
Feelings Lost, Feelings Found

Sorry. I know I haven't written anything in awhile, but a lot of things happened. School, finals, my professor yelling at me and threatening to change the assignment I picked if it wasn't up to her standard by next week, that kind of thing. All that, and I decided to stop liking J.

Btw, that didn't happen for long. I liked him for six years; of course it wouldn't be easy to give up on him.

Last semester, I decided that me liking him so much was pointless if our relationship wasn't progressing, so I tried to let him go. I was successful for awhile. After so long, my feelings had become more passive than anything.

But recently, J texted me. Asked how I was doing, if life was good. We kept the conversation going for awhile. And the conversations have been continuing. We're actually talking.

And while this was happening, I was still under the mindset that I didn't like J anymore. And I kept up the pretense until today, when one of my friends kept going "Ohhh" every time I mentioned something that had to do with J. It hit me then: I'm not over J yet.

Yippee. More of a future full of heartbreak everyday. But that's okay, because even if I do get over him, J is still a very special part of my life.

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