
Going through the system and more

When I woke up I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't, I also felt something warm and gooey all around me. I started to freak out 'Why can't I open my eyes, what is this warm stuff touching me!?!' Then all of a sudden I heard:


[Host shouldn't worry for he is in the womb of his new mother.]

All of a sudden I just remembered 'oh yeah, i died, and reincarnated. So are you the system i wished for?'

[ Yes i am your system. Host has a beginner package would you like to open it?]

'Yes, please open it.'

[Opening beginner package.. Host has gotten:

1 x random bloodline pill

10,000 SP

10 x chakra enhancement pills

Fire, and air affinities

Shadow clone jutsu

Legendary chakra cultivation method

5 x lottery tickets]

'Wow system that's allot.'

[Host has gotten this because host has just gotten to this world and I have given this to host so he can start out in the world and won't be defenseless.]

I smile and say to the system 'thanks for that.' I just realized something ' system what are your functions.'

[Host just needs to think menu and host will see options.]

' Ok. menu

[/////////// system menu/////////]







' How do I access the tabs?'

[Host just needs to think the category and it will show it.]

' Ok. Status!'


Race: Human

Bloodline: Uchiha







Skills: None]

' My stats are weak.'

[Host remember, you aren't even born yet.'

' Oh yeah, alright let's go to the store!'







'What's with the question marks?'

[Host has not unlocked that feature]

'Ok, lets go to bloodlines.'


Senju-10,000,000 SP

Uzumaki-5,000,000 SP

Sayain-1,000,000,000 SP

Hatake-3,000,000 SP

Hyuga-7,000,000 Sp


'Wow those are expensive.'

[Well they are bloodlines.]

'Fair point. Alright i'll visit the other options at a later date. Now let's go to quests.




'Figured that, alright now let's go to Inventory!'


1 x random bloodline pill

10 x chakra enhancement pills

Fire, and air affinities

Shadow clone jutsu

Legendary chakra cultivation method

5 x lottery tickets

10,000 SP]

'Will I be ok if use my random bloodline pill, or should I wait until I'm born'

[Actually host i recommend that you use bloodline pill now because now it won't hurt when you use it because you are not born yet.]

'Ok i'll do that now then, system can you feed me the pill?'

[Yes host]


[ Host has gotten the Uzumaki bloodline]

'Sweet! That means that i will have a stronger body, more stamina, and high chakra right?'

[Host is correct plus 5 Intelligence for finding that out.]

'Well of course i would know that i mean Naruto was my favorite TV show and favorite character.'


'System i have 5 lottery tickets right? Can i use them?'

[ Yes host, I was about to suggest that.]

Lottery Wheel spinning noise*

[Host has gotten:

10 x kunai

Fireball jutsu

5 x body refinement pills

10 x paper bomb

1 x running shoes (+5 agility)]

'Cool. can i use the body refinement pills?'

[Host cannot use body refinement pills until he has gotten stronger.]

'Oh i'll wait until then.' I just realized something ' system how much longer until I'm born?'

[Host currently has 5 months until he is born.]

'Noooo. What will I do until then?'

[Host can cultivate chakra with his new cultivation technique.]

' I guess I'll do that until I'm born. Ummm how do i do it?'

[Host has to learn the technique first. You have to click on the technique in the inventory and hit yes learn skill, and then just follow the directions from there.]

'Ok' I go to the inventory and click on the skill.'

[ Do you wish to learn the skill Y/N]

'Yes obviously.'

[Host has learnt legendary chakra cultivation technique]

I start to feel memories on how to use the skill go into my head, and I say 'Now I know how to do it hahaha.' I think to myself, ' I guess I'll do this until I'm born.'

Here is the second chapter. I hope you like it.

William_Mentinkcreators' thoughts