
Reject by my mate

ramine03 · Romance
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15 years before Erick ambrossotti I have my little Emma in my arms, a little girl with blue eyes like blonde water and a brown complexion, I walk until I reach my wife's stretcher who is lying down because of the fatigue of giving birth to my princess, I carry her in my arms to the my wife's stretcher and I see how her lips enlarge in a beautiful smile and with an incomparable shine when seeing our little daughter,I show my beloved Anna to our daughter, she gave her in her arms so that she can carry her, she holds her, she observes her and she does not stop smiling ...

Enter the doctor who attended the delivery of my wife

- Doctor, my wife and my daughter can now retire- said my wife marking because the doctor was watching her more than he should.

- Sure alpha Ambrossotti, we only do the routine check to check that everything is in order - said the herd doctor lowering his head sadly.

1 hour later

- Very well alpha, everything is in order, both his wife and daughter are in perfect condition, they can be discharged - said the doctor with a serious face

- Ok thanks doctor - I said with a cold tone I help my wife up and give her clothes to take off that robe. They bring my daughter in a little pink crib and hand me over. My wife comes out already changed and I help her walk out of the room to go to the parking lot