

"Why gyudon?" one of Itami's teammates asked.

"Well..." Itami just averted his gaze.

"You have to learn to enjoy the little things" they heard kei's voice.

"That differentiates a happy person from one who doesn't know what they have" Kei was eating quietly, and although it wasn't the best of meals, he would receive it gratefully.

Esdeath just nodded as she ate, and so did Bozes, who upon seeing kei take the first bite, ended up encouraging her to do the same.

To the astonished gaze of piña.

Did her dear companion really just eat a raw egg? she thought.

"Piña-sama must eat something or she won't have strength for the negotiations" Bozes said as she ate with a smile on her face.

'Traitor' piña just glared resentfully at Bozes.

Contemplating her plate of food, piña only had her gaze fixed on it, but after a few moments she decided to take a bite.

And by the time kei's table and the others looked at piña again.

Mouthful after mouthful, everyone had their eyes on piña.

And well, the smile she had on her face was no contrast to the distrust she showed at first.


"Shino, esdeath, I will leave them in your care," kei said as they got off the bus.

They had already arrived at the senate, but kei decided that esdeath should stay with piña and Bozes.

Shino and esdeath just nodded, as the bus moved forward.

-It has been four months since the Ginza incident, and the first question and answer session will be held today in the senate.

A voice spoke over the loudspeakers of an entire intersection, it broadcast everything that was happening in the senate, and although some did not give it much importance and decided to forget about it.

Some could not and were waiting anxiously from their homes, phones, computers, etc. attentive to how this discussion would take place.

-And in addition to the SDF personnel on the ground, refugees from the special region will also be in attendance, along with a special guest, the hero of ginza kei kirasaki.

The voice spoke again, starting the discussion.

-Let the questioning of the witnesses begin.

"I'll get straight to the point" said Senator Mizuki kohara "how did 150 refugees from the special region under the care of the FAD die because of the class A animal they call "dragon."

-witness Itami-

Itami stood up and walked to the podium, he took a deep breath and spoke.

"Well... I don't know where they got that information from, but I'm sure no refugees died."

The senator just grimaced and asked again.

"How can you be sure of that?" asked Mizuki kohara.

"Because kei kirasaki was the protector of these" Itami waited for everyone to process the information, it seems they didn't know about this "the refugees from the special region only are the ones remaining after we split up, some of them had nothing, so when we offered them help and a home, they decided to join us"

Kei just watched everything from his seat, in the middle of lelei and tuka.

"So..." she paused to think for a moment, she didn't know how to proceed, the only thing she knew about kei all this time, was that he was on the other side of the portal, but no one mentioned that he would be so involved "so the precarious living situations-"

She couldn't finish she wondered when kei's laughter was heard all over the place.

No one dared to stop him, the presidents of other countries just watched intently, waiting to see how Japan's golden chicken would peck at the hand of its supposed owner.

*sigh* "aaaaaa... seriously... who gave them this information?" Kei took a deep breath " must be a total idiot."

"Let me show you something" Kei stood up and walked to the podium where Itami was standing, who upon seeing kei just stepped aside and then returned to his seat.

'Ciel, please' kei.

'Sure, darling.'

For a moment the transmission flickered and then it changed format, right now everyone could see a black screen on the transmission, while in one corner is the image inside the senate.

The screens and phones inside the senate also rang, causing everyone to pull these out.

"This is a video of the fire dragon" Kei just clapped his hands, that made a video of how the dragon descends in front of them and roars to be shown.

"Low caliber bullets, like the one they had at the moment, look like toys, nothing that hit him will hurt him, unless it's an explosion" Kei said.

The video changed and showed how the dragon was trying to attack kei, but it also showed how this one was protected by the shield.

"Well, although something similar to his species can also hurt him" at that moment it showed how kei sent the dragon flying.

Then they saw how Shiro ripped off an arm, and then the dragon ran away.

"You guys don't know anything but complaining, why don't you go and fight them yourselves...same weapons and equipment availability" Kei just looked, some just hid in their seats.

They all didn't know what to say, the video was compelling, and some of them had the lab results about the dragon scales.

But even with this evidence they didn't believe it, although now this video changed everything, they didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

They now know that they can kill dragons easily, but they also discovered that kei kirasaki has the power to kill a dragon by himself.

The motion he made with his hand caused the dragon to be thrown and whipped.

And his maid has a snake the same size as this one, but to add a cherry on the cake, it can freeze things.

Kei didn't wait and went straight back to his seat.

No one stopped him and no one said anything, everyone was shocked, and the internet was going crazy.

the existence of things out of this world was already known, the ginza incident confirmed it, but this was different, now they knew that there was a person who could fight a dragon by himself, and also that he has a beast of the same or greater magnitude than the dragon itself.

"the following questions are for Lelei the Lalena" Mizuki kohara, continued after a few moments.

Lelei walked quietly to the podium.

"Do you understand my language?" asked Mizuki.

"Yes, to a greater extent."

"Very well" she took a deep breath to try and calm down her mind "I heard that you live in the refugee camp, I'd like to know if you have any difficulties?"

'It seems he didn't get the idea very well' thought kei.

"..." lelei thought for a moment "I'm sorry to say this but... I don't understand your concept of "difficulties" she spoke calmly, taking her time to pronounce things right "But... if you mean improvable situations, I'm afraid to say that covers too many things."

"I'll rephrase the question" this time Mizuki was calmer "Is there anything you need or lack?"

"we have clothes, food, shelter, work and recreation" she just stared at Mizuki "There could be improvements, but everything in this world can be improved"

Mizuki's eye twitched a little in anger.

"Is it true that kei kirasaki protected and contributed to no casualties?" she knew that most likely what kei said was true, but she still had to do her job.



"The following questions are for Tuka Luna" now Mizuki's tone of voice was calmer, she knew that with kei's presence, any intention to sabotage would be fully exposed.

"My name is Tuka Luna Marceau and I am an elf" she spoke with a smile "From the mud forest clan" though everything she said was translated by lelei.

"Pardon my rudeness but... are those ears real?" she couldn't contain herself and had to ask the question, from the moment tuka was at the podium, everyone's eyes were directed to her ears.

After a moment to allow lelei to translate, she answered.

"Yes, they are" she arranged her hair to make her ears look better "Do you want to touch them?"

everyone was shocked and the pictures were not long in coming.

"Alright, Tuka-san" Mizuki cleared her throat "Was there any problem in the way the FADs or by default kei kirasaki handled the dragon attack?"


"i don't know, at the time i was unconscious" tuka answered truthfully.

"very well" mizuki could only sigh and closed her eyes for a moment.


-Rory Mercury's turn for questions- this time a voice over the megaphone spoke.

"Could you describe to us your life in the refugee camp?" mizuki asked.

"It's very simple. When I wake up, I live and pray" Rory had a smile under the black veil she integrated into her clothing "I receive life and pray. And at night, I sleep."

" You receive life?" Mizuki asked, and everyone had the same doubt.

"Yes" her smile was so reassuring, but I was sure that if you looked at it too long, it would end up making you restless "By eating, by killing, and from the offerings to Emroy."

Everyone still didn't understand, so Mizuki decided to change her question.

'I'm sure this job will kill me' she thought as she mentally let out a sigh "It seems like you recently lost someone close to you. So my question is, do you think it's FADs fault or consequently kei kirasaki's?" She was in a cold sweat.

'Yes, I'm sure... I'm dead after this' she thought.

" She says she doesn't understand the question, Rory's family..." lelei interpreted but they didn't let her finish.

"reports indicate that only half of the refugees made it to the SDF barracks, so I would like to know if everything said so far is true or not?" She made something up on the spot, somehow she had to save her skin from the other nations, and from the amused look on kei's face, she knew that maybe he would help her.

"now please tell me, what did they actually do?" she from the beginning she didn't want to be in this place.

From the moment she knew that kei kirasaki was involved in all this, she didn't want to be a part of it, but because of her status and the pressure from the same government and other countries, she had to come out to represent, and question the methods of the SDF so that somehow other countries could also intervene in the special region.

'I guess no matter that it' s another world humans don't change' Rory thought as she listened to everything that was said 'but who cares, now that I have Kei everything will be more fun' she just smiled slightly.

Taking some air Rory started with the act.

"are you stupid?" her voice echoed throughout the room along with a muffled sound caused by her sudden scream into the microphone.

"huh?" Mizuki didn't know why she was being yelled at.

"mmm? didn't you hear me young lady? I asked you if you are stupid" Rory was smiling while removing the black veil from her face.

" You speak my language?" mizuki asked.

"does it matter" she was smiling amusingly "what you want to know is how they faced the dragon, right?"

Mizuki just nodded.

"they all did their best, they didn't use the refugees as a shield or try to run away and in fact I'm sure kei would have just killed the dragon" Rory said while smiling.

"besides... what's wrong with a soldier wanting to protect his life?" her tone changed to a more serious one "young lady, if they die needlessly, it's to protect people like you, who only know how to complain while sitting in the comfort of their homes."

"young lady?" she could take insults from her superiors, but from someone she doesn't know and looks younger than her she wouldn't take it, though of course, if it were kei she would gladly take the insults... though that's another matter.

"they faced the fire dragon and came back alive, more than anything else, they deserve praise" she was now speaking in a playful manner "though if this is the way they treat their heroes, I pity them"

"they accomplished something that no one else could have done" Rory, she had a smirk on her face " that's my answer to your stupid question, young lady" she said as she playfully accentuated the last word.

a stony silence filled the place, and the media went crazy, clips of everything that happened spread like wildfire.

"it seems that you don't know how to respect your elders "young lady" mizuki was a bit angry and you could tell in her voice.

" Are you talking about me?" asked Rory.

"Who else?" mizuki exploded "I don't know how things are over there, but in this country we respect our elders" she said while dramatically punching her chest.

"What a surprise...seriously you dare to" Rory, she could stand being asked questions, but not the way she was talking to her in front of all these people.

Quickly she tried to unwrap her harbeld, which as camouflage was completely covered, making it look like a gift.

But just as she was about to remove the ribbon, she felt a pair of hands grab her waist.

Recognizing that strength and the complexion of the hands, she instantly identified it, and knowing who it was she let herself be pulled back, ending up in kei's embrace.

She let kei settle his hands against her stomach, which somehow calmed her down.

While in a rush, itami grabbed the microphone and began to explain the situation.

"Moderator!!!" you could hear the nerves in his voice " senator kohara is very wrong."

kei and Rory returned to their seats, but this time Rory looked kei in his eyes, he just nodded with a smile and let her do whatever she wanted.

She without wasting any time, put down her halberd in her old seat and immediately sat down and settled in kei's lap, then took both of kei's arms and had them wrapped around her stomach.

"You may find this hard to believe, but Rory Mercury is older than anyone in this room" itami said.

"ha" Mizuki didn't believe it, she just crossed her arms and asked "how old is she?"

"I'm 961 years old" Rory, she announced flatly.

"n nine hundred!!!" everyone was shocked.

kei just laughed and Rory just gestured for him to affectionately caress her stomach.

"uh... if it's not a bother, how old is tuka-san?"

"165 years old" she also had no sympathy, even after seeing everyone's shock.

"What about her?" mizuki, she asked referring to lelei.

"16 years old" lelei.

Mizuki, let out a sigh of relief upon hearing lelei's age.

But while everyone was shocked, lelei just stood up and took itami's place.

"I am human, and our race lives between 60 and 70 years. Besides most of the inhabitants of our world are human. tuka though belongs to the already long-lived elves. She is a very unusual species of fairy who is said to be able to live almost indefinitely. Rory used to be human, but she became a demigoddess and her body stopped aging, and after spending about a thousand years in that state she will become a spirit and, subsequently, a goddess" she explained " although this you must already know, after all kei kirasaki is a being just like Rory."

'lelei the last part was too much information' kei thought with a bead of sweat on his forehead.

did everyone hear that right????.... a goddess, elf... well although the latter was obvious the former wasn't!!!... besides... kei kirasaki is someone just like Rory mercury. A goddess!!!... and if he is the same then so is he... well not a goddess but a god.

-senator kohara. Did you finish asking questions?-

"Yes" Mizuki, she answered weakly as her head processed all the information.

author: yes... I stopped working and now that I have time I will try to make some streams... well yeah, I'm just saying, right? although they will be in spanish if someone comes by i'll try to speak english. if anyone wants my name is keisolll on twitch

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