
The Beginning of Her End

The atmosphere was lively inside Zhaoyang¹ Hall, where the banquet to celebrate the eldest prince's triumphant return from the disaster areas was being held.

Just now, the Emperor of Xiyue² had asked this most favored son what he desired as a reward.

As Prince Jing³ stood up and bowed, Rong Lian's skin prickled from the many jealous stares of the surrounding young misses. Even so, she maintained the gentle smile on her lips as she looked up at her fiancé.

But the white-knuckled grip on her wine cup told a different story.


¹Zhaoyang (昭阳) Hall: Zhao (昭) is 'clear' while yang (阳) can mean 'light; sun'.

²Xiyue (西月) (Country): West Moon (Country).

³Prince Jing (敬): A title meaning 'respect; honor; esteem'. The fact that he has a title is important - it signifies he has the highest rank, wang (王). The Emperor's sons aren't necessarily titled as wang - they must be favored or pass several tests, depending on the dynasty.


Presumably, to top off his glowing achievement, everyone expected Prince Jing to ask his imperial father to finally set a date for their wedding.

Which was the very thing Rong Lian needed right now, since not only had she already reached the age of twenty, her stepmother was currently pregnant.

If she didn't become Jing wangfei⁴ soon, her and her little brother would be unable to escape that woman's vicious claws.


⁴wangfei (王妃): Princess Consort.


"Imperial Father, forgive this son's impertinence."

Prince Jing's deep, steady voice resounded amid the quietly anticipating hall as he went to his knees. Rong Lian's fingers tightened around the cup even more. 'What is he doing?'

"But this son wishes to break the engagement with Miss Rong, and for Imperial Father to bestow marriage to Eldest Miss Mu."

The hall became deadly silent once Prince Jing finished. Rong Lian squeezed and squeezed the wine cup, staring at that lowered head with a frozen expression.

'What did Older Brother Yitian just say? Break the engagement? Marriage to Eldest Miss Mu?'

Her ears were ringing and she dimly felt her face burning from the full force of the thousands of stares directed her way. Despair tightened like a noose around her throat, making it hard to breathe.

Soon enough, the room blurred around her, and then she was falling.

The last thing Rong Lian heard before she blacked out was her only brother crying out to her in alarm.


As warm hands landed on her shoulders, Rong Lian jerked awake, her chest heaving. Her eyes collided with Rong Xuan's worried ones, his youthful face creased with concern.

"Jiejie, what's wrong?"

Rong Lian didn't answer right away. She sat up against the carriage's wall, and gently took her brother's hands in an attempt to calm herself after that horrible nightmare.


⁵jiejie (姐姐): Older sister.


Or, more accurately, one of the many visions of her future - where her and her little brother's terrible fates began.

Her eyes glinted as she stared down at their joined hands. Her brother's hands were already much larger than her own despite the fact he was only sixteen.

Merely a boy, still learning and growing, and easy pickings for their venomous stepmother.

Even she wasn't a match for that woman. The only things that had protected them all these years was her engagement to Prince Jing, and the fact their stepmother still hadn't managed to give birth to a child.

But half a month ago, after she had received the news that her fiancé was returning to the capital, Rong Lian had fallen ill in bed for three days.

And during those three days, she'd become enlightened to the truth of this world, and of her role in the future events.

She'd seen her descent into madness, as she desperately schemed to destroy the 'female lead' and regain her engagement. But no matter what she did, Mu Lingxue either managed to turn things around or was saved by her multiple admirers, until Rong Lian was finally dealt with.

And with her no longer around, her little brother was left helpless against their stepmother.

Rong Lian shivered as the images of his bloody end flashed in her mind. With tears in her eyes, she threw her arms around Rong Xuan in a fierce hug, burying her face in his shoulder.

This was her only brother, the only person she had left she could truly call family, the most important one in her heart.

'I won't let that happen to you, Ah Xuan, I promise you.'

"Jiejie...you're scaring me. Tell me what's wrong, please."

A watery laugh escaped Rong Lian's lips as she released him, sitting back properly in her seat. She took out a handkerchief and a handheld mirror from one of her sleeves.

When her appearance was back to its usual perfection, she looked up at her brother with an indulgent smile.

"It's nothing, Ah Xuan, just a really bad dream."

Rong Xuan crossed his arms, looking unconvinced. "I don't believe that. Ever since you fell sick, you haven't been sleeping well. And Yiyue tells me you've been staying up late, furiously practicing for something."

He raised an eyebrow at her, indicating he definitely wasn't going to let this go.

Rong Lian stared at him for a moment, brows furrowed, before sighing. She would punish that troublesome Yiyue once they returned from the banquet.

"It's really nothing, Ah Xuan. I've just been worried about my wedding to His Highness." She forced out a giggle. "I'm not getting any younger, after all."

Rong Xuan tapped his foot as he continued to stare at her. Clearly, he expected a better answer than that.

"And I thought," Rong Lian ground out, annoyed at her brother's persistence, "that if I made a grand performance to express the people's gratitude to His Highness, he might be moved."

Her brother snorted, yet the tone of his voice was gentle. "Jiejie, that man has always treated us coldly after you two became engaged. I don't think a performance, even a magnificent one, would move that Giant Iceberg's frozen heart after all these years."

Once again, Rong Lian didn't answer him. Instead, she chose to look out through one of the carriage's windows, lifting a corner of the jeweled curtains.

Her eyes took in the quiet and orderly scenery passing by, signifying they were getting closer to the imperial palace. She slowly drew in a breath and tried to smother the anxiety her brother's words had stirred in her.

Of course she knew a mere performance for His Highness wouldn't change his mind or soften his heart.

But seeing no other way out, she had to take this gamble.

If she acted like a good little fiancée and expressed her 'love' for him through a touching song in front of all the nobility, he wouldn't be able to break off the engagement right then and there.

At least not without incurring both his imperial father and mother's rage, and the utter distaste of the guests.

Even if he was a favored prince, no one would respect a man who'd heartlessly discard his fiancée for another woman after a demonstration of her sincere feelings.

The key was to perform before he even had the chance to open his cheap mouth.

The corners of Rong Lian's lips lifted in a small, gentle smile.

'Sorry, Your Highness, but for now, this unwanted fiancée of yours won't allow our engagement to be broken at any cost.'

A sudden tug on her hand startled her into letting go of the curtain. She turned to see Rong Xuan staring at her, his bright eyes brimming with guilt and concern.

"I'm sorry, jiejie, I didn't mean to hurt you," he said. "I know how much you've been worrying because the Madam is now pregnant and that asshole still hasn't married you...I'm really sorry for speaking so thoughtlessly."

Rong Lian's smile widened into something more genuine as she reached out to pat his cheek, still containing some baby fat.

"It's all right, Ah Xuan. You were just worried and expressed it in your usual foolish way, that's all."

Rong Xuan swatted her hand away, glaring at her. "You were just pretending to be hurt, weren't you, jiejie?"

Lightly laughing, Rong Lian winked at him as she leaned back into her seat. "It's not my fault my cute little brother is so easy to trick."

Rong Xuan rolled his eyes and picked up the book he'd been reading before, ready to ignore her for the rest of the hour-long trip. But she could see the tips of his ears were slightly pink.

She smiled again, but it didn't reach her eyes this time as she gazed at this precious brother of hers.

No matter what, she would rescue them both from these unfair, undeserved fates.

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It was exactly like her nightmarish vision.

Rong Lian rested her chin in her hands, taking in the too-familiar scene of a merry Zhaoyang Hall.

The phoenix lamps hanging from the walls washed the hall in a golden light as skilled dancers performed on the stage, vibrant music floating through the air. Beautiful maids flitted among the tables as they swiftly replenished drinks and food.

The Emperor and Empress sat at the highest positions, flanked on all sides by fully occupied seats. Imperial clansmen, nobility, and officials of rank three and up were all present to sing the Imperial Couple and their brilliant son's praises.

And the star of the night, Prince Jing, had the special honor of sitting next to his imperial parents, distinguished from the rest of the princes.

She examined him: with his cold yet peerlessly handsome looks, imposing aura, and boundless talents, it was true that Long Yitian was more than qualified to be this world's 'male lead'.

But her heart clenched at his cruel way of ending their engagement.

Just because he was the favored son of heaven, this world's 'male lead', did that mean he was allowed to do whatever he wanted? To trample over her dignity and throw her out to the wolves?

She didn't think with how capable he was that he didn't know of her situation at home, of how much she needed the power and influence that came with being Jing wangfei.

Or that withdrawing their engagement in so public a manner would render her unable to marry for the rest of her life.

Rong Lian's perfect smile became even warmer. Whoever saw her right now would never imagine the anger simmering inside her, held back only by years of constant practice.

"Miss Rong is so lucky to have an outstanding fiancé like Prince Jing. If it were me in your place, I wouldn't be able to tear my eyes from him either!"

A honeyed voice suddenly gushed from the other side of the table.

Rong Lian turned to look at the speaker, Lin Wanyue. She was the only daughter of the Minister of Works⁶, and one of the granddaughters of Xiyue's only Grand Princess⁷.

As well as her biggest rival.


⁶Ministry of Works was one of the Six Ministries under the Department of State Affairs in Ancient China. Usually considered to be the weakest of the six ministries.

⁷Grand Princess (長公主): A title reserved for princesses who were the older sisters and/or aunts of the emperor.


"Thank you for your well wishes, Miss Lin. I can only hope you have as much luck in your future marriage partner."

Rong Lian nodded at her, dewy eyes shining with warmth. It truly was as if Lin Wanyue was her most cherished friend.

But inwardly, she sneered, 'Your ending isn't any better than mine, dear Miss Lin.'

According to the plot, she had teamed up with this Miss Lin to deal with Mu Lingxue. The enemy of an enemy was a friend, after all. But in the end, Long Yitian had forced Lin Wanyue to be married off to the useless, playboy heir of a marquis as payback for messing with his beloved.

Her life from then on was filled with being ignored by her husband, fighting with his innumerable concubines, and being bullied by a horrid mother-in-law.

In her humble opinion, that wasn't a better alternative to death.

Lin Wanyue looked annoyed for a moment, before schooling her features into an amiable smile. "Miss Rong doesn't need to worry, my parents will surely be able to find a fiancé as devoted as yours."

A few giggles erupted from the rest of the young misses present, although they were quickly smothered behind painted fans and long sleeves.

Despite this, Rong Lian continued smiling as if she didn't understand the implication in Lin Wanyue's poisonous words.

Before, words like those would've caused her heart to ache, from the reminder that despite all their years together, he continued to rebuff her again and again.

But now, it just stoked the fury in her heart to an even greater inferno.

"I wouldn't be so sure, Miss Lin. After all, everyone knows about your brother's lack of accomplishments anywhere that isn't those lowly establishments." Rong Lian shook her head with a sigh, her elegant brows knitted together in pity. "It'll be difficult, indeed, to find a respectable young master willing to ally themselves with a family that has no future."

"How dare you!"

Lin Wanyue finally lost her composure, her face alternating between various hues as she struggled to find a proper retort.

But ultimately, all she did was glare, wringing a silk handkerchief as if she was imagining it was Rong Lian's neck.

Rong Lian blinked innocently back at her while lifting a teacup to her lips. 'Such an obviously spoiled child would never be a worthy opponent.'

The only reason this Miss Lin was able to remain as her 'biggest rival' all these years was because of her strong connection to the imperial family.

A connection that this pampered young miss had no idea was becoming frayed due to her brother's increasingly outrageous scandals.

Conversation, stilted as it was, soon resumed between the other young misses. Rong Lian pretended not to see the curious glances they shot her as she played with her white jade bangle.

None of them had ever seen her be so openly confrontational, after all.

She chuckled to herself. Seeing your own death at the hands of your fiancé would do that to you.

It was at this moment that the music stopped.

Rong Lian looked up along with everyone else to the raised platform where the Imperial Couple was seated.

Then, the charming voice of the esteemed Empress filled the hall, delightful to the ear.

"Valued subjects, this empress is very grateful to see you all here to celebrate my son's successful return. Hopefully you have all been enjoying yourselves."

The Empress smiled, her beautiful eyes running over the guests seated below her. It made every one of them feel like their presence was truly important to Their Majesties.

When that benevolent gaze finally landed on Rong Lian, her heart stopped.

It was time.

"Now, this empress would like to call my niece, Rong Lian, to come up to perform."

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Important Names:

Rong Xuan (荣 轩): Rong (荣) is a surname meaning 'honor, glory' while Xuan (轩) can mean 'high; lofty'.

Long Yitian (龙熠天): Long (龙) is a surname that means 'dragon', Yi (熠) means 'bright, brilliant', Tian (天) means 'sky; heaven'.

Lin Wanyue (林婉月): Lin (林) is a surname meaning 'forest / woods', Wan (婉) means 'beautiful; graceful; elegant', Yue (月) means 'moon'.

" " is for dialogue.

' ' is for thoughts, usually RL's.

Hope you liked it~ Tell me what you thought pls (:

Rosana777creators' thoughts
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