
Repeated Coincidence or Fate? (A Nigerian Romance)

This is the sequel to my first book, I Choose You (A Nigerian Romance). It can be read as a stand alone. ............. She was curious, curious about him. He was afraid, afraid that his secrets would be known. Meet Somadina Uzora, A cheery but extremely clumsy girl, who was seen as an happy go lucky person. Unfortunately that was only what the naked eyes could see. Now meet Zachary Stone, his last name practically states the expression he always carries. To put it simply, he wants no business at all with the entire human specie. They both practically had nothing in common. But it seems Fate or would I say..a R-epeated C-oincidence just kept bringing this two together. But when secrets start flying in the air, it appears that this two indeed do have an uncanny relationship after all.

Zanyyy · Sports, voyage et activités
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9 Chs

A Curiosity that overshadows Pity

The shock on Zachary's face almost instantly evaporated and then a small smile made its way there. Not what I was expecting, but let's see where this goes.

"I really should have stayed far away from you" I softly heard him mumble. But being that I was somewhat close to him, I was luckily able to catch it.

This only proves even more that I was right. He just admitted himself even if he did say it in the most cryptic manner. But I'll still take what I get.

"You're not going to deny it?" I was a little confused. Surely he would try to disprove my claim. But right now he seems so calm and too relaxed? Okay maybe that was just his poker face.

With an indifferent shrug he replied "Why deny it when it's the truth" This was not the reaction I was expecting. Not at all.

"Then why were you trying so hard to hide it in the first place?" I thought this would have cornered him even if it were a little.

Letting out a soft breath. He ran his hands through his hair. Yup front row sit to look at a gorgeous being in action, don't mind me.....wait that's not what I should be thinking of right now.

He turned to the direction of the rails and casually placed his hands on them, while he looked down at the city. Our University building was actually pretty tall.

"Because that meant inviting pity in" I didn't understand a word he had uttered.

"Sorry what?"

"Telling people or anyone for that matter" I heard his accent crack a little sounding a lot Nigerian in my ears "Just practically means that they'll start pitying me. Staring at me with pity filled eyes. And I seriously don't want any of that. It's highly burdensome" I kind of understood were he was coming from. Although in a different context entirely.

"And plus" he began to add in a sarcastic tone "Did you want me to start suddenly announcing it to you that I had a disorder of not being able to properly recognize faces when Infact, I don't even know you from anywhere. If you think about it, it doesn't make sense whatsoever. And you always coming out of nowhere wasn't helping matters in anyway"

I called out with a pout "Hey, it was purely coincidental"

Zachary heaved out a sigh and muttered "Yeah, that was even the worst part sef as you weren't at fault"

"But you know what" He suddenly turned back to stare at me. I wasn't expecting it so I was a little bit startled "Why do I have the feeling that you are presently not staring at me with that 'pity' in your eyes" He chuckled a little before adjoined "Sorry I can't really read the expression you're currently spotting on your face clearly that is why I am not saying it with all certainty" In his last sentence, I easily noted the sadness in his tone. He might have tried to hide it by stilling his expression, but just like everyone knows, you cannot hide the emotions swirling in your eyes.

"You are right actual" I said with a very tiny smile "I am not staring at you with pity"

A deep frown crawled it's way to his face "Permit me to ask, but why. Don't get me wrong here I am quite exuberant that you aren't giving me the pity look and all. But why, what's the difference with you and most probably the rest of the world?" I saw curiosity brimming in his eyes.

Looking at him with my whole attention on him I told him "It's nothing really, it's quite simple"

"And that would be?"

With a shrug I gave it to him in the straightest un-cornerned way I could "I am curious. My curiosity for you overshadows the pity I am normally supposed to dispense at this moment"

A full belly laugh unexpectedly escaped his lips. Removing his hands from the rail he clutched his stomach as he continued laughing on. Finally done he used his fingers to wipe away his tears. Yes, tears fell out given that he was laughing so hard.

But seriously though, I don't recall saying anything that would prompt such a reaction from him. What I said wasn't even intended to be a joke.

I saw the corner of his lips lift up "Maddo, I have never heard someone say that to me. I guess there really is a first time for everything" Yeah...I'll just take it that he thinks I'm unique. But more importantly...I was trying my best not to laugh as I heard him say 'maddo'. I had almost forgotten that he was half Nigerian for a second.

"May I ask you another question?"

I shrugged not really bothered by that "Ask away"

"Why me. I mean from all the people in the whole Uni. Why did you choose me to be curious about? If you haven't noticed I am practically one of the most unapproachable person in the entire college" He found the thought of this amusing. I could tell by the little grin I spotted almost like it were engraved to his face.

A small grin of my own made its way to my lips before I lightly joked "But here we are right?"

"Yes, here we are" He looked deep in thoughts.

"But to answer your question I.." Feeling my phone's vibration in my jean pocket I paused what I was initially about to say.

Fetching my phone, I looked at the caller ID and sighed. Shit I had forgotten about Felícia and Greg. I was seriously the best friend of the century. I do hope you caught on to the sarcasm.

"I'm sorry I really need to be somewhere right now" I hurriedly said out while throwing Zachary an apologetic smile.

Waiving his hand in the air as if trying to say it was okay and that he didn't mind, he brought out a small smile.

"Well then, see you again Stone" His last name unconsciously slipped through my mouth. But he looked totally chill with it.

Beaming he responded "As the universe leads" And by 'universe leads' I am pretty sure he meant our reoccurring eerie coincidental meeting. And the funny thing was that I was pretty much counting on that to.

Sorry I haven't been able to update since. I have resumed school and let's just say I shouldn't have seen it as a joke when people said that they would love to drop out of school, because University life is so stressful tbvh (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ

But anyways, I managed to write this chapter Yesterday night. I would really love to know your thoughts on it. :-)

Zanyyycreators' thoughts