
Rise Of Aera the God slayer

Crispychapati · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


A long time ago in the realm of god's there were two most powerful beings 'THE GOD OF DISTRUCTION AETHER' and the 'THE GODESS OF CREATION ATHENA'

They both loved each other and had a child who had both the power of creating and destruction, he had red hair like his father and golden eyes like his mother but their happiness did not last long as their love was a forbidden love.

Then one night there comes Zeus and Odin both with there army to take them down and to kill the baby, Aether went outside to protect his family while Athena was sending her kid to a far away world in the human realm where they can't find him.

So... did u like it? Aera.

Then! Then! what happened to the kid who was sent to the human world?

I don't know it's just a legend passed down from generation to generation.

Hm..... that's sad if I had ever met him I wanted to fight with him.

'Bonk' Hey! why do you always want to fight you little rascal of a boy! I will just throw to the woods where i found you.

Aww.... don't say like that Gramps i am already 7 years old and i am also a member of your Dragon Slayer guild.

Now the boy is 17 years old and has become a fine adult and also one of the strongest members of the dragon Slayer guild.

Huff....Huff haa.... i finally found you lord Aera