Mycen Law was given a second chance by a Overseer after he died, falling into new world similar to a RPG. will he rise to the top? or will he stumble and fall? who will he fall in love? find out next on dragon ba- i mean... read on! each chapter will get longer until its at a good length, I'm just getting used to the writing and whatnot. So do be patient.
have you ever died? It's weird.
I was born with good looks, was great at learning, and was somewhat athletic. One problem though. My father was very rich and egoistic, whereas my mother was strong and elegant. when I was born, my mother loved me dearly, but my father had a gambling addiction. He would spend days upon days away from home just to gamble, so my mother was mainly the one took care of me. One day, she became ill. It was curable but my father didn't want to use the money for something like a small flu, since the place I grew up had a heavy medical price. turns out it wasn't a small flu, but a disease that came from giving birth. My father was in shock and cried, but he didn't have any regret from not paying sooner. He needed someone to blame. Why not blame the 4 years old boy? He would kick and punch me while blaming me, then he'll drink himself silly. my only escape was school. I would only study at school, only eat at school. If I could, I would sleep at school. It's gone to a point where everyone at elementary knows me, student and teacher alike. Same thing when highschool came.
my name is Mycen Law. I was 16 and grabbing groceries with my father, which never happened, but he insisted. My friends was also tagging along but my father waved them away, nearly hitting, then called someone on the phone while leading me into an alley. I had many questions at that time, and also a bullet.
now I'm in front of an old dude reading about my past on a old, fancy scroll
"Y'know its rude calling people old right?" the person suddenly said
"Wait you can read my mind?" I asked
"yes" the person answered, returning to the scroll "I'm impressed, I've tallied up your points and not only can you reincarnate, you can choose where, despite having that poor excuse of a father"
"ummm, are you god or something?" I asked
"ah, you probably have a lot of questions since you just died. To start things off, no. I'm an Overseer along with trillion others, we take care of the realities and the world within. we are also in charge of reincarnation" the Overseer said.
"I guess you could say I'm 'Out Of This World" I finger gunned "get it? cause I'm o-"
"Yes I get it" the Overseer interrupted "at least you'll be the first one to bring a higher deity to chronic depression"
hmm, so even people here can't handle my puns
"no they can't" he said "but it does add to your charisma, I can see why you can communicate so easily"
"..." I stared at him "so you're in charge of reincarnation as well?
"Yes" he...she? answered
"I'm a he" he smiled
"holy f-would you stop that?!" I exclaimed, "anyway, you said I could choose a world?"
"correct, because of your positive points, we will also grant 2 requests" he confirmed
"well I would like to be in a world tha-"
"has medieval/modern knights and magic like a RPG game? I can do that" he took out a weird looking tablet
he looked up, "well? your requests?"
I sighed "I would also like to have my current memory"
"mhmm, oh I should probably tell you what world you're going to be in then." he said "people in this world will have powers based on animals called Anigma and has elemental powers along with it, as a gift for making this conversation and process more enjoyable then others, I'll be giving you the Anigma [Cheetah] and high potential of your element [air]!"
"huh, thanks man!" I never would've thought that he'd be so nice and...wait he can read my mind.
"anyway" he rolled his eyes "what's your second request?"
"hmmm, well can I reincarnate as a orphaned 16 years old boy that looks exactly like my current self"
"yep, I can do that" his tablet disappeared "when you wake up, you'll be in your new world"
I grew overwhelmingly tired and within seconds, fell asleep
"good luck"