
#1- Hatred and Reincarnation!

84th Gui Year


Chu Jin Ning was sprawled across the floor, her glassy eyes staring at her father, who she thought loved her more than anything in the world.

"W...Why? Father, why?"She mumbles weakly, her body was experiencing excruciating pain, caused by the Scorpion pill her father had forced fed her.

Chu Xiong laughed evilly, and lifted an eyebrow. "Do you really think I loved you, and your mother? No! I just want your mother's fortune. The only woman I will ever love is Yao!"

"No! Not possible!"Jin Ning cries out, and she spits out blood in the process. It was black and congealed, and dyed the marble floor a ominous black. It gave the luxurious room Jin Ning had lived in for nineteen years, ever since she was a bawling infant, a tragic air.


At least mother Yao still loves me, she can help convince Father....

That's right!

At this moment, an elegant and gorgeous woman in her mid-forties stepped into the room, and he embraces her.

Jin Ning's eyes shone with hope.

"Mother Yao...Mo-"

Chu Yao sent a distasteful glance in her direction, and turned her nose upwards in disgust. "Honey, get rid of her! She's stinking up this room!"



Jin Ning was in disbelief. She sent an aggrieved gaze towards her stepmother. Chu Yao's lips twitched, and she called out in her shrill voice, "Servants! Carry her away!"

Several maidservants scurried into the room, and picked her up hastily and roughly. This was the first time Jin Ning was treated worser than a beast!

She had always been the Chu family's pearl. She was gorgeous, rich and highly talented, having achieved the Nirvana Soul stage at the tender age of nineteen. She was worshipped and seen as the most talented among the talented ones.

However, she was now reduced to such a pitiful state, no thanks to the cruel hand of her family.

Her mind was cloudy, and her heart felt numb, possibly to defend itself against the upsurge of emotions she was feeling. Calloused hands gripped her smooth, jade-like skin and she was carelessly tossed into a dirty shed. She could feel the rough texture of dirt rubbing on her face, and she whimpered softly.

An image of a beautiful woman drifted into her mind. It was her beloved biological mother, Yun Na.

Her mother had died five years ago, and had left behind a large amount of assets for Jin Ning. She afterall, hailed from the prestigious Yun family, but in order to marry Chu Xiong, she abandoned her family and eloped with him.

Nonetheless, the Yun family who loved Yun Na deeply, continued to supply her with properties and money, which Yun Na gave to Chu Xiong without hesitation. However, she had also ensured she left behind large amounts of riches to Jin Ning, so that she could live well, and didn't need to worry about finances.

Unfortunately, under the disguise of a loving and caring father, Chu Xiong managed to persuade Jin Ning to give him her inheritance. This was possible as in Gui Empire, she was already an adult, and could manage her inheritance as she wished.

This occurred only a week ago, on her nineteenth birthday. Thinking of this, Jin Ning seemed to have understood everything. She laughed bitterly.

She craved for their deaths!

This moment, the shed door swung open. Chu Yao stepped into the room, and gazed down at her condescendingly. "Haha, finally everything is mine!"

"You bit**..."

Jin Ning glared at her, and spit a mouthful of blood and saliva at her robes. Chu Yao screeched, "You brat! Dare to spit at my outfit!" She lifted her leg and stomped mercilessly at Jin Ning. Her weakened body couldn't take any more damages, and she instantly puked out lots of blood. Chu Yao stared at her in disgust.

"You dirty whore. We should have killed you like how we killed your mother!"


A bolt of lightning seemed to strike her heart, and Jin Ning had never felt such greater urge to strangle the Chu family. They had touched her beloved mother! Hatred consumed her heart, and she screamed.

"I, Chu Jin Ning, swear I'll never let you all go! I'll make all of you die a thousand times and burn in the Netherworld!"

At this timing, a large bolt of lightning lit up the sky which had suddenly turned a stormy, eerie gray. It was followed by a loud and defeaning thunder bolt. Howling and screeching winds subsequently rattled the shed door.

The weather was simply unusual and horrifying, and chilled Chu Yao's soul, right down to the bone.

"Y-You... You brought it upon yourself!"She said, trembling, as she backed away from Jin Ning's battered and bloody body, and ran away in fright.

Chu Ning laughed wildy, her vision blurring and the energy in her body waning.

I, Chu Jin Ning, swear to make them pay a million times!

Her lips curved into a ghostly smile, and her eyes fluttered close.

Not long after, a figure flew towards Jin Ning's body. He knelt down on a knee, and touched her bloody face with a shaky hand.

He was utterly distraught, and sadness was evident on his beautiful face.

He paused for a moment, before gingerly taking out a black jade pendant from his interspacial ring.

Cutting his wrist and dripping blood onto the jade, he whispered sharply, "Reincarnate!"

Eerily, a figure of white mist emerged from Jin Ning's body. It then quickly shot into the sky, and the jade pendant followed after.

Ye Xun stared at the disappearing figures, before quickly reciting a spell. It took a toll on his body though, as he soon started coughing blood.

He continued to do this for an hour, before he was finally done. He lay his weary body on the dirty floor, as he smiles into the air.

"My beloved Jin Ning, I failed to see you in this lifetime. I will make sure I never lose you again!"

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