
Return of Lust

What can destroy a man!? What can destroy a God!? Answers are infinitely different, but always gather towards one point! Jealousy! Greed! Sin! Yang Tian, the Lust God! He learned formations to make the daughter of Formation God fall for him, he learned Alchemy to make the Alchemist Goddess fall for him. He was a genius beyond comprehension and a God beyond normal beliefs. His ‘Beauties Palace’ contained 3 of the 5 Universal Beauties, not to mention the rest. His wine was the best elixir that Universe could offer, and he drank it like water. His wealth knew no bounds, as there were people who said that he would eat a ‘Heavenly Pill’ like eating cheap candy. The shiniest star will most certainly blind whoever tries to look at it directly, and that was the same for Yang Tian. He attracted the jealousy and hate of the other Gods in the Origin World, was trapped by them, stripped of his divinity, as they tried to extinct him. Could that be his end!? The cover image is not mine it was taken from: https://www.artranked.com/topic/Harem+Girl#&gid=1&pid=17

crazy_immortal · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
128 Chs

Chapter 113: Clash of skills*

"Close your eyes, steady your breath, and prepare yourselves!"

As Yang Tian was saying these words, he slowly crept behind the mother-daughter duo who didn't know what to expect.

While Luo Ya only had theoretical knowledge and no experience, she understood that Yang Tian was doing this to raise her body tension, and even more her focus on her body.

As for Madam Qing, in the line of work and cultivation, she had chosen such things were normal, so she was kind of used to them.

Even though Yang Tian's voice had the right tone, the right pitch, the right volume, and her body was stimulated due to what happened earlier, she still wasn't in the state of her daughter.

To her this was more like a trial for Yang Tian, to understand whether he only had the mouth, or did he possess even the skills.

After all, everyone could play the hard guy as long as he had a deep background and people were scared of offending him.

Only someone with the mouth and the skills was worthy of interest, curiosity, and appreciation.

Yang Tian quickly crept behind the two women, and immediately sat on the lotus position as well, shocking blue and red, that were still in one corner of the room.

Until now, both of them had acted like two maidservants for Yang Tian, Luo Ya, and Madam Qing, not making a sound.

Just like Luo Ya and Madam Qing, they expected this to be a special intimate play by Yang Tian, yet the reality seemed much different.

As for Yang Tian himself, it seemed like he didn't want to lose time playing around, as he immediately placed one palm on each woman's back, and said in a solemn voice,

"Open your ears and follow the path I will guide you! The quicker and better you grasp it, the more you will be able to cultivate and play later!"

"What~!?" x2

Both mother and daughter were startled and shocked at Yang Tian's words, but they couldn't say a thing as they heard Yang Tian's serious order,

"Do as I say, I don't want to waste time!"

Even though both beauties were a bit displeased with Yang Tian's words and actions, they still did as they were told, as Tianlong Yun started reciting the mantra, while guiding the Qi inside their bodies.

He was guiding them both at the same time, which was something crazy and difficult, as the tiniest mistake might send one of them into Qi-deviation, and even loss of life.

Red and blue were worried for their Mistresses, but in fear of startling and breaking Yang Tian's concentration, they didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

It took Yang Tian more than 10 minutes to recite the cultivation mantra 3 times, and also guide the mother and daughter duo to make 3 full circles of Qi.

The problem was that there wasn't Yang Qi inside their bodies so they were unable to continue, but those three circulations were enough to understand the difference between what they had and now.


"This is great! The difference is just mind-blowing! Where did this cultivation manual come from!?"

While Luo Ya was too excited to talk, Madam Qing couldn't help but express her excitement and her surprise in words, as she unconsciously asked.

"That doesn't concern you! You only have to know that this cultivation manual takes Yang Qi to cultivate, and the more Yang Qi you have inside your bodies the better it will be.

Since you didn't have any Yang Qi in your bodies, then you can only go so far! In order to continue, you need Yang Qi!"

"Yes, we understand! Thank you, Young Master, we will do our best to fulfill the deal between us! We swear upon our lives!

I can't wait to try this cultivation manual you just gave us, Young Master, it just feels like a miracle! So without any intention of offending you, can you wait for us to give it a try!?

Red, Blue, call the other colors as well, and serve Young Master all together at Heaven on Earth! Make sure to not try and steal his Yang Qi, or I will personally cripple and kill you!"

Red and Blue were certainly excited as well, thinking that if they served Yang Tian properly they would be given great benefits as well.

"Aren't you forgetting something Qing'er!?"

"Huh!? What do you mean Young Master!?"

"You promised yourself and your daughter to me, so how could I let someone else have you!? Are you trying to get back on your word!?"

"What!? No, never Young Master, that wasn't my intention! I will immediately send my daughter with the colors to serve you, as for my body I am already 'used' and it's not much of a special deal.

Allow me to be a little bit insolent Young Master, the truth was that earlier I was thinking of enchanting and using you by stealing your Yang Qi, as that is how our cultivation technique works.

But after receiving such a big gift from you, I don't even dare of thinking of it again!"

"Hahahhahaha~! You think I don't know that Qing'er!? You think I don't know how your cultivation technique works!?

Was it due to that, that you didn't progress a lot in your cultivation, and were pushed aside!? Heheheheh~! It seems like you are softer than you look!"

"Huh!? You knew!? Then why…"

"Why did I accept the deal!? Why do I still want to continue!? It will be too bothersome explaining everything with my mouth, you will understand in a few moments.

Furthermore, I still haven't fulfilled all the conditions of our deal! So, just enjoy it!"

"Young Master this…"

"You don't have to say a thing, just get on the bed over your daughter, it's time to play!"

Even though Madam Qing and Luo Ya were extremely reluctant to do as Yang Tian told them to, they still did it.

They weren't reluctant to be with one another, there wasn't any sign of shame or embarrassment on their faces for doing so, it was just that they didn't to do something that might turn Yang Tian hostile to them.

Without losing time, Yang Tian looked at Red and Blue, as he said in a demanding tone,

"Red come and suck me off, while Blue go and prepare those two! You two start playing with each other as well, I want you ready in 3 minutes!"

Unable to go against Yang Tian's wishes, both mother and daughter duo started kissing and playing with each other's bodies, while red and blue followed Yang Tian's orders.

Red was certainly knowledgeable about this, and she seemed to have practiced a lot on toys as well, but it was nowhere close to actually making Yang Tian climax.

From the start, Yang Tian was using her mouth just like some sort of lube covering machine that would make his mighty rod nice, wet, and smooth for penetration.

In two minutes, there was no change to Yang Tian's pleasure levels and he was nowhere close to the climax, but his rod was now wet enough for what he intended to do.

Once he was ready, Yang Tian approached the trio at the bed and started using his 'Ninth Cloud Touch' on Madam Qing's body who was now above her daughter.


Even though she was expecting Yang Tian's touch, Madam Qing couldn't help but release a moan, the moment that she felt him do it.

After all, not only had he accurately touched her on a weak spot but had also electrified the area and all of her body. It was something beyond her expectations, it felt like she was about to start flying.

That was just the start though, as Yang Tian started touching and playing more and more with her body, it was just like he was playing with cotton, touching all the right spots, at the right time, in the right way.

'Aaahhh…, aahhh…, aahhhn…'

Even an experienced lady like Madam Qing couldn't control her moans once Yang Tian started playing with all her body, as at an unknown time he had even activated his 'Pheromonolic' skill.

'Aah…, ahhh…, aaahh…' x3

Unbeknownst to the other ladies, they had started breathing heavier and heavier as time passed, as an unbearable itch was taking birth inside, at the bottom of their secret caves.

With each passing moment they needed more attention from Yang Tian, and the more they craved his touch.

The one to be in the worst position was the 'miserable' Luo Ya, who couldn't even move her hands to reach Yang Tian as she was under her mother's body.

Witnessing this scene, Yang Tian couldn't help but remember his 'glorious' happy times in the Origin World with all his beauties, as his resolve got even firmer.

Once again he would return to that place, this time stronger and more powerful. He would kill all the threats and enemies, as he resolved all the regrets of his past life.

But of course, that would have to wait for quite some time, as the current him was too weak and insignificant. Even a Long Family dared to covet his wealth, and his family.

Once he was awakened from that hurried dream, he immediately focused on the scene in front of him once again, and without wasting time he pushed his hips forward.

He had chosen a perfect moment, as the moment his might rod proceeded to enter Madam Qing's secret cave, it was the moment that Blue was licking the side.

For that reason, he experienced a lick from Blue, and the insides of Madam Qing, as his 'Piercing the Clouds' ended deep in Madam Qing's secret cave…

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