
Reincarnated in HTTYD as a Dragon (Repost)

reincarnated as a Dragon before the first movie

Joy_of_Journaling · Autres
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{Chapter 3}

{Time skip 1 year}

I've got this whole island under my control, and during that time I've gotten a few dragon's to join My colony, but I've kept them from fighting with the dragon's who come over to look for food for the red death,

The dragons who have joined are as listed


2(Deadly Nadder)

1(Monstrous Nightmare)


I've named them all, and they love them,

The female deadly nadder I have named violet because of her violet and purple scales,

The male deadly nadder I have named snipe because of his very good aim,

The Gronckle Brothers I have named crash and Boulder,

The male monstrous nightmare I have named Cole because of his darker coloring,

The female Changewing I have named Camilla because a Changewing can turn invisible to camouflage sort of like chameleons camouflage themselves,

I met Cole because he tryed to claim my Island as his territory, so we fought for who's territory it would be,

I won and he joined my colony, we then met violet and snipe because they were passing by and landed on my Island to rest,

turns out they were looking for a good source of food because the island they used to live on, had to many dragons to be able to get a enough food,

And I offered them to live on the island and be a part of my colony, they agreed,

Then we met the the Gronckle Brothers

They had been looking for mates but we're unable to find any willing females and ended up joining my colony after not being able to find any,

Then we met Camilla, she had been attacked by a male changewing who had killed her eggs, after she killed him she fled and ended up getting exhausted and crashing into my Island, we helped to nurture her back to health and she joined my colony,

Violet and snipe have now become parents as violet has laid three eggs and the full colony is excited to finally have fledglings around so it will no longer be boring around here,

{Time skip 10 years}

The colony has been busy with keeping the red death's colony out of are territory as we have expanded from one Island to three Islands,

We now have 32 dragons in the colony, but I haven't named them all, only those I've named have stayed on the 1st Island, the others while under my control and protection I do not pay as much attention to but I do check in every two days to make sure they are not fighting and to make sure they are not over hunting,

We've had dragons come and join, and we've had the Young who grow and leave to find mates for themselves,

Violet and Snipes three hatchlings have grown and have found themselves mates their names are,

(Family tree)

[Snipe] male age19 mate [Violet]18

[Violet] female age18 mate [Snipe]19

[Iris] female age10 mate [Ravenclaw]12

[Shot] male age10 mate [Sky]9

[Bullseye] male age10 mate [Scarlett]13

{since I don't know how old dragons have to be, to be of appropriate age to get a mate, I'm going to say it's around there 5-6th year, that they start to look for a mate, but if anyone has batter information please do share it would be much appreciated}

{Disclaimer I do not own Httyd, i only own my original characters, I also don't own the artwork unless specified}