
Rejected By Her Mate - Pregnant With His Babies

Lil_Drey0 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


I stayed indoor for the rest of the day, Cherry informed me that Carmen had been freed from the dungeon. I crept outside trying to avoid Khan, I'm still angry with him. I got out and checked if the road was clear.

I saw Khan running towards me, I tried to get back into my room, but he grabbed my hand tightly, I stopped trying to listen to his trash.

"Hear me out, Vida," He muttered, breathing heavily due to running after me. "She's my mate. But believe me, I don't love her at all, she's just a slave, nothing else. I would never accept her as my mate, how would I leave you? You know that's impossible." He said with a sweet voice trying to convince me. I stare at his eyes for confirmation if he's lying or not.

"Then let her be. Can you promise me that?" I whispered softly as I removed his hand away from mine. He stared into my eyeballs before he finally replied.

"You have my word." He promised, I smiled happily, he gave me a tight hug pressing the warmth of his body against my chest.

In the noon, I decided to visit the Luna, but her maid told me she visited the Alpha. I summoned courage, walking towards the Alpha door trying if I could eavesdrop from what they were saying.

"I heard you decided to finally abdicate to Khan, did he bring his mate?" The Luna, the great beauty of the pack, Naomi. She whispered to ear of the Alpha, while she massaged the his back. I'm sure she's trying to see if he knew about Khan's mate or not.

"That's what I'm worried about, this pack could be put in a great peril because of him, his mate should be his Luna. I hope he won't disappoint me and the teeming wolves in the pack. What do you think about this?" He inquired from her, he turned facing her directly. His green burned hotly as usual, the Luna couldn't help but fell in love at first sight back then. Khan told me about it, their love story were beautiful.

"I suggest we let him take his own path, anything he wishes to do. He's too old for us to dictate for him." The luna tried to convinced him, he turned back slowly as she continued with the massaging.

I teetered towards my door, that's due to the high heeled shoes I wore. Now, even the Alpha won't stop me from wedding Khan. I just have to stop Carmen before the love of Khan for her proliferates.

While I was still in thought, Cherry came in with a smile on her face. I knew she had a goodnews to relay to me.

"Why are you looking worried? Is anything the matter? I'd be happy to oblige." She rushed the words, as she sat beside me.

"Worried? Do I look worried? I'm happy. Though the Alpha is sad about it, but he is not against my marriage with Khan." I said, beaming with smile allover. "So what's the goodnews?" I asked curiously, shifting away from her a little, I craned my hand to pick a facial cream.

"You left angrily, right? Carmen fainted immediately you Khan ran after you, I sent someone to spy on her, she's very sick right now." She smiled as she broke out the goodnews excitedly.

"That's probably good news. I will have to visit her, I have a news to relay to her personally. I have to begin my plan, I'm planning to eradicate her from this pack, or even from the surface of the earth." As soon as I spoke, Khan barged in and I signalled to Cherry to excuse us.

He had changed from the dress he wore earlier. He dressed in a shiny wine pant and a black long sleeve round top before but now, he was dressed in a suit and an impeccable white shirt, with a long black trouser.

"The Alpha is not against our marriage." I said breaking the long time silence between us. He smirked as he took a seat beside me.

"I know. I spoke with him already, and he already gave me his word, though he is worried of the consequence that may occur." He voiced out as a weak whisper, I can view clearly that he looked worried.

"Don't tell me you're already having feelings for her. I know you more than anyone Khan, don't lie to me, please." I begged, wishing he could tell me the truth. He stood up from where he was sitting, he picked up a jug, made of glass.

He proceeded by emptying the water in the jug, into a brown cup, made of mud but it wasn't clearly shown. My father gave the mud to me as a present, that was five years ago.

He took a mouthful of water, gulping it down his throat thirsty. He then turned around to face me.

"I don't actually understand my feelings toward her. When she's not with me, I feel hatred for her, but when she's with me, my soul thirst for her." He bolted, his tone indicated an angry mood. I think he wasn't happy with my question. I was dissapointed, I frenzied up listening to his annoying words.

'Then I would get rid of her, by all means.' I thought to myself, numerous thoughts of evil ran across my mind.

"When will the installation take place?" I asked trying to change the topic, and also to change his bad mood. He kept mute staring at the mud cup.

"Do you still remember when my father -- " I tried to speak as I walked seductively to him, but he cut in.

"I know your thought. I don't want her in my life, she's just a mere omega, but the fact that she's my mate doesn't change. She's destined to be my Luna by the moon goddess. I, choosing you as my Luna is the greatest grace you would ever received till you die, yeah, you captured my heart and I fell for you, but I can discard and retrench you back to blood moon pack in a twinkle of an eye." He growled as he spoke with command, the muscles in his jaw clenched.

Fear gripped me. This is the second time Khan would speak angrily at me, thanks to Carmen, his wretched omega mate. I watched as he threw the cup on the floor, walking out in anger.

I fell on my knees with tears rushing down my face, a drop of tears splashed on the floor each minute right from my jaw.

The beta entered, I quickly cleaned up my tears though I couldn't hide my dismay, but I'm sure he would have noticed it. Beta Greg is one of the people that loves me in this pack house, and that's because he is a tight friend with my dad.

He shook his head and then spoke, "I saw your tears dripping to the floor, but I won't talk about it because I'm not here for that." He walked to and fro, I think he planned not to sit. "You're the next Luna of dark moon pack, if you're this weak, how would you oblige to the pack?" He asked, he bent down with his butt on his hind legs.

"But you said you didn't came for that." I growled with a teary eye, angered burned in me, but I was trying not to unleash it, at least not on him.

"The news of Khan rising as the next Alpha of dark moon pack reached your father, also, he knows you're going to be a Luna soon. So, he .ade this dress specially for you, with the face of your mother embroidered on it." Every single words he said were trash to me, I wanted him gone as soon as possible.

"Goodluck to you and your Alpha, even though he has a mate out there waiting for him." He whispered, chuckling annoyingly. He moved to go, his words sounded to my ears again. Does he know that Khan had found his mate? He went closing the door with great force.

'Can you help me with something?' I asked my wolf who seemed to be sleeping. She woke up and replied.

She scoffed. 'Really? Anything.'

'Advice me, I'm planning to get rid of Carmen, which is contrary to Khan's command.' I spoke, my voice still shown that I'm sad and dismay.

'I wholeheartedly endorse your plan.' I smirked, Her reply brought back my hope and I feel my strength replenished.

••The Next Day••

I woke up the next day, I craned my whole body, right from my hands to my legs. A small yawn escaped my lips, I got up after feeling okay.

I stepped out to get a little fresh air, I kept moving until I saw someone's boot. I didn't pay attention to it because I thought it might be the guards. But the boots belongs to Khan, I recognized it.

Curious of what he was doing, I crept to his place trying not to call his awareness.

Khan stared at her, I could see lust filled in his dark green eyeballs. He threw bunch of coins at her chest, they fell making an annoying sound.

"Please, why can't you just leave me? Anytime I see you, your body seduce me, what exactly do you want?" Khan shouted at her, with his eyes burning in rage. I could feel she's scared.

Her lips vibrated, she tried to speak but nothing came out, at last she whispered silently. "You." I could feel his mood change, which was due to Carmen's word.

Khan drew her closer, he kissed her passionately cupping her cheeks in both palm. I was angry, I wanted to step out but I halted my steps when I saw him strangle her to the wall with great force, if he keeps it on, he will die in no minute. I smiled devilishly.

"Get out of my life while I'm warning you nicely." He growled, when I saw she almost gave up the ghost, I rushed there removing his hands away from her neck. She fell on the floor gasping hard to breathe.

I wanted her dead, so I can't explain why I stopped him. It was a wish I dearly wish for, what has come over me. The guards took her away, in the process of dragging her, she fainted.

Now, it is the time to unleash my plan. I would gladly take this opportunity and won't miss it. Khan's reaction to Carmen is abnormal, me stepping in to eliminate her won't be a loss.

I poured two spoons of powder poison into my pouch. I hid it under my blouse, I turned down Cherry's oblige to assist me in finding her place.

I dressed in disguise and went out making sure no one would have notice me exit the building. I asked some people the direction to her house, and I got there. Being the weakest omega, that couldn't wolf out. She was popular, almost everyone knew her.

I could hear there voice, she was speaking to someone inside, I didn't knock. I waited a little to listen to them.

"I'm so glad to inform to you, Carmen. To me, this is a good news, but I don't know what it would be to you. This is neither disease nor any form of sickness, you're pregnant. And to what I see, you're carrying two babies in that stomach of yours." I could hear the voice of her friend vividly, I stepped back a little, did Khan went close to her.

'She must be pregnant for another wolf, at least not mine.' The thought ran wildly in my head. "Why am I worried? I should just poison her with this, that will do." I whispered, I summoned courage and knocked the door taking a deep breathe.

Her friend appeared at the door, I'm sure she's surprised and amazed to see me. She let me in warmly, I went to sit beside Carmen trying my best to be friendly.

"I'm sorry about what Khan did to you, you must have been hurt." I spoke with my facial expression showing my sad mood. Deep inside me, I rejoiced.

"Thanks. I'm not hurt, I'm just a fool thinking Khan would accept a weak omega like me as his mate." She spoke feeling defeated, I couldn't help but chuckled.

Her friend brought us a drink.

"Wow, who did that art work?" I inquired, but my main aim was to make her look back, so I can input the poison inside the drink. My plan worked, I brought out the pouch, while he craned her arm to bring the art work, even though she was was weak. Thanks to that, I inserted the powder in it.

"Wow, it's beautiful. This tea is made of chrystanium leaf, would you mind having a sip? I can't enjoy this drink alone." I offered, she stared at me without making any movement, maybe she was debating whether to accept it or not.

To clear her thought, I drank some of the drink myself, and offered her again. She took it from me, and drank while I smirked evilly. Both her and her baby would die slowly and gradually. The poison was not meant to kill once, it's a time to time step.

"I would give you an advice, I know that you're carrying a baby. I'm telling you, Khan doesn't want, though he will come to you when he's aware you have a baby, he wants the baby not you. If you're wise enough, and you're willing to save your baby, leave the pack before tomorrow, I'll set everything for you." I whispered to her left ear before heading out to the main door.

"Would you really help me leave this pack? I promise to erase Khan from my memory and raise this babies as mine alone." She requested and I smiled, my plan has worked.

"If you are willing." I replied.

I also took some of the medicine while I drank from the tea, I decided to take the antidote when I get back to the pack house. I secretly got back into my room, I was shocked to meet Khan in my room.

"Where were you coming from, Vida?" He asked with a thick voice which showed that he was angry with me, I was speechless. "If something should happen to my future twin babies, I would rip out your heart while you're alive! You sumbitch!" He spat as he growled, gosh!

I should have suspected, I met Carmen's friend at the pack house entry while I was coming. I'm a bit relieved, Carmen should be planning how to flee right now.