
Prologue: They Who Resist

"Thou shall not see vain. For the cometh of the Star God is at hand. Blessed be the believers for they shall be rewarded the bounty in the afterlife!"

The cantor preached in the altar in front of the priest who sat in the golden chair. The believers were on their knees praying and meditating. Silence followed then for a few moments, bells rang from the towers of the Temple.

"It's about time for the sharing of the vessel." Bluish energy from the Gems of Void shined in front of the altar. The believers then opened their eyes and stood up.

"Offer yourselves, your innermost selves to salvation!" The priest stood up after he said a few prayers before the crowd.

"For those who believe shall be saved!" The believers replied in unison to the priest and the people in the front row collapsed to their knees.

"Good, the time is nigh and the salvation is at hand!"

A few moments later the Gems of Void suddenly stopped shining and the siphoning of the energy from the crowd. The cantor and the priest were surprised to see that the holy vessel had failed. Unless it was what they thought was right.

Two men clad in a suit suddenly walked in the center aisle of the Temple. As the priest looked at the gates, the guards were already slain. Seeing the situation the priest tries to run away for his life but was restrained by unknown men who intruded in the Temple.

"What shall we do?" One of the intruders asked the man before him.

"Corruption, it's everywhere. Cleanse the site at once!"

"Affirmative!" Said the men in suits.

One of the believers who happened to recover from the siphoning suddenly stood up. He tried to run away but was incapacitated by the woman in jet black hair and black dress.

"Something needs to be done!" She said to their leader

"We cannot afford the Ivukku to spread further in this realm."

"I understand your concern, but if we do so. A directive needs to be implemented and since you were the second in command. I need your approval." The leader told the woman in black dress.


Thirty minutes later, a loud blast was heard in the surrounding areas around the town. Several people had died inside the Temple as the blast ripped apart the site. Firemen and the police came into the scene a half an hour after the explosion.

Several weeks after the explosion. A young man was grieving in his room looking at the picture of his uncle. The man's uncle was his only family.

Tears rolled from his eyes as he looked outside from the window. All of the memories that he could remember are the ones that are left of him. He was just lying on his bed and cried the whole day.

The next morning, not being able to eat for days. He stood up and went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Uncle Lucas!"

The boy called out the name of his uncle but to no avail.

"Figures..." The young man leaned on his back on the wall.

"Time is slow when you are hurt. Don't let hurt rule over you!"

The words of his uncle suddenly flashed in his memory. Tears again begin flowing from his eyes.

"I wish I could... I wish I could..."

Somewhere in the city, in an abandoned factory. It was the hideout of the extremists who bombed the Temple. The leaders of the group held a meeting to their members.

"We still haven't found the vessel!" The leader of the group who bombed the Temple said to the lady.

"It's not important as of the moment. The destruction of the Temple should suffice and give a warning to the other believers." The lady replied to the leader

"Wage war on the ideology not on the people!" An old figure who is still in shape said to the two who were arguing earlier.

"Such actions will only embolden believers. With that stunt you had done. You just made martyrs out of them and gave reason for believers to be firm in their faith."

"Who are you?" The leader asked the old man.

"The scribe from Lancaster, order of York. They are moderates and the big reason why I hate them." The lady replied to the leader.

"Such extremism will only sharpen the fangs and tighten the grip of the beast. Ideology can't be won by sheer terror or weapons alone..."

"Nobody's asking you old man!" Replied the lady who interrupted the scribe.

"I want to hear your opinion old man." The leader said.

"Very well if you allow me to vent later on. I will! For now, allow me to relay what my superiors wanted you to hear."

"What is that?" The leader asked.


A holographic image suddenly appeared after the scribe threw a stone in front of his audience. The leader and the lady beside him were shocked to see the progress the believers had on their goal.

"We the Order of York suggests a more moderate yet efficient solution. The current plan to wipe out the Ivukku from the realms and worlds is backfiring against us. Any martyr creates new believers and it would only allow them to grow."

"What do you suggest?" The leader asked the old man.

"I, Bergus only wish to relay what the superiors had told me. The decision of the operations lies to you Leonard of Dommu and your assistance Arya of Freiga."

"Our orders were to wipe out the corruption of this world and the seeking of the vessel and eliminate him. The sooner we do the best it is for the "Resistance". The longer we allow the vessel to live the sooner believers will have their messiah and this world will be in their control. We cannot allow that to happen!"

Bergus sighed, "Do as you will. However, allow me to remind you that violence is not the only way for the removal of the threat of the Ivukku in this world. Consider this as my warning!"

The resistance members inside the building looked at the scribe as one of them escorted him out.

"Remember, the threat is not the people it is the Ivukku and their nonsense. Make martyrs and you breed avengers who would hunt you down!"

Chapitre suivant