
Deer caught in headlight

"Pleaseeeeeeee" I frowned.

"No" I flatly said.

"Pleaseeeeee nau" Felícia pleaded with a puppy look. Argh, I really I'm regretting ever accepting to be her roommate.

"Guy no nau" I said using a pleading tone of my own. This time she tried her hardest with her puppy look. I sighed already knowing I had sadly lost the battle.

"Fine" I groaned out standing up from my bed. Picked up my purse headed to the door.

Turning to look at the lazy girl on the bed, my eyes turned to slit "You owe me big time for this you know that right?"

Instead of responding to what I had told her she said "Love you three thousand dearie" She was lucky I had that same mutual love for her.

The first day at my current school, I had met Felícia. She was sweet and outspoken with a sarcastic yet dorky attitude. We immediately clicked. Maybe the both of us being Nigerians was just an added bonus. Not long after we got to know Greg, and till date, we three were inseparable. Although sometimes I did feel like strangling the life out of both of them...they were just that annoying honestly.

Felícia suddenly called out after me "Get me the str...."

"Strawberry flavoured milkshake, I know" I finished off her sentence while I rolled my eyes.

She grinned like a teenager who just spotted her crush "Once again, I love you Adina" Smirking I told her "I know, I know"

Walking out of our apartment I sighed.

I really didn't want to go anywhere today but Felícia felt that this was the perfect time for me to run to a fast food restaurant to get her a milkshake and a big belly burger. God knows the girl was definitely going to blow up one of these days. I could vouch for that.

The restaurant was about five minutes walk from our apartment so I got there pretty quickly. Opening the door to the restaurant I immediately went to order what I required. Thank goodness that I got what I order for in a short time.

As I began to walk to the door, I noticed a particular someone sitting down in a booth, while looking out through glass window like the ever blissful loner he was.

I wanted to just walk away like I hadn't seen him in the first place. But with the strong head and curious mind I was given birth with, I made my way to his booth and sat down opposite him.

With a smile on my face I said "Hey Zach" What? it was way too long saying his full name no?

Removing his gaze from looking out the glass window Zachary turned to look at me. That familiar scowl was on his face. Just like Felícia said 'What a waste of handsome'. It really won't kill him to smile will it?

Sounding as rude as ever he asked with an arched brow "Do I know you?" A frown took over my feature at his question. Was he serious? We talked just like...i don't know, yesterday.

I tired to gauge his expression to see if he was just messing with me, but I saw nothing of that. Wait, was he for real? How do you forget someone just like that in less than 48 hour's.

"Wow, and here I thought you couldn't get anymore slap-able" I said beneath my breath.

He frowned "What?"

After another second passed he sighed while he used his hands to brush his hair backwards. Although it wasn't much help as his his hair was insanely curly "You know what, let's try this again" He paused as he squinted his eyes at me. Almost as if he was trying to place where had seen me "Do I by any chance know you?" I let out a very offended snort. He had to be kidding me right now.

"I.." He interrupted me.

"Okay by any chance, is your name Susan?" Hold up, did he just call me Sandra. Noticing I didn't say anything he tried again.

"Betty?" Aw come on, Susan was way better sef. At least it started with S like my name did. But Betty? Betty!

I didn't say a single word but stared at the rude being in amazement. How can a human being be this much of an asshole? Just how people?

It seems like he got fed up with my silence because the next thing I knew he was standing up.

"I don't have time for this" I heard him softly mutter to himself.

Repeating my words from yesterday I said "You're an asshole you know that right?" As if recalling my words Zachary froze up like a statue.

Switching his gaze back to me he said "Adina?"

Bringing my hands to my mouth, in a sarcastic coated tone I said "Oh would you look at that, he does remember me after all" Though made it to somehow sound like a joke.

"Shit" I heard him softly mumble to himself. He sounded and looked like a deer caught in headlight. He looked nervous?

A lot of things were strange at the moment. But the strangest thing was that he wasn't able to genuinely recognize who I was, not until I spoke. Something definitely didn't add up. Or maybe he just had a very good poker face and was just messing with me by being his normal rude as hell self.

I saw him draw his hands down his face "Sorry I just had a really long day so I couldn't properly recognize you" That was the half-baked explanation he gave. The dumbest excuse I have ever heard hands down.

Deciding to lay down my curiosity for now I shortly replied with an "Oh" Although I was still squinting my eyes at him.

The next thing I know he was hurriedly saying "Yeah anyways, I need to go. Bye" I couldn't even get a word out as he already started speed walking to the restaurant door.

But before he left I managed to catch him whisper something along the line of "That was close" which of course piqued my interest no doubt.

Zachary Stone, what on Earth are you hiding?

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