
Reincarnation: Weird Progenitor.

Reincarnated in a new world, beginning a new life. A unique world, although seemingly normal has an extraordinary path of its own. The Path of Conscious Power is a type of wishful power that everyone in this world has. Although some individuals are more talented than others. With consciousness, there is wishful power present. Belief, Desire, Emotions, Fantasy, Imagination, Thinking, etc. are all included in this Path. As a reborn soul with His Past life memories. He cultivates and trains His inborn talent trying to awaken its full potential while living a bright life for a future untold. But as He grows of age, He discovers a unique talent, the gift of His miraculous reincarnation. He cultivates this talent He calls, Source of Weirdness, a power that will change his life and the world. By combining it with the existing extraordinary path, trying to transcend the boundaries. Granting a source to dead or living, guiding the people, creating stories and legends, absorbing the conscious power of all living things, and thus conceiving weirdness. What will His new life become? A bright happy life, a weird life, or having both at the same time? Will He one day be swallowed up by His unique power or will He swallow it? Let us follow His journey of life, of Light? of Dark? or a Weird life.

DeSu · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

02 One Year Later

It's been a year since I was reborn.

Not much happened in the past few month till today. It's all everyday tribal life. Ofcourse this also includes my adaptation to becoming a baby and reliving my childhood.

Still re experiencing embarrassing moments with my mature mind is going to drive me crazy. Things like uncontrolled bowel movements and urinating were times I hope to have selective amnesia over.

While drinking milk from my mother's breast is barely acceptable for me with no other choice of food, also including the need to be bathe. Don't forget all other activities needing my parents to do it for me, because all I can do is eat, sleep, roll my eyeballs,wiggle my fat arms, legs and talk gibberish, etc, is very excruciating.

But I can do nothing of it as a baby.

Remembering the past as I feed on a bowl of mushed local fruits. And the milk that is available occasionally taken from nursing animals that have birth from the tribes herd.

Oh yes, I learnt the tribe does know how to domesticate herbivorous animal aside from trapping and hunting prey. Whilst it still doesn't replaces hunting as the main source of meat.

And from what I saw when I was taken at the place of herding, a few times last year. It seems the tribe has a herd of buffalo, goats, a sheep like animal and some horses. About several dozens of individuals.

Or what I think is their species since they are quite far in the grassland for my baby vision to see clearly. They were herded there and brought back before sundown.

As for other food sources, the tribe do collection of fruit from the forest while I also saw a rudimentary system of agriculture. With a few varieties consisting of locally found plants.

The tribe already planted some grains and edible vegetables at their land by their homes and the plotted lands by the tribe. But most edible plants are still gathered from the wild, the grassland and forest.

Water source is also sustainable since the settlement is by a river. I heard this was the site selected by ancestors several generations ago. It also supply some fish as additional food supplies as well as various fresh water resources.

Anyway there is not much lacking in the tribe in terms of food. Except for being monotonous in the recipe. Maybe it is because of the competence of the extraordinary power that is present and readily available. It does give better adaptability and efficiency to a tribal society even with lack of tools and precision instruments like that of modernity.

"Although there is no large scale destructive application, or so I think with few examples I've witness and heard from daily communications, there are widespread applications on livelihood." As Dev remember past occasion he saw the application.

I observed my Grandpa using his power by chance when my father had an accident while hunting boar. Father had a wound cut by a boars tusk and it was bleeding heavily. This is the combination of herbology and power.

I saw Grandpa clean the wound, put some herbs and then covered it with his palm. At that time I was confused. But then I saw some glimmer of light under the palm while Grandpa hums some tone.

After 3 minutes at least, I saw the wound healed with only the pinkish flesh on the location of the wound, after grandpa removed his palm. This memory make Dev still wonders and affirm the existence of extraordinary in this life.

"The extraordinary power, I will also have." As Dev firmed his thought to learn how to practice such power and learn it well. As he show an astonished expression with wide eyes and open mouth.

Maybe because of seeing my expression, Grandpa explain to me. " I guided your father's hope and belief that he will heal with our practice. And so it happen because I will it. Although the herbs I use helps but it's more important for the patient and the shaman to have determined will and believe on themselves." grandpa said in a confusing manner while I think is to explain. But since I still have no relevant knowledge of the subject it confuses me, which I sometimes still think and try to comprehend.

Several other examples are the meticulous household tools that should have been rare if not impossible to be present.

An example are potteries, as I heard shamans and apprentices can better burn it by controlling fire. There are also coals which doesn't look like made of random burning of wood.

And animal fur and hides that is so soft unlike a leather should be. I would've believe it a special cotton or other material if I haven't overheard my mother talked about the source of our clothing. As most hides and fur are collective process by shamans and their apprentices.

And there are many more such examples. Household equipments such as furniture, blankets, carpets, accessories, etc. That is so fine looking like it is machine made. This make life here comfortable that I sometimes forgot its ancient and tribal era.

Back to the present, as Dev munch on his meal, recalling all memories uplift his mood. Since he is now an independent baby! Yes! Well, atleast he is now allowed to eat by himself and sit on his personalized seat that looks like a crib but is made of sculpted wood having no splicing.

The effort of turning my body over to belly facing the bed, tumbling, crawling and the gradual sitting up to the standing by holding on to some support is worth it. Training my waist/hips and muscles requires so much patience and effort since my body is so fragile and I tired easily.

Anyway my development is considered normal, maybe except my brain, mind, memory or learning. Since I can speak! Ofcourse I practice secretly by whispering and I didn't speak in front of anyone so no one knows. I think compared to other infants I'm atleast 3 moons early, but ofcourse I'm different because I can form coherent sentence and understood almost all words. Unlike babies with few words and understood vocabularies.

At present Dev is now dining with his family. The meal is made of locally available ripe fruits and roasted meat. He was told that training with words and speaking will begin later the day. "Oh, I can ace this lesson." Dev smugly thought to himself with his raised chin.

Anyway he plans to slowly do better to hasten the study progress since he know how to speak. Maybe learning how to write will be slower since writing may not be the same as in his memories.

However learning various life related topics will proceed until I am 5 cycles.

To select specialization on shamanism I need to have a talent for it which will be tested. But that is 4 more cycles in the future, so for now let's do well learning livelihood related.

"How is it Dev, are you excited? I can see you happy sitting by your own. Do you like my present?" Hearing his father Ron talking to him. Dev turned to his father and nod his head slowly with beaming smile on his face.

"Look, wife he likes it!. It's worth the effort of sculpting and polishing the wood." Ron turned while smiling to his wife. Looking like a well raised dog wagging his tail, wanting to be petted and praised.

"Ofcourse he will like it. I don't know why Dev doesn't like being carried by us. And he likes moving around crawling and trying to stand up. Which worried me these past months. It's good he doesn't cry and have not been wounded by falling." Lore relied sounding a mixture of happiness and worry. Eliciting my memories various ways of falling down. And being lucky not to have wound and bruises in process.

"Ooops. Maybe I tried a little harder and fell many times which worried my mother. But it's good I did not wail and cry even if it hurts." Dev thought to himself while finishing up his food. Putting down his wooden spoon and drinking from his wooden cup.

"It seems you're done eating. Let's rest for a while and start the lesson later." My mother said as she wipe my lips, cleaning the bits of food. Before picking and holding me up.

" Ron please clean up the mess before you go. I will take Dev to rest outside." Mother speaks while walking out of our home.

I call the place were going as garden. It is sort of a playground for me, since it's made by Ron by encircling a plot of land with soft soil without any plants. Its here that I practice for a year, crawling or trying standing up and walking.

" Go on I leave it to me. By way I will go to the forest to check if the traps I set caught some prey. I will bring back some fruits and vegetables by the way." Said Ron as he tidied up and washed our utensils.

I hear them talk as I remember my experience for the last year at my piglets pen, I mean babies little playground. I am always dirtied with sand and soil everytime play, but I call it training.

Sounds like a pain to clean the mess. But it's ok since my parents accepted it well. Maybe babies being dirty with soil and dust is normal here. After all most baby and children can only play out of their homes.

And its not like I'm the only one who went to mess outside. I once saw a baby in mess, since he fell and cried. His face is so dirty with his tears mixing with soil. He looks like a mud monkey. "Hehe it's so funny when I remember it." Dev smiled mischievously and squinting his eyes.

At present, my mother is seated on the blanket we use to pave the soil and putting me down to sit. The blanket is made of large fur, making it soft.

"This has been my training ground for awhile, my newbie venue, when I can only then sideways, lay flat on my belly and crawl. But now I have been liberated since I can crawl to the fence and use it to support my standing up training." Dev thought to himself while patting the soft blanket and crawling to the fence to begin today's workout.

After sometime of trying to lit myself by grabbing the fence. I saw my father went out of the house bringing a back basket with him.

"I'll be going now." Ron said as he kiss my mother and softly rubbed my hair. Then proceeds to jog toward the forest a little further.

"Take care! See you later." My mother speaks a little louder whilst smiling and waving her hands.

"Oh...the sour smell of love." As I grimaced my fat little face that makes me cuter. This situation makes me remember my parents age is barely an adult if compared to my past life.

"Oh, it's all that teenage hormone etc etc! So cheezy.!! Don't mind me, I'm just jealous little baby." Shouted Dev in his mind. While pouting mentally and making funny faces. Ofcourse he is also very happy having a loving family. As he also waved his little hand.

Anyway after awhile, I can see mom preparing the tray with fine sand. This will be used as a writing teaching tool. Since there is no pen or ink available in the tribe. And I'm also not sure if it's available in this time period since I haven't seen any.

As the tools is ready I made my way crawling to my mother who is also beckoning me. As I reached her. She picked me up and I sat at her lap.

In front of us is the sand tray and a long and short sticks prepared to be used as pen.

"Listen and look well. Dev I will start with the sinplest one. I know you are a smart child so we will be soon done." Said my mother as she pick up the sticks and gave me the shorter one.

She started writing something like a bird . "This is the word for a sparrow. And if you change a little adding something else. I'll mean another bird.... and then...." as she continued to explain and write.

While I listen intently, mumbling meaning of each word and sometimes writing on the sand. I try to memorize as much as I can.

This worlds writing looks similar as hieroglyphic and Hanzi of my past life combined, but much simpler? Similar to drawing graffiti making pictographs equivalent of words. Without any complicated design.

After about an hour, mother stops and told me we've been at it for an hour and its rest time. This has been our schedule for a few months changing the lesson every now and then. Ensuring proper rest and growth for me as a baby. And my interest on various subject.

But it's ok since I can keep up with the lessons. And compared with the last lifes plenty of educational topics. This life is much simpler with relatively few study topics. So theres no need to be in a hurry.

Ofcourse it doesn't mean people here were much dumber than my past life. It just means children and individuals were taught to have more specialization, like hunting, weaving, clothemaking etc. Of which are important for tribal livelihood and survival.

As a male, I have had lessons on hunting, trap setting and most importantly recognizing edible foor resources. This includes animals that can be a prey and plants both medicinal and poisonous.

This doesn't mean I can't learn other things such as cooking, weaving or sewing etc. learned by females. Both genders just have a little difference on major subjects but they can also learn others.

All subjects are to be taught from the simplest to more complex. But most knowledge are taught after 5 cycles old. Since we then knew if we have talent as shaman. And this also a preparatory training and education up to adulthood which is coming of age at 15 cycles.

It will be like dividing the age to preschool, elementary and high school. And shamanic studies is a lifetime like senior high up to doctoral of previous life. Plus a shaman also being a historian and librarian.

Well this can be expected to repeat until I'm 5 cycles old. Unless something happened, I don't think there will be any change to this schedule aside from slightly having more knowledge to study.

Nonsense, what else can a daily life of a baby become? There can't be monster leveling or romance. Not even adventure, unless counting crawling within the house or being carried around at the tribe.

Anyway this is my 1st year of life. No heart pounding excitement, just a normal slice of life.

The protagonist's name was shortened to Dev. Which is his nickname and will be used for the succeeding chapters.

His practice of extraordinary path will be introduced more in the story after he reaches 5 cycles. I'm still not sure of what chapter it will be, maybe the 4th chapter.

thank you. God bless. :)

DeSucreators' thoughts