
Reincarnation into a Patchwork Abomination: "My Class is Alter-Ego."

Imagine, for a moment, you die. This is an unfortunate thing, but you managed to get lucky and draw the lottery ticket of Reincarnation! Woo! Isekai Dreams, right? But, get this, you aren't some Legendary Hero or Cheat-Swordsman, you don't even get a unique skill- You just get some scuffed serf class like "Farmer" or "Writer"... Well doesn't that suck! Well, it'll be fine. Even if people can already do those things, you can just do it better, so you can make one hell of a killing! Yeah, this'll be a relatively easy life- *thunk* *thud* A journey to live in a world where you're already dead.

VeryWrathfulNugget · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

001: As If You Could Live.

My life starts as any life does, with a bunch of screaming. I believe I shocked my parents a bit, as I was quite a lively baby while they tried to swaddle me in their arms in a language I somewhat understood, writhing around with a great deal of wrath. Regardless, I was reborn: A human being in the same way as my old life, to human parents. Why did I have to specify that? Because it seems that there are quite a lot of things I could've been born as instead, such as a goblin, an orc, and if we go by Buddhist standards, I could've even been reborn as a blade of grass... The former options are much more notable, though.

Indeed, it seems that by walking down the wrong path of death I have arrived in another world! Quite miraculous, really, although I think it would have been better if I simply went on forward. The reason for that is simple... There are no toilets in another world, although there is running water and warm water. In addition, monsters exist. However, there are benefits to this reincarnation too: I was reborn as Nobility, quite a swell situation if I do say so myself!

Indeed, indeed! The lonesome gamer you once knew as the "Lord of Ye" has, in fact, become the lord of ye! Well, lord of the common folk anyways, this doesn't really mean anything to you people. My new name in this world is,

"Theophilus Nemo Pruflus." I spoke my name with a hand on my cheek, looking in the mirror at my reflection. I looked quite different from the man I was before, although it was likely from the difference in age. My skin was a bit paler, and while my proportions were similar my face was more attractive with a nice jawline, as one would expect from Noble Birth. In addition, my eyes were a deep brown and my hair was a vibrant pink and wasn't as much of a hassle as it was in my previous life, a sign of my connection to the Pruflus family. "It would've been nice if it was Red instead.." I muttered, unaware of my surroundings.

And then I was bonked on the back of my head by someone behind me, hitting me with a substantial amount of force. "Young Master, you mustn't say such things." From behind me, the butler who had served me for years and taken care of me spoke. Julius, the son of the head butler. "Especially not on a day like this, when a class is bestowed." Ah, right.. Classes.

Rubbing the back of my head, I remembered that whole spiel my teachers had taught me about. Classes, the mark that defined Humanity, which provided them the means to grow stronger and to survive in this world full of countless threats and dangers. In a way, these things were somewhat responsible for my untrained body, as it was generally frowned upon for Children to learn how to use swords or even to learn how magic works until they were granted their Class, to prevent them from neglecting their class in case they acquired a class unrelated to what they had practiced with.

"Siiigghhh, fine fine, sorry." I waved my hand in a feigned apology, clearly not taking his statement seriously. It wasn't like the heavens themselves were going to curse me for wishing I was born with slightly different hair from the rest of my family, right? Well, in a world like this I supposed that was rude. "It'll probablyyy turn out alright, if my Dad and Mom has a good class I'm basically set, right?" I asked, leaning back to look at Julius while continuing to brush my hair.

"Y..Yes, that is true, Young Master." Julius answered hesitantly, looking at me weirdly as I struck my Dynamic Hairdressing Pose. Truly, he was such a worrywart about such things, it wasn't like I had a history of fumbling and falling because of stunts like this... Actually, I did, but let's forget that.

Regardless, I finished getting my hair just right and adjusted my fine white suit, striking a quick pose in the mirror just to admire myself. One might judge me, but if you went from a solid 6/10 to a 9 then you would understand the difference too. After finishing my self-admiring, I spun around and began to walk. "Of we go, then: To the church! Hero Class here I come!" I laughed triumphantly at the thought, beginning to strut through the manor as Julius hurried behind me.

It only made sense for me to be a "Hero", correct? I was reincarnated, and my Mother was a Mage with skills so great it was worthy of her becoming a member of the King's court before she met my Father. In addition, my Father received the class "Sword King" from what I had heard, so naturally- Obviously- the combination of the two would be the chosen Hero, correct!? At the very least, I'd get something strong between the two, worthy of respect and adoration- Forgive me for thinking like this, but I've been suppressing this welling excitement for a good deal of Eighteen Years!!

I'd prefer something not "Hero" like, actually, as being a Hero would mean I was sentenced to the unfortunate and annoying fate of having to fight against some Demon Lord and such, something along those lines to save the world. I'd rather just something strong, like "Light Magic Lord", anything like that! Aaaahhh, my heart was pounding in my chest in delusion at just what I'd become! This was just like my Japanese Anime's! "..Ufufufu.." I covered my mouth and laughed, suppressing the mad cackle that wanted to come out of me as I stood in front of the Church.

Indeed, I had been walking so fast I didn't even realize I had arrived, although now that I was there, I could tell from the pain in my legs that I had pushed myself a bit too hard. No matter, it was time! As I was the Noble of the region, it was only natural that everyone would definitely be waiting for my arrival, waiting in bated breath. Naturally, I felt I shouldn't keep them waiting! Grabbing both Church doors and swinging them wide open, I stepped into the sacred place.

"I have arriv-"

"IT'S THE HERO OF LEGEND!!" A thousand voices drowned me out as the Church exploded in outrage, excitement, fear, and reverence. A small girl stood at the pedestal at the furthest end of the Church, where a statue of the Goddess of Light stood, with the undeniable sign of the Hero hovering above her- A holy cross made of two swords. I saw my father, a man I had rarely seen in my life as he was too focused on Battle, cracking the widest smile of his life. I saw my mother, a cold and calculating woman wring out a similar smile. I saw the priests and churchgoers falling to their knees in reverence.

...Eh? Eh? Eh? I felt a gentle hand press against my back, as Julius comforted me. I put a hand over my mouth, carefully closing my mouth which had unconsciously fallen agape. This... was not the scenery that I had hoped to see. I had done my research, only one "Hero" could appear every one thousand years. "Ah.. well... No matter, my Class will still likely be good." I muttered to myself, beginning to walk straight forward as the girl chosen to be a Hero was escorted away by my father's elite guard. I could feel the gaze of everyone looking upon me now as the girl left, perhaps due to the fact that I was the last person here for the day.

All the expectations were on me, the Son of the Baron. Naturally, I had to meet that expectation. Lowering myself to my knees before the pedestal, clasping my hands together in prayer. I could feel a unique sensation rush over me. A burning sensation brushed over me, and I could see golden sparks of light scatter around me. Upon my very soul, I could feel a mark being engraved- My status window being forged in the flames of a God's light. This was.. awesome, super awesome! Gold in Gacha games was usually a sign of Super Rare's and stuff, right!? Plus, it hurt like hell, so it must've been something special!

Looking forward in front of me, I saw a window appear before me that only I could see. At the same time, golden words formed above me that would allow everyone else to see. Everyone, me included, went silent. 

Name: Theophilus Nemo Pruflus Age: 18 Race: Human Class: Farmer (Level 1) Active Skills: Quick Grow (Level 1 - Active) Passive Skills: Green Thumb (Level 1 - Active) Strength: 1 Vitality: 2 Defense: 1 Agility: 1 Mana: 1 Luck: 0

While everyone else could see my Class, only I could see my skills. Indeed... this was quite depressing. Not even a lick of my father's godlike talent with the sword, nor my mother's immense magical prowess. In fact, I'd never even read any mention of the existence of a "Farmer" Class in any of the books I read. Perhaps, it was unprecedented for a Farmer to appear in this world, especially among Nobility. While "Farmers" did exist, they were people who simply did farmers work while also having Classes.

...Indeed, how awful. Considering how battle lusted my father was and how hungry for status my mother was, I was likely going to be exiled from the family and forced to live as some commoner. However, with a skill like this... Yes, I could make a living, couldn't I? I could produce top quality fruits and vegetables and such in all kinds of weathers, make a killing with my money and live out the rest of my days in relative peace. Haha, yes, this was possible!

"Well, that's quite unfortunate, right Juli-"



Drip, drip...

it hurt.

The feel of the floor beneath me at the moment was much different in comparison to the feeling of the church floor when I first fell against it, which meant I was likely moved to a different location. In addition, it hurt. It really hurt. It felt like my entire body was on fire, and at the same time it felt like multiple parts of me were missing and there at the same time, my joints felt like teeth sinking into me, my breathing felt wrong- as if it was my first time doing it ever.

However, it wasn't White. I wasn't dead. I was sure I wasn't dead. I'm not dead. I'm not dead. I flexed my muscles, grit my unemotive teeth, pushed up, pushed up- I felt something cold and soft touch my hand- I pushed up anyways- I was alive- I wasn't dead- I needed to move- "gRAHGHHH--_!!!" A strained and flawed voice came out of my mouth, more like a monster than a human, softer than the deeper tone I had before. My eyes forced themselves open, like a baby opening them for the first time, and I saw around me...

Death. Countless bodies writhing in some unknown source that drove them to motion, perhaps as alive as I was but dead at the same time (my breathing sped up). Looking down at my hands, one was a darker shade of skin, while the other was more slender and feminine (I felt the urge to vomit.) Looking even further down, I saw the cold metal floor, pristine with a slight shine to it from the torchlight surrounding the room. And upon it, I saw my face...

Pale white, with Pink Hair marking my Noble Heritage to the family of Pruflas, and beady Red eyes. My face, however, was different. While my hair and eyes were the same, my jawline was more.. androgynous. Indeed, I was not the same person I was before, something had changed about me. "RETCHH..!!" A disgusting sound left my mouth as the smell of everything around me hit my nose, inciting me to push off of the ground and do my best to keep in whatever I had in my stomach. 

I had to get out of here. Wherever here was. But first, I needed to check something, luckily it could be checked as I walked. "S...Status window.." I raised my hand up and brought up my status window as I began to walk in the only path I could see, the one with the least number of bodies in front of it anyways. 

Name: Theo Age: ## Race: A#%%@ Class: X-5$#% (Level ?), Farmer (LV1), Fisherman (LV1), Cobbler (LV1), Janitor (LV1), Optometrist (LV1) Active Skills: Quick Grow (LV1), Bait (LV1), Shoe Make (LV1), Broom Proficiency (LV1), Glasses Make (LV1)  Passive Skills: Green Thumb (Level 1), Greenhorn (LV1), Worst Shoes (LV1), Clean Streak (LV1), 20/20 Vision (LV1) Strength: 2 Vitality: 2 Defense: 2 Agility: 3 Mana: 2 Luck: 3

..Haha, so I'm not even Theophilus anymore. I knew I would've been exiled from my family, but to have my entire name ripped apart is quite depressing. In addition, I wasn't even human, which seemed obvious considering I was among patchwork corpses.. although I wish I was something more reasonable than... That. I couldn't read it, honestly. My brain could understand it, but at the same time it couldn't, and the contradiction alone was enough to make me reject it entirely.

In addition, I had multiple classes. From what I knew, every human in this world only had one class, so the very act of me having Multiple Classes was unique. If I had to guess, this seemed to be the site of a dump for an experiment to make a multiple-classed individual. Which also means... "My family either carted off my body here, or my body was stolen from a grave." Both were bad, although I'd prefer the latter. There were quite a lot of things running through my mind, so many that 'quite' wasn't even the right word for it, but I couldn't think. I had to escape.

After running for a while, before I knew it.. I was at the surface, the moon shining down on me. And in the distance, a small town with lights shining through. I decided to head there first, for a simple reason... I was hungry.