

Jamir get always played by other and die regretting. He get 2nd chance to change his life. will he able to change anything or not.....

Youo420 · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Chapter 5

City Sylva where Jamir live in is one of the many city in dark woodland region. City Sylva is surrounded with Forrest only few major road outside the city for traveling other city in dark woodland region. The whole city is surrounded by large concrete walls in chape of a circle. City is divided into 5 parts north, south, west, east and center region having population of approx 1- 2 million. Due to surrounded by dangerous forest external 4 region are over crowed. Jamir lives in northern part of the city near the wall. City is designed in way that closer you are to the city centre more develope the region. For obvious reasons (orphan) Jamir has no money so the palce to choose to is near the wall.

After reaching the city gate he was seen by city gards but as it is common for them to see him in this bloody state they choose to ignore him and start doing there work. He stop and look at the northern part of city gate. Then without saying anything he start moving towards his house which is not far from the gate. After reaching the slum part of city and finding his small 5/5 m single room house which has a old wooden door he open the door with lock and enter in. After entering the door he can see at top left corner of room is a old bed with tatter bed sheet and a blanket with many holes in it. On right side there are many utensils and and midium size drum with water in it. In between the space of bed and kitchen there a table on it a bag and many other clothes are place together.

At bottom corner of after kitchen there a drainage pipe given which take waste water from kitchen. As for the toilet well due to it being part of a slum 10 family share single toilet built at end of the road in each slum place road. Well for water supply there always a fix time at morning when water come at mandatory tab just above the drainage pipe.

Now see his room again Jamir could not help but give a miserable smile as this place has to many memories which he do not want to think about. He decided that first think he do after earning some money is to change his house.

Jamir start taking off his badly damage and blody clothes he discarded his shirt as got large tear at the stomach area leave no way to save the shirt. Then remove his pant with also badly damage. He felt something in back pocket of this pant and take out a short of badge. After taking a look he throws it on the bed and remove his underwear and place all the clothes at side then goes to the kitchen and take a mug from there and drag the water fill drum to the pipe and washes his body.

He wrapped his stomach wound with some bandages and eat some pain killer.

After clearing himself and changing new set of clothes he lie on the bed and take the badge in his hand.

This badge is a double edged sword he has which he can not throw. This is the badge of his father family through which they can perceive his vague location in about 2 km and also sence his life force which can tell weather he is alive or not. Well he remember in his last live there seem to a ceremony when anyone from family with badge reach 18. There are given choise to join the family or not because before 18 no member can live in the family and they have to scattered and live outside the main family.

This is help him lot but also the cause of all his problem. As he know due to this badge his parents manipulate this arround him to provide him few important thing in the form of coincidence. At that time he always thought he is quite lucky to get many encounter in start of his journey but now that he his back he can see his parents thought process. As his parents think him as a tool to deal with the family they want that tool to have strength to achieve the goal. That why all those encounter are a form of investment in him to reap more benifit.

After putting his badge side now he start planning about his next 11 month...