
Return of Lust

What can destroy a man!? What can destroy a God!? Answers are infinitely different, but always gather towards one point! Jealousy! Greed! Sin! Yang Tian, the Lust God! He learned formations to make the daughter of Formation God fall for him, he learned Alchemy to make the Alchemist Goddess fall for him. He was a genius beyond comprehension and a God beyond normal beliefs. His ‘Beauties Palace’ contained 3 of the 5 Universal Beauties, not to mention the rest. His wine was the best elixir that Universe could offer, and he drank it like water. His wealth knew no bounds, as there were people who said that he would eat a ‘Heavenly Pill’ like eating cheap candy. The shiniest star will most certainly blind whoever tries to look at it directly, and that was the same for Yang Tian. He attracted the jealousy and hate of the other Gods in the Origin World, was trapped by them, stripped of his divinity, as they tried to extinct him. Could that be his end!? The cover image is not mine it was taken from: https://www.artranked.com/topic/Harem+Girl#&gid=1&pid=17

crazy_immortal · Urbain
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128 Chs

Chapter 3: Filial Oath

At that moment, even though both of them were just old people looking like the wind would take down and fly away at a moment's notice, would most likely want to pummel the one that opened the door.

They wanted to bask just a little bit more under that illusion, or dream they were having but this nurse had to open the door and break it.

At the same time though they couldn't actually be mad at her, as this was their important nephew they were talking about.

If the doctor or the nurse had to check up on him, then they couldn't get in the way. They could only look, and wait in anxiety.

The nurse was a true beauty, especially in her uniform she looked like a treat. Her curves, her shapes, her thin waist were perfect, like respecting the famous golden ratio.

Even her face was comparable to the moon on a nice and warm summer night, able to illuminate the night with her light.

But that didn't matter much to Yang Tian at the moment, he had much better things to worry about, as he was afraid that his grandparents didn't hear him say those words.

So, he just kept mumbling those words non-stop, like some broken tape, just like his Grandmother a few moments ago.

"I am sorry!

I swear, I will change from now on!



The nurse was coming just for a random check, to look at his vitals, as this patient was in a coma, and the possibilities of him wakening up were pretty slim.

She would have never expected him not only to wake up but even to start mumbling about, even though she didn't understand what he was saying at that moment.

The moment she saw that she immediately jumped towards Yang Tians right side, and immediately called up the doctor,

"Doctor, patient in room 501 just woke up, please come and check!"

It was only when the two old people heard her urgent voice, that they were finally fully awakened from their stupor and understood that they weren't just watching some kind of illusion.

This was real!

Everything was real!

Even now they were able to hear that their precious grandson was saying the same words of earlier, non-stop, wanting for them to believe him.

How could they not get emotional as they heard that? The dream of their life had just been fulfilled! What more could they ask in their lives?

They had never thought that something like that would ever happen, they had already lost all hope of Yang Tian ever reforming his ways.

But even though it truly hurt their feelings, they had no intention of throwing him away, as long as he didn't commit some major crime, they would always support and help him as much as they could.



If Yang Tian died there would be no one to inherit those anyway, so why did they have to care about something like that, it was just stupid.

There were of course people eyeing for those from Su Mei's close lineage, or Yang Tie's far away lineage, but they didn't care about them.

Those were just vultures asking to eat their meat after they were dead, nothing more and nothing less.

As long as they were alive, and even after their death, everything they possessed would belong to Yang Tian, and Yang Tian only, even if he was a waste, and a good-for-nothing.

But who would have expected that their precious child would change so much just because of this accident?

At that moment they didn't know if they should be thankful, or hateful towards the one responsible for bringing him to this place, and this condition.

As they were still in the stupor of that moment, the doctor entered inside the room and started checking upon Yang Tian, and his vitals.

He was extremely shocked, as he thought that Yang Tian wouldn't be able to wake up for some time, as he was even planning on sending him towards Beijing and having him hospitalized there.

Fortunately, and shockingly though he had managed to wake up, and regain full conscience in his hospital, as even his vitals were extremely fine.

Looking at the two old people by Yang Tian's left side, he said with a respectful voice,

"Master Yang, Lady Su, your grandchild has woken up and is perfectly fine! We just need to have him a couple of days more into the hospital to keep an eye on him, and then you can shift him home!"

The two old people couldn't believe those words, as they were delighted, and even though Yang Tie was an old and well-respected old man in the country he bowed slightly and said,

"Thank you, doctor, you have given us hope to live!"

The doctor didn't dare to accept that bow, as he immediately made a step to the side, and said with a hurried voice,

"Please don't do something like this Master Yang, I just did my job, it was the young man's will that brought him back so soon.

To tell you the truth I am truly shocked myself, at how fast he was able to wake up!

Well he is still weak and he will have to rest, but now everything is over, and he can start recuperating.

I will take my leave first!"

With that said the doctor left the room together with the nurse, leaving only the two old people and Yang Tian in the room.

Su Mei immediately turned her teary eyes towards her precious grandchild and said in an anxious tone,

"Tian'er how are you!? Who did this to you!?"

Even though she was extremely happy, and couldn't believe the change of her precious Tian'er there was still killing intent mixed in her second question.

Yang Tian had already understood his situation, his condition, and also the time when he had woken up, this was a turning point in his life.

He also knew who was the one responsible for his condition, but he didn't want to mention it, in fear that he might agitate his grandparents.

The ones responsible for his condition were clearly his distant cousins, that were trying to get rid of the person wasting their 'future' wealth.

In his previous life, these damn bastards had also been the responsible fu*ckers that had killed his grandparents and there was no way in hell he was going to forgive them.

Even though this time his grandparent's death had yet to happen, the fact that they had done it once, and had the potential to do it again, made it impossible for him to allow them to live and prosper.

But now wasn't the time to think about that, now it was the time for him to open the bag. Most of the people in his place would keep their knowledge for themselves, and try to do everything alone.

He wasn't like that! Even though the future and revenge were important to him, at that moment the biggest goal in his life was to make his grandparents live a happy and peaceful life.

So, he had decided to open his belly to his grandparents, even if death came from their hands at that moment he wouldn't care and leave this world with a smile.

Those two were his protective Deities, and he would make sure to never lose them again, they would be alive and by his side for as long as he was.

Thinking like that, he looked at his Grandfather, and Grandmother with decisive eyes and said in a mumble,

"Grandfather, I have something important to tell you, can you please tell your people to seal this room off!?"

Yang Tie was shocked, he never expected these words to come out of his grandchild's mouth, after all the people outside were the best of the best.

Trained martial artists, and soldiers that were the core of the army. Extremely experienced and talented people that would never be found no matter what.

But looking at the look on Yang Tian's eyes he understood that he wasn't joking around, or just guessing, as he recollected himself a bit, regained clarity and calmness, and nodded his head.

That was enough to show the confidence, and appreciation he had for his grandchild. Even though it was a weird, and stupid request he still did as Yang Tian asked.

Taking confirmation from the old man, Yang Tian looked at the two of them with a weird and complicated gaze, as he said,

"Grandfather, Grandmother, I know that what I am about to say will sound extremely strange and impossible, and I won't blame you even if you think that I have gone crazy, but I have to say it.

I owe it to you two, and the love and care you have showered me with. I swear on my life that from this moment on I will become the man you always wished me to be.

I will become filial to you two, and even if I have to give my life I will never let you face injustice and make you lose face!"

The two old people couldn't believe the words they were hearing as everything was just too sudden and unexpected.

But when they heard that last part, heard his oath, and saw the serious look in his eyes, they couldn't help but jump like they had been stabbed by multiple knives,

"Tian'er don't say that! You are still young, your Grandfather and Grandmother should die before you, otherwise what is the point of us living!"

But inside their hearts, they were overswelled by the emotions and feelings, because they could understand that it was true.

Their grandchild had truly changed for them, while Yang Tian continued…

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