
Rise of the Heaven-Shattering Fist

Born without talent, he is destined to be an ordinary, BUT Ning Yue breaks into his first cultivator realm by sheer dedication and ruthlessness! Those abandoned by fate must claw to heaven with discipline and determination. He must burn his blood, sweat, and tears to push higher! "Hard work can't beat talent? BULL SHIT! You can't win because you are not beating it hard enough!" -- This is a Xianxia novel, but it will start at Wuxia first. -- The cover is mine. She is one of the harem members.

Artkairther · Oriental
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17 Chs

Cultivation Levels

Currently, there are 3 levels known for cultivation.

1st is the body purification realm: if you can't pass this realm in 20 years, consider yourself a failure.

-Body cleansing stage

-Awakening inner power stage

-Core forming stage

2nd is The Earth realm: Real cultivator by the cultural standard.

-9 levels

3rd is The Sky realm: those who are at the top of the food chain in kingdoms

-9 levels

There will be more in the far future. If anyone has an idea of level/realm, you can comment and I will consider it. (I'm very bad at naming things.)

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