
Survivors 2 | Ultimate big sister Tina

"Divine grade water!"

Goddess Brigid muttered in surprise.

Emma, hearing her goddess's muttering, couldn't help but bulge her eyes in utter shock.

Her gaze was drawn to the precious liquid previously present on the bottle Hassan had thrown to the side after using it to cure the poisoned man.

To waste such precious material for a common man are these people nuts, even if she is a righteous person through and through would surely hesitate in wasting such material.

But the man before her didn't even flinch in the slightest.

Emma then look at the new arrival whose clearly a companion of the man before her, seeing Sebastian not having any prior reaction to Hassan's careless action Emma couldn't help but wonder who are these people and if they have a few screws loose.

"How did you acquire such material?"

Goddess Brigid cluelessly approached Hassan, straightforwardly asking him about the so-called divine grade water.

"Goddess-sama? You mean! The purification elixir? Our master created it."

Hassan was a bit taken aback by Goddess Brigid's straightforwardness.

"It isn't divine water? Um, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked, what had gotten into me?"

Emma quickly lends her goddess a hand who seems dejected for some reason.

"How can we have something that valuable? What Hassan used is a potion called purification elixir, its purpose is to purge any harmful substances in one's body before healing and rejuvenating the body of the one who consumed it."

Sebastian stepped in and explained the nature of the potion.

--- The way he phrased it, he treats the said potion as a simple thing.

--- But clearly something that effective isn't easy to come buy, its level is that of a divine liquid.

--- Moreover, purging harmful substances in the body would result in one's talent being boosted greatly.

--- For someone to be able to create such miraculous potion, surely it's a god.

Numerous thoughts run through the goddess mind as, for some reason no one knew, she became restless.

To the side, the father daughter duo who just heard the exchange look at each other, a determined expression on their faces.

"Um, excuse me venerable lord, thank you for saving me, I don't know how to repay your kindness, please accept me as your servant, I am willing to pledge this second life that you've granted me."

"I also want to serve you, I will accompany my father, just please treat us nicely."

The father daughter is taking a big risk here, but recalling how easy-going Hassan since earlier, they couldn't help but hope he'll accept their pledge.

Hassan was taken aback by their sudden proclamation, he was flustered speechless unable to come up with a response, he looked at Sebastian in a begging expression trying to get him involved.

Sebastian, seeing that things had shifted to this direction, couldn't help but let out a sigh.

In the continent of Eden, gratitude is always accompanied by payment, this is a common logical courtesy to anyone and the most easy way of repaying a gratitude that turned into a big debt is through servitude.

The easiest form of gratitude is slavery, to the people of Eden slavery is as common as breathing.

Struggling clans and villages would sell their most precious young people and unique children to traveling slavers to gain benefits or survive the days during the harsh winter seasons.

Some even go as far as to sell themselves willingly to escape political struggle, or being forced by someone back to their homes.

Through slavery, they could establish strict contracts with the slaver that benefited both parties.

The only unfortunate slaves were those that were kidnapped by illegal slavers and bandits or been bred by an organization as disposable slaves since birth.

The reality of Danmachi is dark, survival of the fittest.

"There's no need for you to serve my friend here, he doesn't need a servant and even if he is willing to, he couldn't accept a servant."

Sebastian's words just made everyone listening confused.

He could only shrug the back of his head after seeing their reactions, a trait he got for always accompanying his young master, Kanzen.

"You see, we serve a single master, so it's very awkward if someone serve us, you know."

"That's right, Hassan is right. Furthermore, the potion that was used to cure you is created by our master, so he is literally the reason for your recovery."

"Who is your master?"

This time it was Goddess Brigid that chimed in.

"Um, Goddess-sama if you're thinking that our master is a god, he isn't he is just the same us as a mo-mortal."

Hassan finds it hard to refer to Kanzen as a mortal after recalling the feats he had accomplished so far, in his eyes Kanzen appears to be more like a god than a mere mortal.

--- He isn't a god? Did the mortals already reach this level of innovation in the field of alchemy?

Suddenly, out of thin air, Kanzen dropped to the sky head first.

Sebastian and Hassan immediately appeared before the falling Kanzen, catching him on time.

--- Isn't that the powerful god-like person earlier who slaughtered the goblin and saved everyone.

Emma thought about closing the distance trying to get a good look at Kanzen, but before she could do so Sebastian and Hassan gave her a fierce glare that gave her a fright.

--- Huh? What had gotten into them?

She could feel a lingering absolute threat to her life just from the glare Sebastian and Hassan gave her.

She couldn't help recoiling a couple of steps back in terror.

Goddess Brigid quickly stepped in blocking Emma's sight to calm her down.

"Please lower your bloodlust, the weak one's couldn't handle the pressure."

Her words rung on Sebastian and Hassan's head, instantly calming their emotions down.

"Um, we were sorry about that, we just lost control over our emotions for a moment."

Sebastian apologized before tending back to his unconscious young master.

--- So, he is their master, isn't he too young?

Goddess Brigid was scrutinizing Kanzen when she felt a strange phenomenon occurring all of a sudden.

Suddenly, time around them seems to have completely frozen in place, Sebastian and Hassan being taught by Kanzen about laws and magic couldn't help but jolt in fright quickly reacting to the sudden phenomena.

Unfortunately, for them, their endeavor is pointless as they couldn't do anything in front of absolute power.

Time literally stopped, except for the goddess beside them, who's immune to such concepts of power.

They tried moving their bodies but to their dismay their time actually stopped, the only thing that wasn't frozen is their consciousness as they could still think and speak in their minds.

"You, who are you?"

Goddess Brigid voiced out her concern glaring at a petite mix haired gorgeous young girl that happened to just appear out of thin air.

Goddess Brigid couldn't even sense her presence, she might have missed her if she wasn't looking directly at her.

Being a goddess, Brigid is very sensitive to any form of energy, she could tell that the existence before her is a higher being compared to gods and goddesses in terms of existence.

She could sense that the young girl before her held a multitude of unknown mystical energies she hadn't had any knowledge of.

Normally as a stagnant being like herself, she would be intrigued by this encounter, but the situation did not allow such a thought process.

She could feel an instinctive suppression in her very origin coming from the young girl before her, this feeling is something she never once experienced in her life, even when she in a presence of a primordial god.

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