
Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP

Reincarnated in Marvel fanfiction In a universe that is as dangerous as it can get with powerful people such as Gods and Immortals walking amongst the people. Read as a Guy from Earth is reincarnated here. I own nothing. I only wrote this because I am bored and wanted to try creating a fanfic. Such is life, watch anime ==> read manga ==> read light novels ==> read fanfictions ==> create a fanfic.

30Degree · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Science Field Trip

"Knowledge is a blessing and a curse."


William's POV

We are currently inside the school bus on our way to the Oscorp building for a Science Field Trip. There was a new program that was sponsored by Norman Osborn where the top ten students in every year will go to the Oscorp Towers. So there are currently 40 students here and I am one of them.

This is probably where Spiderman gets his powers and I am not going to intervene in that. Who knows what that spider bite will do to me. I might become a man-spider or something, considering there is a version of Peter that became one.

I am sitting beside Gwen and it's no surprise that she is here after all she is a genius. She has been excited for a while now ever since she got to know where we are going. She has been constantly looking out the window like she is going to miss it when we arrive.

"Calm down, Gwen it's just the Oscorp Towers."

She glared at me, "Do you not realize how awesome this is? What do you mean be 'just the Oscorp Towers' are even hearing what you're saying? They are considered one of the leading companies in chemistry and biology! They developed a lot of the medicines that we have today and helped save countless lives with it."

"Woah, calm down. I didn't know you were such a big fan of Oscorp."

"Well... I wouldn't say a fan more like, I admire them for what they've done."

I just looked at her and didn't say anything.

"Well... maybe I'm a bit of a fan. But can you blame me? Did you know that Norman Osborn single handedly brought Oscorp to what it is today? Isn't that amazing?"

I scratched my head not knowing what to say. I can't praise Norman Osborn because from what I remember he is a psychopath... I think he also made a deal with a devil if I remember correctly.

After a while I said, "Yeah... I guess that's amazing. But looking at Harry you wouldn't think that their related right?"

She looked at Harry who is sitting next to Peter and nods.

"...as much as I would like to deny that you're right. He is just like Tony Stark, the heir of a successful businessman and inventor. And he will probably grow up just like him a playboy."

"Did you just compare the Tony Stark to Harry?"

She looked at me confused, "Well I'm right aren't I? With all the money that he will inherit he will end up just like Tony Stark."

I sighed, "Come on... They are nothing alike. Tony Stark is a genius he graduated MIT at 15! But look at Harry he is relying on Peter to carry him in highschool. He probably even got a special pass to be here because of his daddy."

"I didn't know you like Tony Stark."

I'm probably influenced by the MCU but I still think that Tony Stark is awesome. "What's not to like? He is a genius, playboy and a philanthropist."

"I'll admit that he is a Genius but how he uses that intellect doesn't sit well with me. He builds weapons of mass destruction that causes a lot of harm to people. They call him the merchant of death, Will. And he is so full of himself to even see the harm that he causes."

"Well... I guess you're right. But maybe he will change in the future."

"He is 30 something years old and he is still acting like he a horny teenagers, I doubt that would happen."

After that we talked more about the things that we will see at the Oscorp Towers. Then the bus stopped and we Finally arrived.

When we entered the building there are a lot of students in the lobby, I guess they are from other schools. Then we were given I.D's and they told us to wait. Then not long after Norman Osborn came and greeted us. I didn't think that someone as busy as him will greet a bunch of teenagers.

He stood in front of us and he has this presence to him that just makes you pay attention to him. Everybody became quiet as soon as he arrived.

He smiled at us then said, "I'm glad for all of you to be here. All of you here are the brightest amongst your schools. You are the next generation the ones that will continue the legacy that the older generation has built..."

He gave a lengthy speech about us new generation and how we are the future blah blah blah... Its boring.

"...I hope you learn a lot in this field trip. That is all have a great time."

Everyone clapped and then he left. Then a beautiful woman wearing a lab coat spoke.

"Now if you would please come with me and I will show you our facilities. Where I go you go is that clear?"

Gwen is so excited she can barely wait so I held her hand in case she decided to ran off. After all it is dangerous here who knows what could happen.

"Let's go to the front."

She just nodded with a big smile on her face.

Our guide then took us to some labs where they have various displays that we can see. I being dragged along by Gwen who is like a little child in a candy store. But I am distracted because I kept looking at Peter who is near the back with Harry. He is holding a camera taking pictures of everything probably for the journalism club that he is in.

Then we arrived at a small place where there are various spiders in the cages.

"This here is the place where we create a silk that could be used. As you guys already probably know spider silk is approximately five times as strong as steel so if we could create something like that it will be revolutionary."

I looked to where Peter is and he is still just taking pictures then suddenly he swung his right hand like he just got bit.


The guide turned to look at him, "Is there something wrong?"

"I... It's n-nothing just a failed shot that's all."

She nodded then we continue the tour.

I didn't even see the spider... but I guess this is it huh? Is he feeling anything yet? Will he turn into a man eating spider and grow two more pairs of arms?

I carefully looked at him but he just stares at his hand and goes on like everything is normal. Probably a delayed effect after all it needs to flow in his blood stream right?

Then we arrived at a lab where a guy wearing a lab coat and has a missing arm greeted us.

"Welcome, my name is Doctor Curtis Connors. I'm the worlds foremost authority in herpetology, that's the study of reptiles for those of you who don't know." He then gestures to his arm, "I'm a cripple, yes but like the parkinson's patients who watches on in horror as their bodies slowly betray them.. eyes glows dimmer each day. I long to fix myself... I want to create a world without weakness." He said each word with conviction like a promise to himself rather that talking to us.

"Anyone wants to venture a guess just how?"

Someone raised their hand, "Stem cells?"

Dr. Connors nods, "Promising but the solution that I'm looking for is something more... radical."

Everyone is silent clueless to what he was talking about then suddenly Gwen said, "...Cross species genetics." It was only a whisper but as everyone is silent it was heard by Everyone.

They all turned to look at her but she is looking down on her feet distracted and probably thinking out loud. "A person gets parkinson's if the braincells that produce dopamine starts to disappear... But a Zebrafish can regenerate cells on command if somehow... we can give this ability to someone then that's that... they will be curing themselves. This can help save a lot of people!"

Dr. Connors said, "Extraordinary..."

Gwen looked up and saw everyone looking at her, she blushed.

"What's your name." She looked at Dr. Connors. "G-gwen Stacy."

"How would you like to work for me? With a talent like yours it shouldn't be wasted."


Dr. Connors nods, "Yes but you are still quite young... Ah! You could do an intership here."

Then as Gwen is about to respond some came and whispered something to Dr. Connors. "It looks like I am needed somewhere. Here, call me after you talked to your parents." He said while handling Gwen a calling card.

Gwen took it then looked at it then looked at me. She did this back and forth like she couldn't believe what just happened. Then she jumped grabbed my collar and pulled me in for a kiss.

"I can't believe this is happening!" She said while still hugging me. I just patted her back and said, "Well you're a genius after all they should be the one jumping for joy if you work here..."

As much as I don't want her working in Oscorp of all places I just couldn't be cruel enough to wipe that smile on her face and tell her no. As her boyfriend I should support her and it's not like her life would be in danger after all this is Oscorp one of the most secured places. And she isn't Spiderman's girlfriend anymore she is mine... She only got caught in between the fight of the Green Goblin and Spiderman and that will not happen anymore.

Someone cleared their throat, "Ahem! We should get on with the tour." The guide told us and we quickly seperated but I still held her hand. I completely forgot where we were...

The tour went on as usual with Gwen holding my hand beside me. Then the tour ended and we went back to the bus.

Through out the day Gwen is so happy I couldn't help but smile as well if not for something weighing on my mind today would be perfect...

What should I do now? I didn't interfere with Peter being bitten because I don't want that responsibility on me. But should I just let Uncle Ben die? Knowing that he would be in danger should I just let it be?

Ugh... This is a defining moment for Spiderman so I shouldn't interfere right? But if a single incident could change who Spiderman really is should he even be a hero? Wouldn't it be better to have Uncle Ben to guide and support him? Fuck I don't know...


A/N: Sorry for the late update, I just couldn't decide on what to do with Uncle Ben. I thought of three possibilities.

First is to save him but why would Will do that? It's not like he is friends with Peter and it is a important moment for Spiderman.

Second is to not save him. Which is more on point to Will's character. He is passive, living his own life and he doesn't want to get involved in the superhero business.

Last is Aunt May dies instead of Uncle Ben. Spiderman gets revenge then he will be stopped by Uncle Ben but it will be too late. The killer will slip and fall on a building and dies. Then Uncle Ben goes to jail for Peter leaving him alone and will probably end up in a foster home.

The last one is for Will. So that he will know that the knowledge he has is not absolute and can change or differ from what he knew.

Short chapter because I still couldn't decide.

The Author's Note is fucking long it couldn't fit in here (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)

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