
Reincarnated in Tensura as a Red Slime

A man found himself on a sidewalk. Next to him, he saw a man that looked familiar to him. It was Satoru Mikami, the protagonist of That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime. Just when he was trying to figure out the situation, a man with a knife ran in their direction. 'Where am I? What's going on? Is that Satoru?' Follow the adventures of our MC and, his brother, Rimuru! --- A/N: Heyo! Author-san here. This is my second fan-fic. Let's hope that I complete this. --- *Random update schedule* *NO HAREM* *Male MC* *Word count will be 1000-5000* *I found the picture on Pinterest and did a little editing*

Fluffy_Star · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

New Skills, New Subordinates

*MC's POV*

It's been a few days after Shizue's death. The adventures were, of course, saddened when they heard the news. Things went exactly the same as in the anime, with Rimuru giving them new gears before they left. Rimuru, on the other hand, has been looking sad and sometimes crying. The people around him thought that he was just mourning. Kaijin even tried to console him, but I did not work. I, of course, knew exactly what my brother was sad about, so I went inside his house to console him.

Yes, he asked me to build him a house, so I built him a Japanese traditional house with a personal hot spring in the backyard and a fish pond in the front. My house was identical and right next to his. The only thing that separated the two was the fence that surrounded each house.

"Rimuru, you still sad?"

"Oh, hey Rikuzu, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to comfort you."

"C-Comfort me?"

"Rimuru, it's ok to be genderless y'know."

"W-What are you talking about?"

"Know this, I...am also genderless. We both have nothing down there, and we have to deal with it."

"O-Oh, that's not really comforting"

"But there is something I have to tell you that'll make you happy."

"What is it?"

"You now have...taste buds!"


"I do have taste buds! I can taste now!"

"Yup, why not follow Rigur and his hunters? You can go hunt for some food."

"That's great ide-Wait! Why can't you just make me some food?"

"Not this time, besides, I feel that you will encounter something interesting there."

"Whatever, you coming?"

"Nope, now off you go"



Rimuru left and I was alone. I went back to my house, leaned back on my reclining chair, and closed my eyes.



'Are there any skills similar to Milim's Drago-buster and Drago-Nova in Records?'

[None such skills have been found]

'Can you create a brand new skill similar to that?'

[Yes, I can]

'Good, how long will it take to make it?'

[It can be created right now, I've already got it prepared]

'Eh? Seriously?'


'Fin-Wait! You've been designing skills without me knowing?'

[It's all for master's sake]



[...Create a new unique skill? Yes/No]


[You have successfully created new unique skill]

[You have acquired Unique Skill Dragonoid]

'Well, that's a lame name. Did you name it yourself?'


'Sorry, sorry, tell me are its functions.'

[Unique Skill Dragonoid]

[Dragon Breath Cannon: Similar to Milim's Drago-Nova. The only difference is that Dragon Breath Cannon uses magicules instead of stardust energy, the attack's power depends on how much magicules you put into it.]

[Dragon Blasters: Similar to Milim's Drago-Buster. The only difference is that Dragon Blasters uses magicules instead of stardust energy, the attack's power depends on how much magicules you put into it.]

[Battle Form: Although your race is still a red slime, with the help of this skill, you would be able to transform into a dragonoid's battle form. Your power will be amplified 3x and you will be able to use your full Battle form for 5 hours a day. You could also use just a part of its function, like the dragon wing, without a time limit and your power won't be amplified.]

'A-Are you sure this is a unique skill?'

[Yes, some unique skills could rival an ultimate skill. This is one of them.]

'Y-Yes, you are right.'

Damn, if I use this skill with my stored magicules, it will exceed some ultimate skills! Solomon is scary, I could only imagine what she will become in the future.

'O-Ok, moving on. Are there any skills like Merciless in Records? I need an instant death skill. Also, it would be great to resurrect like Luminous's Lust skill.'

[Yes there is]

'Great, tell me the most powerful of them all.'

[It's Unique Skill Fate]

'What are its functions?'

[Unique Skill Fate]

[Death Blessing: Able to instantly kill anyone below Unique or Ultimate skill. Unique skill holders' will must be strong or death will await them. You can also collect their souls using this subskill.]

[Bind: Able to lock onto someone's soul below unique and kill them whenever and you decide, be it close to you or miles away.]

[Resurrection: Able to resurrect those around you, as long as their soul is still present.]

'This one is much more normal than the previous one. This is good enough'

[Create Unique Skill Fate? Yes/No]


[You have successfully created new unique skill]

[You have acquired Unique Skill Fate]

'I will test out Dragon Breath Cannon with the Orc-' My thought was interrupted by Solomon.

[Master, Ranga has sent out a distress call.] Right after Solomon's report, Raiga's head popped out of my shadow.

"Master, my son is in trouble!"

"I know, Raiga. I will go see what's the trouble. I want to fight whatever it is, so you just stay in my shadow. Don't worry, you will fight enemies in the future."

"Hai!" Raiga looked a bit gloomy and went back into my shadow. I quickly ran out of my house, put on an identical anti-magic mask I made a while ago, spread my dragon wings, and flew to Ranga as fast as I can. Rigurd who saw this looked worried, so I used thought communication.

(Wings Pic: https://pin.it/5FPwOIk )

('Don't worry Rigurd, I'll be safe')

('Hai, Rikuzu-sama')

I kept on flying for two minutes and finally saw Rigur and the hunters being attacked by the ogres. 100 meters away from them, I saw Rimuru running in their direction. I dove down and landed near a tumbling Gobta, forming a little crater. Rimuru arrived shortly-

"Brother, why are you here? What happened? And what are those wings?!"

"They're dragon wings, Aren't they cool?"

"Ugh, whatever, so what happened here?"

"I got a distress call from ranga, so I flew here"

"Rimuru-sama, Rikuzu-sama!" Gobta yelled out, "You guys got worried and came to help?"

"Yeah, that's right." Rimuru replied, "You seem fine, so I guess you don't need any potion."

"W-Wait! I want some! I'm sorry l joked around like that!"

Rimuru splashed a full potion at Gobta.

"T-Thank you!"

I retracted my wings and stood beside Rimuru. I watch the fight scene and saw everyone was asleep. Ranga and Rigur were still fighting though.

"Ranga, Rigur, come back here!" I ordered they quickly came to us and kneeled.

"Rimuru-sama, Rikuzu-sama, I am sorry." Rigur said

"I failed to protect them," Ranga said dejectedly

"Don't worry. Leave this to us and get some rest"

"Thank you"

"Ranga, you also rest," I said


"Don't worry we can handle this"


"What happened to the fallen?" Rimuru asked

"Don't worry, they're fine. It's just some sleeping magic"


The ogres gathered together and glared at us. I stepped forward and knowingly asked.

"Hey, ogres! Why did you attack our subordinates?"

"Show us who you really are, evil majins!" The red-haired one spoke.

"Huh? Hey, hang on! What did you call us?" Rimuru said

"Enslaving monsters is not a feat just any human can accomplish."


"You may hide your appearance and suppress your aura, but it won't work!"

"Reveal your true identity!"

"For the mastermind to approach us himself is most convenient."

"You really want us to remove our masks?" I asked

"Show us your real faces!"

('Hey do you really think this is a good idea?') Rimuru asked

('Yea, I seem that they are mistaking us for someone else and it looks like they will attack us even if we try to explain. Just take off your mask and intimidate that a bit')


We both took off our masks and released our auras. While Rimuru just let out his aura, I directed mine right at them. Their eyes widen in shock and took a fighting stance. The old ogre looked cautious and worried. The pink-haired ogre, on the other hand, looked at me, terrified.

'Good eye, it seems she knows who's more dangerous'

I stepped forward and just smiled.

"You saw our faces, now what? Don't even try to fight us, you can't win-"

"Y-You monster!" The red-haired ogre dashed towards us.

"Young Master!"

I disappeared and appeared right in front of him. I put my hand over his head and slammed it on the ground. He struggled to get up and looked at me with disdain. Rimuru just facepalmed at this. I raised my fist and was about to knock him down when the pink-haired ogre appeared in front of us.

"Please, don't hurt him! We're sorry for attacking."


"No! Just like he said, we can't win against him. Besides, just look at their auras, they could've wiped out our whole village if they wanted, why use the pigs." She turned her head to me and bowed, "Please, forgive us this was a misunderstanding."

I concealed my aura and Rimuru did the same. I smiled.

"Apologies accepted, right brother?"


The princess was relieved and helped her brother up.

"Here, check my mask and see if they're the same as what you were talking about" I handed my mask to the red-haired ogre. He holds it, scanning it.

"It does seem similar, but.."

"This one contains anti-magic power."

"But the majin from back then wasn't concealing their auras.."

"It seems that we were wrong, it seems our desperation caused a grave misunderstanding. Please accept my apology." The red-haired ogre said kneeling.

"We already told you, apologies accepted."

Rimuru stood beside me.

"Well, this is no place to talk. Let's head back to the village. Come with us."

The ogres were surprised.

"Is it really fine?"

"Yep, I want to hear about what you've been through."

"But we wounded your companions."

"and my brother did the same to you, but no one died, so we'll say it's all good. Besides, we're having a feast today. The more, the merrier, right?"

The ogres all smiled. I snapped my fingers, removing the sleeping magic.

"Now that's done, let's head back!"

On our way, the ogres were shocked when they found out that we were slimes. They accepted the fact and continue following us to the village. When we arrived the feast preparation was almost completed, all that is left was the meat. Kaijin, Rigurd, Rigur, the red-haired ogre, the old ogre, and I are gathered on a mat while Rimuru is trying out the skewers. We were listening to what happened to their village until Kaijin almost spits out his beer.

"The Orcs attacked the Ogres? That can't be!"

"It's the truth."

"Can such a thing really happen?"

"I don't know," Rigurd said

"Is it that strange?" Gobta walked in

"Of course it is. Ogres are immeasurably stronger than Orcs. That such a weak race would attack them is unthinkable."

"Nevertheless, they did come. They attacked our village out of nowhere. They carried weapons and wore armor, and their overwhelming numbers filled the entire forest. Those detestable pigs...overran our village."

"Orcs wearing armor?"

"Yes, the same type of full plate mail that Humans wear."

"That must mean.."

"Someone is helping the orcs" I spoke

"Right, orcs could never round up all that valuable armor themselves," Kaijin said

"Exactly, among them was a masked majin"

"A masked majin?"

"It was a high-level majin. I'm certain of it."

"So you attacked us because me and Rimuru wore a mask?"


"The Orcs might have sided with one of the Demon Lords, possibly?"

"A Demon Lord, eh?"

"That is very likely and I think which demon lord might have done that" I caught everyone's attention.

"A demon lord?" Rimuru walked in

"Yup, do you remember the Demon Lord Clayman that I talked to you about?"

"Yea, the master of that Gelmud guy, right?"


"Wait, did you just say Gelmud?" the red-haired ogre raised his voice

"Yea, what about him?"

"A majin named Gelmud, one day, arrived at our village and offered me a name"

"Hoh? You did not accept right?"

"He sounded too untrustworthy, so l turned him away, and he cursed me as he left."

"You did the right thing." I said," Even if he named you, you wouldn't evolve into a kijin. He is a weak coward, just like his master."

"Do you know of him, Rikuzu-dono?"

"Well, not personally, but I know more than enough. Want to know about him?"


"Gelmud is a subordinate of the Demon Lord Clayman. He sees himself as a superior majin, running around in this forest."

"So, he is a demon lord's subordinate?"

"Yea and the demon lord he serves is Clayman, The Marionette Master. A very sly, self-proclaimed demon lord if I must say. He is the type of person that would use and kill his subordinates, taking their hearts hostage. Most of the demon lords see him as a nuisance, even I could easily defeat him."

"Self-proclaimed demon lord? Aren't demon lords the same?" Kaijin's question made everyone curious.

"Most people don't know this. Self-proclaimed demon lords are not real demon lords. Take Leon as an example, he used to be a hero called the Platinum Saber, but he later proclaimed himself a demon lord. He killed a demon lord, proving his strength, claimed the title, and now people call him the Platinum Devil."

"Is he weak like Clayman?" Rimuru asked

"Oh hell no, he may be a self-proclaimed demon lord, but by no means he's weak. Even I would have trouble fighting him in my current state, but I could beat the rest of the newest generation demon lords...and a certain pixie"

"I see," Rimuru said

"Ok, we are getting off topic, let's talk about the orcs." As I said, everyone became serious, "I believe that the mastermind behind this is Clayman."

"Is it because of Gelmud?"

"Exactly, you all may not know this, but the demon lords have a treaty to not enter the Jura forest because Veldora's seal might be undone. Since Clayman sent Gelmud here and an army of orcs appeared out of nowhere, I suspect him."

"That's might be true, but let's decide what to him later, "Rimuru said and turned to the red-haired ogre," So, what are you guys going to do now?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean your plans for the future. Whether you rebuild your village or relocate to another area, the fate of your comrades is depending on your leadership, right?"

"That's easy, we will build our strength and take them on again."

"Do you know where to find them?"

I can see him realizing that he has no idea.

"Well, I have a suggestion," I said, "Do you guys have any interest in being our subordinates?"


"Of course, all we can pay you is guaranteed food, shelter, and clothing. You need a home base, right?"

"But that would involve your whole village in our revenge."

"Well, since the orcs are invading the whole forest, our village is already involved, right? This village isn't completely safe, either. Which is why adding as many to our numbers as possible would benefit us."

"I see, let me give it some thought."

"Sure, take all the time you need to think about it."


Me and Rimuru are sitting on the porch of my house with the leader of the ogres in front of us.

"Have you decided?" Rimuru asked

"The Ogres are a warring clan. We aren't against taking to the battlefield in service to another. If our master is strong, we are all the more pleased to serve them. Can our contract last only until we take out the Orcs' leader?"

"Sure, you can do whatever you want after that. You can stay and help us build a nation, or you can go on your way."

He kneeled, "I would like to accept the offer you presented last night. We will hereby serve under you"

"You're all accepted. Call in the others.," I said

"Hai" He left

('I will name half of them, you would go sleep mode if you named them all')


After a while, all the ogres are in front of us. We both smiled and stand up.

"We'll give you names to prove you're our subordinates."

"All of us?"

"Well, having no name makes things tough, doesn't it?"


"P-Please, wait. Giving a name comes with great risks. And to name such superior monsters-"

"It's fine, really. Don't worry about it."


"Or do you just not want me to name you?"

"That isn't-"

"We have no complaints"


"We gratefully accept."

"If this is the young master's will, we accept."

"Okay, let's get started. Your names will be Benimaru, Shuna, and Souei" As I said that, their body glowed.

"And your names will be Shion, Hakuro, and Kurobe." After Rimuru named the other half, he collapsed and turned into a slime blob.


'It seems that he used up all his magicules. Didn't Great Sage put on a limit? Maybe the three of them took more magicules than their anime counterpart.'

"Don't worry, he's fine. He'll wake up after three days."

To be continued-

(2,856 words)