
Reincarnation of a worthless man: I, an automaton

Japanese : 価値のない男の生まれ変わり:私、オートマトン Romaji : Kachinonai otoko no umarekawari: Watashi, ōtomaton ****** This story weren't copyrighted nor changed, it is original novel publication from the author. ****** "It is only in the extremes, on the margins of existence, where life is worth living, where we can learn what's possible for ourselves and for the rest of humanity. The middle of the road leads nowhere , it reveals nothing about man other than ambivalence and fear." - Rosenbaum Thane *******

Bezel_Kairos · Urbain
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8 Chs

Isolation (Boring chapter promise)

(A/N : I'm actually defying psychological law about being crazy for this ahaha)

Beside from falling in the vast deepness of shallow abyss, a man was screaming all over his lungs with extreme intensity of fear he didn't even want to experience again. His screams didn't even dared to echoe and just go away from him, the man were already pale and even if he want to, he can't even do a thing to help himself. He nothing to grasp, and even he may have he wouldn't know what it was.

His fear of being in dark, added with the newfound fear of heights, falling, numbness, and even the paranoia of seeing almost realistic hallucinations he only can see in his blinded eyes.

Thousands of monsters are wailing, he can't hear anything but his eyes tells that he hears them.

After a long time of continuous screaming his throat now failed to function properly, and at that, his consciousness fade away with a help of unknown force.


Opening his eyes, he figured out that his wellbeing are inside of a massive 3D dimensional room with perceivable light, no doors or any exit are shown everywhere.

His name was Andrew Evans, an overweight man with the lazy NEET and Shut-In syndrome, causing him to be more or less helpful to himself and others. Ignoring the unexpected experience he felt before, he sighed in relief as he mumbled. He was a fat man with freckles in his face, oily skin, his black hair is messy that looks like haven't combed for years, bags underneath his silver eyes showing extremely awful, he wears a gray jacket and gray pyjamas and a nerdy glasses hiding slightly the overgrown eyebags.

(A/N : I don't want to rip off that fatass MC on Moshuku Tensei - Jobless Reincarnation, but well he DID looked like that)

"At least not in the dark..."

But the now the question is, where is this place?

It's clear that he wasn't in earth anymore, even he's not an explorer or at least tried to go travel overseas he knows that this kind of place weren't found in any places on earth.

Standing up, Andrew started to wander aimlessly looking for someone, or something that could help him or just let him where was he. Unknown to Andrew, an intangible screen of turquoise glass colour manifest from the place where he was once, and there are few things to read.

[Waiting Time : 499,999 years, 365 days, 11 hours, 43 minutes, 20 seconds left]*


Anxious. Crazed. Alone. Scared.

Many emotions swirled upon Andrew as he was now laughing upon his demise, crazed laugh rumbles deep from his soul as he eyed viciously the endless landscape of the place.

He lost the track of time and now? just estimating how much time or day or month was the date of him living in the place.

That's right. As far as he walked at the endless maze of this dimension, he noticed that he didn't get sleepy or hungry, even though he himself already know that he the time was already past eating time. Beneficial if he was still close in his set of games and Computer, but now he wasn't so it's given as a disaster.

He questioned himself stupid questions and the longer he was thinking, the faster he became nuts.

As far as it goes, his paranoia had another friendly one, and it is being alone, ironically right?

Poor guy, poor guy.

[Waiting Time : 499,996 years, 172 days, 21 hours, 57 minutes, 34 seconds left]


The laughing matters are over, that changed to dread cackling ones before, and now were utter calmness, feeling are like messed up mountains of yarns with an innocent cat purring in the middle of one.

One conclusion was clear, he was already broken thus far.

Sometimes rolling on the floor, sometimes singing lullabies that even a child would know what it was, sometimes looking for unknown time in nothingness without closing his eyelids...

Losing all his pieces, he became a complete mindless creature without any present emotions. He still can sense everything, but the feeling were rather static than refreshing. He can't even utter a single word nor show any expression to his lifeless face.

Nihility had drained his colours and internal forces, only the lifeless looking body was left so was his intact mind.

[Waiting Time : 499,926 years, 342 days, 01 hour, 38 minutes, 14 seconds left]*


On his barren mindscape where there are shards of memories, knowledge and other things, another consciousness emerged to it's life, he has the same features like Andrew albeit on his younger years, wondering, the former Andrew's consciousness formed himself too alike his present form and looked at the newcomer with dullness in his eyes.

The younger looking Andrew looked at the present Andrew with disgust, wavering him off.

Even himself hated him? What a pity.

Even the actions of the Young Andrew were like that, deep in him, he wants to reform the poor mindless man. They stared off at each others for hours before the younger one groaned, starting to ponder for a while what to do, an Idea dawned into him and he smiled.

Trying the Idea, he signalled at the Present Andrew's Consciousness to help him and it obeyed, at least it behaves normally and follows orders.

Commanding to help him to collect every shards of memories in a fixed place, they started the work.


Few days had passed and they finally get finished, checking all the shards, the young Andrew examined every single bit of it summarizing everything, from the good ones to baddest. The Present form helps him while giving the shards to the Young Andrew, and at that they finished in half of a day collecting and sorting every memories and knowledge he had.

Summing it up, The young Andrew's eyes had catched something while reading memories, a name that the young andrew booted to name for his young pup that sadly died.


Feeling the sentimental connection towards the name, he changed his name as Reynier and the Present was still Andrew.

Reynier atleast, waited patiently in one place while planning to do something not like the former ones that tried to find the place to escape by just wandering.

Commanding "Andrew", Reynier started to order him to do push-ups and other fitness acts to burn fat...

[Waiting Time : 499,953 years, 194 days, 15 hours, 32 minutes, 11 seconds left]*




[Waiting Time : 499,456 years, 02 days, 19 hours, 59 minutes, 25 seconds left]*

Years had passed and the old "Andrew" changed into new "Andrew", not only his body getting a new consciousness but his body overall.

The overwhelming fat and oils in his body were gone, his body become sculpted statue with muscles slightly bulging out, the jacket and shirt he was using to cover himself were full of sweat, but other than that, no odor comes from it, luckily even sweating, his body fluids seemed to magicaly recharged everytime he rest but the sweat in his clothes were magically gone too, the size of his mating organ is probably... hopeless, but he at least gained more height!

The already hard routine becomes more harder when "Reynier" ordered Andrew to learn things from his old memories. And that was :

- Mathematics

- Science

- History (Everything he reads before or catched by his eye)

- Health (His body are used as subject)

- Music and Arts (Only those well-known compositors and their paintings "name")

- Religion

- Technology

- Laws...


All and all, the bunch were long and can't be said as impossible to do, there's even religious texts and even some magical contents in literatures...






[Waiting Time : 384,111 years, 182 days, 21 hours, 57 minutes, 24 seconds left]*




Andrew were finally half on his work, well... if you put it in terms. Reynier were happy at these progress, even though Andrew were just remained as emotionless he properly followed the much matured conscience to it's bidding...






[Waiting Time : 413 years, 362 days, 11 hours, 17 minutes, 04 seconds left]*







[Waiting Time : 6 years, 2 days, 3 hours, 47 minutes, 34 seconds left]*





Finally, after the bizarre experience of isolation for years alone, he heard a loud voice that he knows aren't his telling something his newly awakened mind perceived.

[Congratulations for reaching the end of waiting time patiently! Opening portal...]

The man stopped his daydream and look around, noticing a large rift summoning next to him with myriad of colours bathing itself. His new self didn't know what it was but his mind had given him the answer. A portal.

Under instincts, he positioned himself in guarding stance and approach the large agape hole. (A/N : nothing lewd, really)

Unknowingly, his old emotions slightly appeared making his outer shell smile in delight. Preparing his body, he outstretched his legs before runninf in the rift with a small smile.

As he entered a screen of turquoise glass appeared in his sight, momentarily he read this and a familiar feeling came to his body making the cold dull expression appear with a frown.

[Teleporting ERN #33323 to Valhalla, God's Abode...]

"Huh?" was all he said before seeing a bright light ahead slightly blinding him...


Chapter End


This Chapter is messed up, I mean I can't think of the best way to describe the insanity lingering and then fading to Andrew, which made Reynier in life

Bezel_Kairoscreators' thoughts