
Replacement Demon Lord

A university student has been scouted by the Demon Lord! After being summoned Kiyoshi receives the Demon Lords powers and is transformed into a demon himself becoming the new Demon Lord. No longer human, he learns quickly how cruel this new world is and if he wants to keep the Demon Lords army unified and keep his head on his shoulders he’s going to have to learn to control his powers and become more powerful fast! *Please make sure you read the first 11 chapters. This will ensure you have a solid understanding of what the book is and where’s it’s going. Thank you!

RicketyDragon · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Champion Summoning

Goddess Ariana waited patiently as Azthar reviewed her champion. After reviewing Fuyuko's champion sheet he asked her a question, "I noticed you want to give her two gifts to slay this demon lord. Have you decided which two you would gift?"

"I will let the champion choose" she replied, "After all I was not permitted to review the censored portion of her chart."

When a champion was summoned they were offered a "gift" usually one of these three things. Although in rare circumstances with Azthar's approval they could be given two of these gifts. High magical affinity and strong spells, strong equipment with magical capabilities, or high physical capabilities. Any single one of these gifts are quite strong in their own right.

Ordinarily in a situation like this he would approve of two gifts right away but he had hesitated because of her name Fuyuko. The name gave him flashbacks to the previous demon lord she had slain. Even Azthar had felt pity on the poor creature when she was done with him. To give her so much power gave him pause.

"Why did you select her?"

"I have confidence that she will get the job done" she responded quickly her eyes glinting

'She will definitely get the job done.. but at what cost?' he mused silently.

Ariana continues, "Could you tell me why her file was censored even to me?"

After a moments deliberation Azthar responded simply, "No."

Flashbacks to the slain demon lord continued to enter his memories. After seeing that footage he had almost dismissed her from the pool of champions, no champion should love pain and carnage so much.

'Perhaps it was my oversight that allowed her to remain, but at this point we might as well see how it goes' Certainly Azthar was less then pleased with Dah and would happily receive his death. However there were some things even Azthar wouldn't wish on his worst enemy.

"I'll sign off on two gifts." Azthar stated after agonizing over the decision. "If this goes bad it is on you though."

Ariana smiled with his agreement. "It is my world, I take full responsibility" and full joy in Dah's defeat.

"When can I begin the summoning?"


Bowing Ariana departed to the summoning hall, a large room where the gods would meet their champions explain situations and then send them to their destination.


Fuyuko Miura was working part time as a teaching assistant at a local school. It had given her a great opportunity to observe human behaviour. Sometimes she would think of the students as white lab rats in a science experiment only she knew about. The cliques that formed and the bullying that ensued was like a maze designed by a psychologist. Watching the rats ,she meant students, be bullied, and form cliques was like watching survival of the fittest right before her eyes. In a classroom where she was able to encourage bullying she watched the divide between the weak and the strong grow. When she had first started students had come to her to report bullies, with that information instead of being passed onto the teachers it was passed on to the bullies themselves. Creating a vicious cycle where the bully would punish those that dared to snitch on them. It was interesting, how easy it was to make a human no longer humane. One little push, one misstep and it would be game over. Once someone has had the taste for blood, the taste for being strong it was addicting.

Fuyuko herself had this addiction, spending many hours a day physically and mentally training she lived for one thing. Her own personal pleasures. Many days she would often fantasize about when she would be summoned again. She had done everything she could to stand out in her first summoning, practically begging for someone with a sadistic tendency of their own to notice her. With the end goal of her being given free reign in another world without consequences.

'This world is fun too, but the other worlds don't have ethics committees and security cameras watching their every move' she thought ruefully.

It happened on her walk home, a summoning circle appeared under her feet as she felt her body getting moved into a different area. Pleasure hit her and she could do nothing but gasp in happiness.


Goddess Ariana was sitting in a chair in the middle of the summoning hall when Fuyuko appeared. Ariana studied her intently, the girl was well built and dressed in lightweight clothing that looked like it was built to last. black jeans, black boots, and a dark pink shirt accentuated her hourglass figure that left little to the imagination. Her light blue hair contrasted with her pale skin as if to give off a flair for the spectacular. Her sharp blue eyes met Ariana's, rooting her in place. It was as if a competition had begun to see who would speak first.

Eventually, Ariana began impatiently, "Hello Fuyuko.. we have much to discuss."

Smiling her white teeth shone brilliantly, "Who do I kill this time?"

Ariana had no choice but to return her smile. After all she had made the perfect choice.

"A demon lord same as last time, through any means necessary. To allow for this we are prepared to offer you two gifts this time."

'Through any means necessary' Fuyuko could not believe her good fortune as she slipped her hands into her front pockets to hide their trembling from excitement.

Not even needing to be reminded of what the gifts were as she had planned for this day she responded without a moments notice, "I want to have high mana capabilities with the corresponding spells and high physical capabilities."

"Done." Ariana stated her own excitement poorly concealed. "Now I am sending you to King Darius, technically he is the one that summoned you, but you have permission to perform as you see fit."

Fuyuko gracefully curtsied, 'A whole world full of rats. Only one psychologist. Every girls fantasy.' She couldn't wait to begin.


Raphael approached Dah, "it seems there's a scouting party from Anavir at the village you were recently in."

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