
The Heavenly Buddha Sweet Shop

It's been a few days since I have gotten Id create/escape, and I have decided. It's completely and utterly useless for me. Why? Well the main function of Id was to level up the user -which I don't want- and to give them a source of AP which I can just sell my swords for. I was going to grind my mana, so I could actually use my reality marble but..

Alex:"Come on, it will be fun!! Stop staying in your room like a depressive teenager." someone just doesn't know when to SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Alex:"Oh, I know. I should tell Pyrrha that you want to explore the city, you can't say no to her after all." shit... my one and only weakness.

Pyrrha:"What's this about me." a head came into the door,the old man made a not so manly yelp. I already knew that Pyrrha was coming inside the room, how? Well haki has a passive and active mode. My passive haki lets me see 6 meters, my active haki lets me see 18 meters. Well since my mana regen is actually faster than my use speed I always have it on. Wait, did old man's eyes sparkle, why does he have a evil smirk?

Alex:"Well Ryu here, was planning on exploring the city. I told him he should take you as well." Tch. Guess no grinding for me.

Pyrrha:"Are you finally coming out of hiding." Who is hiding? You are in hiding! Your whole family is in hiding. That's enough chinese reference, for now that is. "There is this sweet shop I planned on going, I heard they sell delicious chocolate cakes." Hmmm cakes, sweets, two things I cannot refuse used in one sentence.

Ryu:"Where is this sweet shop you speak of?" no one can resist the charm of sweets, especially me who has a history of paying 100s of dollars for a special chocolate and let me tell you. Was worth it.

Pyrrha:"Come I'll show you but, are you planning on going out with.... that?" Oi I take offence in that. It might be covered in rust, sweat and a lot of oil, but it's still my favorite white shirt that just happens to be halfway to black. And my pants are just fine, don't look at my leather apron I will never take it off as a true blacksmith is ready to work everywhere anytime.

Alex:"What are you nodding your head at? Go change, and take a bath while at it, I know you haven't bathed in days." What can I say, old habits die hard.

Ryu:"*sigh* This is why I don't like team games, people keep ganging up on me." I waited a little. "Wait 10 minutes I'll wear something acceptable." I thought I could divert the talk to make them forget about my clothes.

It took me 10 minutes for me to change and wear something 'presentable'. I don't know why but in FGO ,Muramasa's second accancion looks especially handsome. As such I wore the clothes he wore. I walked into the living room and saw Pyrrha talking to the old man. After they heard me they turned towards me their jaws hit the floor.

Alex::"Under all that oil,rust and antisocialness , there laid a handsome face. ...Why must the world be so unfair!! Only if I had his looks!!" the old man fell on his knees as he cursed the world for being so ugly.

Then there was Pyrrha who was a blushing a storm. Her face was completely red, combined with her hair she looked like a real tomato.

Ryu:"Old man are you insulting me or are you praising me!" since old man wasn't going to calm down for a while I took Pyrrha by the hand and dragged her frozen body out of the shop. Once out I waited for her to regain her sense, this might seem surprising but I'm terrible with directions. I once tired to go to the Nikos mansion and somehow ended up in the exact opposite side of the city.

Pyrrha has been a human statue for the last 5 minutes now. I have been killing time by pinching her soft cheeks, they were like marshmallows. Once Pyrrha snapped back she lead me towards the sweet shop. On the road she refused to look at my fave, probably because of the her red cheeks -which I pinched into oblivion- embarrassed her.

Soon we were at the sweet shop. Apparently the only reason it wasn't popular was because the owner was a fanus. Most people in this world discriminate fanus because they considered them more animal than human. Do I discriminate them? No, I only discriminate arrogant young masters.

Walking into the sweet shop was like a dream come true. Sweets were everywhere!! There were chocolate cakes, strawberry cakes, vanilla cakes, profiterole cakes. HEAVEN! I was in heaven.

Pyrrha:"Pfft. The only time I see you look like that is when you see a new weapon." well she wasn't wrong.

Ryu:"Of course, new weapons are revolutions I can use to further my craft ,and I have a sweet tooth which hasn't been feed for months."

With that I proceeded to raid the store aggressively. It was a good thing I sold a few of my crafts, if I hadn't I wouldn't have enough money to buy these relics. After raiding the Heavenly Buddha Sweet Shop we went to a forest cause the shop didn't offer enough tables to support my purchases. As for the name, in chinese novels, longer name equals more power as such I gave the shop the longest name I could think of.

At the forest I laid a ginormous picking cloth so I could fit all my sweets. Pyrrha looked at me with a questioning gaze. I would too if someone took a 20m by 20m sheet out of their pocket.

Pyrrha:"What was that?"


Pyrrha:"But magic is not real! Tell me how you did it." She didn't believe the truth, what has become of this world.

Ryu:"I can do it because I'm handsome." please buy it...

Pyrrha:"This has nothing to do with you how handsome you look." Let me change the subject.

Ryu:"Are you saying that I'm not handsome."

Pyrrha:"Wait NO. You are the handsomes person I know, but still it doesn't..." she was to focused on how I acted offended and as such, wasn't watching what she was saying. When she realized what she said she became as red as a tomato. KUKUKU. Lets tease her a bit.

Ryu:"Oh? So I'm handsome?" I had a big fat grin as I stated to tease her.

Pyrrha:"If you don't shut up I'll eat all your sweets!"

Ryu:"Hai,hai." I was internally snickering at her bashfulness. Its so fun to tease her. She has the most innocent reactions, its so cute. Her cuteness could kill. Maybe I should make something that can kill someone with cuteness, it would be a nice way to die.

Pyrrha:"..yu!Ryu! Pay attention to me." I was monologing again.

Ryu:"My bad, my bad."

Pyrrha:"When were alone you can only pay attention to me. Ok?" She is so cute. She doesn't even realize how wrong that sounds.

Ryu:"But I was thinking about how cute you were."

'There she goes blushing again, is that smoke coming out of her head. She's so cute and innocent I can't take it anymore' There and then I fell onto the picnic sheet holding my heart.

After a few minutes I recovered, we started talking about things we did. So the whole talk was basically me babbling about weapons and her talking about fighting. After a few hours of talking, Pyrrha became tired and fell asleep. Deciding to make her comfortable I put her head on my lap as I laid my back against a tree and started stroking her head. What I didn't notice was I had a small smile, and more importantly 2 red headed adults watching us from a distance. A female flashing a camera at us and a male looking at me menacingly. Had I noticed them I would have laughed at their looks. They had some branches that they covered themselves in to look less noticeable ,but failed miserably creating a hilarious looks.

After 2 hours of math I'm finnaly free. My exam week is strating from tommorow onwards, pray for me. I also tried to focus less on powers and more on the development of the 2s relationship. Did I do good, anyways BYE.

Leo_Valdez996creators' thoughts
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