroll and it turned out to be a map only.

' So gaming knowledge still holds. Good. And I won't be a naive protagonist now and start thinking what the two bottles might be. Surely they are Health Potion and Mana potion!! '

" System, what are the use of these bottles? "

[Answering : It's a medicine prepared from herbs which is used for diarrhoea. ]

"... Come again?"

[Answering : It's a medicine prepared from herbs which is used for diarrhoea. ]

"... No, I heard you the first time. I am just confused. Why do they have such a thing? Where are the Health potion and mana potion!"

' Can't trust the gaming knowledge after all! '

Sighing again inside, I keep the bottles back in the pouch and take out the map.

"... It's not a map, it's Blueprint of a construction site.. "


" Why am I even alive anymore. This can't get anymore embarrassing. I don't get any op skills from my system, the wolves try to set an ambush for me, and the things I steal are...

Where is my plot armor!!.. The fated encounter !!.. I don't even get to save any damsel in distress and get into her pants!!.. No S- Rank skills..!!. . even my detached hand gets stolen by some wannabe.. I might seriously cry now. "

I found a rock nearby and sat there for few minutes wondering where my life went wrong.

When did I do anything that might upset the Unknown Gods so they start playing with my life.

" I don't care anymore.. Life is just an illusion "

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

pacman_3301creators' thoughts