
Rise (An Avengers Story)

Agent Taylor Holmes is a SHIELD Agent with superpowers such as Invisibility and Night vision. Loki falls in love with Taylor. This will follow Avengers and Age of Ultron (but I am gonna make small changes to the story).

MrsLaufeyson002 · Films
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16 Chs

Chapter 5.

I woke up and saw some of the Chitauri were closing in on me. I had a shard of glass stuck in my leg. I grabbed my dual pistols and shot them each in the head. I got up and limped over to the group, but I was shocked to see Banner and Thor here. I limped closer and closer until I was beside Steve. Banner turned into the hulk and destroyed the giant Alien space ship (thing). I stood between Steve and Tony with my daggers out, ready for some action.

"Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal, our priority is Containment. Barton, I want you on that roof. Eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it around or you turn it to ash. Thor, you got to try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You got the lightning. Light them up. Natasha, Taylor, and I, we stay on the ground. We keep fighting here. And Hulk...smash."

I got separated from Nat and Steve, and I've been fighting these aliens for hours. I was getting tired and couldn't keep up anymore. I was corned by at least eleven Chitauri soldiers. My dual pistols ran out of ammo and my reflexes were slow. They grabbed my arms and dragged me on the ground, into Stark Tower. I was dragged into the elevator. I was confused, as to where they were taking me.

The elevator doors opened to a room with a broken window and glass everywhere. Loki was standing in the middle of the room. I was pushed down onto my knees, in front of Loki. He moves closer to me and I try to stand up, but I couldn't for some odd reason. Loki was right in front of me and he dismissed the Chitauri soldiers. He looks at me with genuine happiness and love in his eyes. He strokes my hair, gently, and I tried my hardest to move away, but sadly I still couldn't move anything. "When this is all over and I have won, you will rule by my side, as my queen." I rolled my eyes and looked up into his. "I would rather die than be your queen." He slapped me and the force knocked me onto my side. "You will not disrespect me, Taylor." I tried to crawl away, but I only made it a few inches before he grabbed my ankle. I used my right foot to kick him in the face. Loki's grip on my left ankle didn't falter. He dragged me closer to him, so I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He let me go and I got to my feet. I limped around the corner to hide, but there was nowhere to hide. I heard Loki's footsteps and I tried to hide in the shadows (I couldn't hide my entire body, sadly). "Taylor, there's nowhere to hide. If you come out, I won't hurt you anymore." I stayed still and made no noise. He looked passed me and I started to wonder, how could he have missed me. I'm not exactly hiding. He was walking towards me when he bumped into me. He looked surprised but then turned angry. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the stairwell. He handcuffed my left hand to the railing of the stairs. He left me there to take on the Avengers.