
Reincarnated in my own Douluo Dalu Fanfiction?!

Xuan Yan: "What? Where am I?" ???: "Oh! you woke up! Well, you can think of me as God! So coming to the question, Do you want to live or die and reincarnate in another world?" A melodious feminine voice ran inside his head. Xuan Yan: "Wh-What? Y-You are God?" He only saw a golden light ball. ???: "But you can only have one wish regarding your reincarnation." *Sigh* Xuan Yan: "I can have only one wish?" ???: "Yeah only one! But you can't ask for more wishes as your only wish!" "..." ???: "Oh! and also don't act like a smartass and say I will write my wishes in the paper and consider that as my only wish." "..." Xuan Yan: "The rules are good, but you choose the wrong opponent for the wish." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -I don't own any characters except my OC and some of my 'inserted' characters. -Handsome Mc -Overpowered Mc -Harem -R-18 -English is not my first language. So in the starting chapters, there may be some errors. But I am improving myself. -The beginning chapters will be cliche because I still didn't have a solid plot in my mind at that time...but believe me it will get better later. - I first tried to write in First person POV, but later I changed to Third person POV. I think the story gets better at that time. -Pictures are copied from Google. So whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference, Thank you. But if you don't want, just let me know and I will delete it. ... My Discord link : https://discord.gg/vHmG6YxfTm Character pics are in the discord and many more 'good' pics even NSF- ahem anyway join and lets have fun. My patreon: patreon.com/user?u=65886118 or you can search Akkuzz_69

Akkuzz_69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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307 Chs


Xuan Yan POV-

I looked at Yu Shitgong who is now kneeling and coughing blood while screaming "Arghhh"

Seeing this Tang San was terrified, but soon recovered and looked at me with cold eyes.

Then his eyes turned purple and he rushed towards me leaving afterimages like a ghost. Oh! He is using purple demon eyes and ghostly shadow steps!

I didn't use pressure on him. I want to see those Tang Sect's techniques.

'System buy 'that' eyes from the shop' I said in my mind.

[Yes Host!]

[Host, the power of 'that' eyes are now combined with the Eyes of Heaven!]


The next second, my eyes shone in a dim golden light.

Tang San jumped and raised back his fist to punch me. I looked at him with an indifferent face and flicked my finger in the air, a white sword energy formed out of thin air and it hit him in the abdomen.


He growled in pain, rolled back on the ground, and hit a tree. He again got up from the ground, stood staggeringly, and looked at me fiercely.

Tang San thought 'What is it just now? I was blasted back before even touching him. I only saw him flicking his finger. I don't feel any spirit power behind that attack. Does he have some internal Qi technique?'

He again rushed toward me, but this time his hands are kind of transparent blue in color. Oh! that hands. Ah! what is the name of the hands? Whatever shit!

I caught his punch with my left hand and flicked his forehead lightly. He again rolled on the ground and he got up once again and coughed some blood. Now his forehead is bright red in color.

As expected of Tang San. Never give up, huh. Seeing him like this gives me Tanjiro vibes.

Even though he looks like a 6 year old kid, I know he is not a 6 year old. So, this is not bullying. He is mentally a grown ass bitch.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San fighting for him and his heart moved.

Tang San inserted his hand into his pockets quickly and threw something at me. I saw three silver needles coming toward me in slow motion.

I stretched my hand and caught the needles in between my fingers and said "Oh! a metal toothpick? Children shouldn't use this."

Tang San POV-

I saw the 'Yan' guy catch my overload needles in his fingers. I am not that stunned, he is a spirit master after all.

He said "Oh! a metal toothpick? Children shouldn't use this."

Then a milky white flame formed on his hand and swallowed the three needles and the three needles burned away.

I was stunned 'W-What? My overload needles. Even though it is only a weakest needle among the hidden weapons, normal fire can't swallow that metal quickly. Is he a fire spirit mater? Not even fire spirit masters can do that quickly.'

Just who is he?

Then he looked at me, narrowed his eyes, and said "You are so mature for a 6 year old child. And you are also quite powerful for a level 10 spirit master and those metal toothpicks...Are you really a 6 year old child?"

A golden glint flashed in his eyes.

Hearing this I was terrified. Did he find out that I am really not a 6 year old child? No, no way. That is not possible. Haha, there is no way right?....right? I was frightened inside, but I kept a calm face outside.

He then slightly laughed and said "I wonder what have you gone through in your childhood for you to mature so early. I wonder who your 'parents' are? Especially your 'father'!"

I am relieved. He didn't find out anything. I said in an indifferent voice "It is not your business to know about my childhood."

He slightly nodded "Yeah, I don't fucking care about your childhood. I was just 'sad' that a good seedling like you will go into the hands of this Shitgang."

Is he talking about Master? I don't know Master's name. His name is Shitgang? That's really a weird name. Master is a knowledgeable person, so his name 'Shitgang' must have a deep meaning behind it.

Then he said "Okay, enough of the chit-chat. Sleep for now."

Suddenly, I felt my head aching. What? mental attack? I have demon purple eyes, so...Argh, no. His mental power is so strong, I feel like my consciousness...

Xuan Yan POV-

I saw Tang San unconsciously lying on the floor. I can kill him now if I want to, but I want to have some fun, so let him live. Even if he got all the powerups like in the original novel, he is no match for me. So, I don't have to worry.

Haha, I used my Eyes of heaven and looked at his reaction in his heart, when I said he is not a 6 year old child. Truly hilarious.

Then I looked at the terrified Yu Shitgang. I smiled and increased the pressure!


He shouted like crazy. Tears fell from his eyes. I heard some bone-cracking sounds.

I stepped forward and place my right foot on his head and slowly pressed his head on the ground.


You deserve this bitch! You don't know how to love a woman. You plagiarised from the Spirit Hall Classics and wrote them as your own shit theory.

In the original, You even promised Bibi Dong that your disciple won't oppose Spirit Hall, but you and your disciple led the Heaven Dou Empire to destroy the whole Spirit Hall. Trash bitch.

(A/n: If you want to see Yu Shitgang getting caught in 4k doing his deeds. Read my other translated fanfiction. I think the readers of that fanfic know about this, right?)

I retracted my leg. Because I don't want him to die so soon. He took his face from the ground and looked at me terrified, while heavily breathing.

Seeing his face, I got irritated and kicked right in his face, again and again...

"Argh!! Lord! Lord! forgive m-Argh"

"I don't know how I offen- mgfh"

He cried desperately. Hearing his shouts and screams, the guards came. I turned my head and looked at them, they stooped on the tracks and looked at me with shocked eyes.

I keep kicking Yu Shitgang's face. Soon some students gathered hearing the screams.


"What happened?"

"W-Why is that handsome young boy kicking that coconut faced guy?"

"That guy must have offended this handsome boy."

"I mean look at that boy's face and his cool temperament. For him to be kicking like this, the egg faced guy must have said or done something so unreasonable.|

"Yeah! Damn this egg faced guy, making that handsome young boy angry, hmph."

"From looking at the young boy's clothes, he looks like a noble. He must have come to this small academy to help this academy financially or something. But this egg faced guy ruined it."

"Yeah, it should be. Because I saw him entering the Principal's office."

Seeing the scene, some teachers were horrified because they know the identity of this egg faced guy. A teacher soon rushed towards the principal's office.

After a few seconds, the principal came limping his legs.


I saw the principal limping towards me. He came before me and knelt "Lord! please forgive us and let him go. If he did something that offended you I apologize for his rude behavior. Please lord, he is a good friend of mine. Please let him go for this old fellow."

Seeing this scene everyone was shocked. 'Why is the principal kneeling and apologizing for this guy.'

I sighed, retracted my pressure, and stopped kicking Yu Shitgang's face.

"I am forgiving him, only for you."

I said and looked at the bloody faced Yu Shitgang.

Then I disappeared from that place leaving all the students and teachers once again shocked.

I teleported back to Xiao Wu's house. Haha, this Space warp power is so convenient.

I talked with her for a while and then I teleported to the Spirit City.


3rd person POV-

That day, evening-

A young boy of age 10 is walking through an old street. Even though he is only 10 years old, his looks are out of this world. He has gorgeous white hair with some golden linings and a pair of splendid golden eyes and his face is lethal for any young woman.

He is wearing a pure white robe and looks like a handsome prince. But his looks and clothes have not matched that street, because that street is old and haggard.

He soon walked to a wooden house at the end of the street and knocked on the door.

"Wait, I am coming." a sweet lady's voice was heard from the inside.

Soon the door was opened, and a beautiful woman with black hair and blue eyes came out of it.

Seeing her, the young boy looked at the stunned lady and asked "Is Xie'er home?"


I hope you guys liked the chapter.

Sorry for not uploading chapters yesterday.

Punish me here!!! Don't punish me severely. I am your cute and favorite author after all. UwU

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I am currently translating another Douluo fanfiction. You can reat it, Give it a shot.

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