Few humans know of the ancient magics that hold their reality together, they think they use science but in truth we gave them that too. I am Michael, son of Tyrian the great enchanter who was son to Siverian the man who collected the largest vault of magic items and who's wife changed gravity to help the Wright brothers fly and then her father gave Edison the lightning rod to begin control of electricity. I am Shikeria and i live in Brazil, everyone is going insane and I am forced to work with random strangers to survive. I am Tyrone and I have been tasked with saving survivors in the South American outbreak and stopping the man responsible for the virus as a US Soldier. Millions of magical objects exist but a single one could fall into the wrong hands and if used properly end the world. See the demise or salvation of south America and thw world for that matter through the eyes of multiple people all with different histories and backgrounds.
My father, an enchanter. The first to make a pen that would forever improve enchanting rates. My uncle, had the largest collection of artifacts from the Excalibur to the Lost Foot of Al-Sharah Saa Dada. My grandmother, rewired gravity to allow the Wright brothers to fly and my great great grandpa made the Internet for the elf planet Kalkashar which would later be discovered by the humans. I have to do better, i decided id follow in the footsteps of my uncle Paridale.
So here i am in the middle of the dessert, the rough sand floating in the wind and kissing the ground in sift landings, the cactus standing tall ith outstretched arms as if wanting a hug to cure their solitude. I have a mere few hours to find the cave, it only comes around here every 723 years and i live long but not long enough for that kind of wait. A small lizard like creature scrambles away from me as i walk forward. I look again at the map and notice a landmark, a cactus without thorns and a single limb pointing opposite of the cave. A few minutes later i see it and start rushing forward as I find burning in the hot sun to be an inconvenience then after a bit i see the cave. Its cold stone and cold air and it nearly makes me dizzy with the sudden change in tempature.
I cool off seated at the beginning of the cave until i am ready to move forward. Fifteen minutes later i hear something, its a voice or two maybe. I concentrate and my head shifts the pieces closest to my ears and enhances my hearing, its gibberish at first but after translation i understand what is said "move Finnish filth, Vito come here and help him this is our chance to get rich break time is over." A response follows "Verrick will you shut it and let us rest, we don't nees to be quick or anything we're completely alone" "yes bu-" my ears ring and the pieces moved to my ear slam back causing behind my ears and my ears themselves to bleed. Gunshot, another then shouting. Pieces transition to my legs and spine and i rush forward silently until i get close, it might have taken me a few seconds but i see someone, he is wearing the flag of Finland on his camo uniform, soldier? He looks terrified and then i see why, a man in a solid black trenchcoat and tight glasses holds up a pistol and takes aim at the Finnish soldier who breaks down crying before being shot and killed.
I wait. I wait somw more. Bullets hurt me though not as much as a human it still isn't pleasant and I'd like to avoid it if possible. I pull out the Excalibur which I'd hoped would not be necessary and move past the three dead soldiers who apparently were carrying a large chest. The soldiers were from Russia, from Italy and Finland which was odd but i need to hurry. Hold on though, if this man is here not for the fabled treasure as evident by his lack of storage equipment then he must be here for the same reasons as me, for the lamp itself and thus he knows what to do because no human being is to supposed to know the lamp is by itself let alone that it exists... I have to hurry, pieces move through my body and transition to wherever i need them even my second layer makes transitions to support the first allowing me to move silently as 10 miles per hour through the tunnels.
I turn right then right again then a left and finally catch up to see the man walking in to the room where the lamp is. Pieces move to my legs and it feels as if my legs are on fire as i jump towards the door and prepare to brace and land on the wall and leap again this time towards the man, i have to be quick and quiet. I push forward and blast off to the rooms entrance landing on the wall. Gunshots ring through my ears and my body dodges the bullets as the slam against the wall chipping the stone and ricocheting off the wall towards me. No, i have to get there before him, i push forward again and then quickly jump and roll into the room to see the man look up at me hands on the lamp which is held on a lecturn in the center of the room on an elevated platform. He pulls out a hankerchief and i push forward again preparing to cut his head off with the Excalibur but then as soon as his hanker chief touches the lamp its over. Hes gone. I've failed.
The realm of fairies, of mystery and of deceit. I step forwards and follow the path through the glowing blue forest until i reach the location i have heard so much about. The wishing tree and the genie who stands bored on the stump. Its not really a wishing tree as its actually cut to a stump and then the magical dusts which gives genies their power flows like a slow swirling tornado around the clearing and inside the stump is a large amount of dust. I step forward and the genie asks for my two wishes, i look him in the eyes and say my request, he looks at me with surprise but collects the dust into his hand and grants the wish. "Now i may return you to your realm" i hold up my hand "wait, i know being here must be boring and lonely so i wanted to bring you a gift for your troubles before i leave" he seems interested "may i see this pleasant surprise" i pull out a box wrapped up and even has a little ribbon and set it down. "Only open after i leave" he nods, thanks me and teleports me to my requested location on earth.
The genie looks at the box, its medium sized gift and its kinda strange so the genie doesn't know what to think. he hears a beep, odd, he opens the box to see in red numbers three numbers 3, 2, 1 BOOOOMMMM!!!! The explosion basically disintegrates both the tree and the genie.
An elf hears the sound and runs through the trees and pulls out a pouch made of special material and collects a sample of the dust before running off. The rest of the dust dies and fades.
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