
Leaving home

It was early in the morning, Eu Lin suddenly wake Wen Qiang up.

"Why did you wake me up so early i want to sleep a little more.." Wen Qiang was too lazy to wake up and Eu Lin never once woke him up this early, she usually lets him sleep as long as he wants to.

"Didn't you said you want to take revenge for me. Didn't you said you want to go to the forest? If you really want me to give you permission for you to go to the forest and if you really want to help me get revenge, your too weak to do so right now." Eu Lin had decided last night that she would teach him a cultivation method.

"WHAT!?? SO IF I BECOME STRONG ENOUGH YOU WILL GIVE ME FREEDOM AND LET ME DO WHATEVER I WANT???" Wen Qiang eyes started sparkling as he never thought that such a situation would ever occur.

"Yes i am going to teach you something, but do not think that you will become strong immediately after i teach you." After hearing what Eu Lin said, Wen Qiang was super excited, he keeps on wondering what skill will his mom teach him.

Eu Lin suddenly took out a book from the ring she is wearing. It immediately caught Wen Qiang's attention. Wen Qiang immediately used 'God's Eye' on the ring she was wearing.

"Spatial Ring"

Type: Ring

Description: When equip, allows the wielder to store items into this ring. This ring can store up to 100kg of item.

"Ohh so it's similar to my inventory ability. But just that the ring has a limit to it while i can store unlimited amount of things into my inventory." Wen Qiang now knows that there are actually item which have functions similar to his inventory ability.

"Here Wen Qiang, this is a book which contain the Fang's Family best cultivation method available. The name of this cultivation is called 'Thousand Blossoms', this cultivation even so it is a low tier one, it is the best in the fang family, the better books might be available in other city and higher realm.

Ohh i should also explain to you, there are a total of 9 realm of heaven, i will tell you all the realm's name in ascending order. The realm's name are Vilon, Raqia, Shehaqim, Maon, Makon, Zebul, Araboth. We are currently at the lowest realm Vilon.

"Wait what? There are actually 9 different realm in heaven and i am at the lowest... The highest would be Aaraboth realm.. It must be where those useless gods are at." He said it in his head. After hearing Eu Lin's explanation, he understood more about this world now. When Wen Qiang hold the book, a notification immediately appeared.



'Thousand Blossom'

Cost: 1mp per minute

Description: It is a grade 8.5 cultivation skill book, by using this method to cultivate, your MP and HP will increase by 10 for every 1 hour of cultivation.

Do you want to learn it?


"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS??? When people cultivate don't they have something like body refining tier 1, than tier 2, after that get a break through and slowly go to the nirvana stage or something like that??? Why is mine like this????? Man FUCK, well thinking about it, the only two reasons that seems reasonable is firstly i am from another Earth and i did not reincarnate, instead i got reborn so my body/soul should still be earth's, secondly, my body can't be considered normal.. it is more like a character from <Mythical Adventure Online..." He said it to himself in his head.

Wen Qiang became surprise because base on what he know, cultivation method shouldn't work like this. In a soft tone, he said "no." The reason why Wen Qiang decline it, is because whenever you pick up a skill book a notification will appear just like now, and it will ask whether to learn it or not, if he press yes the book knowledge will go into his head immediately and the book will disappear afterwards.

If the book disappeared in front of his mom when he learns it, wouldn't it be hard for him to explain to his mom? "Mom, do you still need this book or are you going to give it to me?" Wen Qiang asked as he was worried that his mom still to keep the book.

"No i do not need it, i have already mastered the cultivation. But you must not sell it away or give it away you understand? Or it will give clue to the Fang Family members if they were to found out one of their cultivation book is in the hands of an outsider."

Wen Qiang nodded and he told his mom he would like to be secluded just for today. Eu Lin immediately agreed to his request and Wen Qiang went to his room.

This time round Wen Qiang retouch the book and the notification once again appeared. This time he learn it. Afterwards with a thought, the skill tab appeared.


God's Eye

Cost: 0mp

Description: This is a grade 0 skill, it allows you to see anything and everything. It provides you with all time of information available, with this skill, you can even see through invisible people or items. It is a god rank skill therefore it is grade 0.

"Horizontal Cut"

Cost: 5mp

Description: This skill can be used on weapons that are not too heavy and slow. This skill allows you to do a horizontal cut towards your enemy.

'Thousand Blossom'

Cost: 1mp per minute

Description: It is a grade 8.5 cultivation skill book, by using this method to cultivate, your MP and HP will increase by 10 for every 1 hour of cultivation. When cultivating, your mp regeneration will pause and it will keep deducted per minute. If you cultivate will you do not have any mp left and you do not stop, your hp will be reduce by 10 per minute and will not regenerate in return.

"Holy shit this dangerous.. I will have to set a alarm when i cultivate than." Wen Qiang when to took the alarm and set it to ring in 2 hours. As once 2 hours have passed, he will be left with 10mp.

Afterwards he immediately started cultivating.

"RING!", "RING!"

Wen Qiang end his cultivation. He stretch his body afterwards and stood up. "AHH, open stat."

Name: Fang Wen Qiang

Class: Civilian

Race: Human


Title: A reborn person

A reborn person - it does not increase or change anything, it's just a title that prove you is a person that was reborn.

Fame: 0

HP: 90

MP: 150

Below the character overview was stat point

Stat point:

STR: 59

DEX: 40

INT: 530

LUK: 10000

"Hmm, well i guess unlike leveling to gain stat point, the more i train my body, the higher the stat point will increase. For hp and mp, as i get older and my immune system becomes stronger, my hp and mp will naturally increase. Other than that, seems like only cultivating can increase it. Damn it i need to find a better cultivating method to increase my hp and mp faster or else it will still be too slow. 20mp and hp per 2 hour. It's horrible." Wen Qiang is having a headache with his stat right now.

Afterwards he went to do physical work outs in his room and train his martial arts skills while waiting for his mp to be full before he start cultivating again.

After Wen Qiang finish doing workouts and cultivating repeatedly, it was already morning. He went to have a bath and afterwards went to his bed to rest for while waiting for his mom to be awake so that he could have breakfast.

A few hours past, while Wen Qiang was having breakfast, his mom spoke "So how did it go?" "mmm, it wasn't too bad i actually felt my body getting stronger and my qi improve.." When Wen Qiang said that, it was a total lie, he could not even feel his qi or his body getting stronger and it wasn't just not too bad, it was really bad 1 hour for 10 hp and mp have piss him off greatly.

"That's good to hear.." After Wen Qiang finish his breakfast and washed his mouth, when he turn around, Eu Lin suddenly hug him and said,

"Fang Wen Qiang, i know that you are actually more mature than how a seven year old should be. You understood my problems, you even dare to talk back to me and you even have freedom as your top priority which most children of your age only want attention. To become stronger so that you can take revenge for your mom and defend your self, your mom can no longer force you to stay in this sweet home.

You have already make up your mind and i know you already am planning to leave home sooner or later to venture out even if i don't allow you to. That's why i won't force you to stay with me and control you anymore. Instead go out and explore and make many friends alright.. *Sob* *Sob*.. You... You... *Sob* You must remember mom will always love and care about you, when i lost all hope and had wanted to commit suicide, you came to my life and made me happy. I was actually happy that i didn't commit suicide and decided to adopt you.. i didn't regret adopting you too... *Sob*.. so please don't ever forget or hate me for being so strict towards you, i am this protective and controlling towards you is because your the only thing i have and care about left. So when you go out into the open world, please please do not ever forget about me, your mom, Fang Eu Lin. You must return home once in awhile too understand?? *Sob..*"

Wen Qiang eyes became water. "Mom, thank you for understand. I promise you i will definitely have revenge on those bastards son of a bitch who had made your life hell. I will never ever forget about you too mom. I also understand that the reason your so strict, controlling and protective towards me is because you love me. But, i also wish for you to understand, i may only be 7 years old but i have a goal way ahead of what anybody can imagine.. i do not wish to tell you my goal yet as i am too weak right now and saying it will only make it seem like a joke. So when the time comes, i will tell you my goal and will definitely let you enjoy a life way better than what you are having right now."

"unn, okay my son. *kisses on the forehead*, when will you be leaving home?"

After hearing his mom ask him, he replied "i will be leaving in 3 days time. So mom, let's enjoy as a family before i leave."

Wen Qiang wipe off the tears on his own eyes and Eu Lin did the same too.

Three days past in a blink of an eye. Wen Qiang had already said goodbye and left home. Right now his approaching towards the nearby town which is at the border of the Starry City.

(Author's comment: Wen Qiang did not used God's Eye on his guardian Eu Lin is because he felt it's disrespectful if he does that and he has no shame at all if he does it. Plus he wants to know the history of his guardian by her telling it to him.)

Hello, once again i will fix grammatical error and wrong sentence structure sooner or later, so hopefully for now you can still enjoy this chapter hehe...

Kiifaacreators' thoughts
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