
A Mother's Love (3)

Varnon was woken by the chill of the evening breeze. With a groan, he was forced to open his eyes.

He fidgeted around in his bed and looked around to see what woke him. He saw his curtains flutter from the wind that was let in by the open window.

The candle by his bedside was extinguished by the cold winds outside, providing him zero warmth and light.

Varnon groggily got his fat body up from his bed to close his windows shut. He slightly stumbled on his way over, his sleep still not fully shaken off.

He eventually reached the open window and reached out his hands to close it. Then, something in the corner of his eyes caught his attention.

Varnon looked down the street and saw a figure on the street. The figure was obviously a woman. She was wearing a typical housewife dress while playing with a small knife she had in her hand.

The woman was looking down on the knife she was playing with. Varnon couldn't catch a glimpse of her face because a black cloth was covering it.

'A mad deviant, no doubt…'

Not wanting to get the strange woman's attention, Varnon hurriedly closed the window. He then stepped back to close the curtains.

Varnon stayed there for a few moments, his hands still clutching the curtains he just closed. He let out a yawn before smiling to himself.

'A mad deviant indeed… but that was one fine woman.'

Varnon's smile grew as he remembered the allure of the woman that etched its way to his mind from just a glance. Her body curved in the right places and her aura was one that showed confidence and strength.

'...I suppose another look wouldn't hurt.' Varnon said in his mind as he opened the curtains enough for him to peek in.

The curtains parted and Varnon stuck his face close to the gap he made. He saw exactly what he wanted to see.

Varnon saw the woman in front of his window.

'What the fu-'

Varnon froze in fright. His bedroom was on the third floor yet a woman was in front of his window.

Varnon was frozen by the menacing red glowing eyes of the woman. He felt like a defenseless prey in front of an apex predator.

Ferrah stared at the frozen and terrified face of the fat man named Varnon. He was every bit the scumbag she thought up in his mind.

Ferrah was amused by the reaction of Varnon, so she decided to mess with him further. She waved her hand slowly, as if saying hi to the fat man.

"Wh- who are you?!" Varnon screamed as he stumbled back and fell on his ass. He somehow fell unconscious from sheer fright.

Ferrah held back a laugh from the pathetic sight in front of her. This coward of a man actually dared to order an attack on her family?

Ferrah reached her hand out to the window. Her finger traced along the crack where the two window panes separated.

Ferrah's hand glowed a bright white color as she stopped her finger in front of the lock on the other side of the window.

A white glow engulfed one of the window panes and the lock behind it swung open. Ferrah entered silently and stood over the unconscious body of Varnon.

Ferrah bent down to take Varnon by the thighs and hoisted him up her shoulder as if he weighed nothing.

As quickly as she entered, Ferrah carried Varnon and went out of the same window she entered before disappearing into the night.


In front of the small wooden house of the Lupica family laid the corpses of the men that Ferrah slaughtered.

No blood seeped from the fatal wounds that were dealt on the men, keeping the grass as green as it should.

In the middle of all these corpses was Ferrah who stood in front of Varnon who was restrained on a wooden chair he barely fit in.

Varnon slowly woke up from the strange dream he had. He remembered his dream to be about a scary woman staring at him from outside the window.

Before he could think about anything else, he felt a cold tip press from under his chin.

Varnon quickly woke up and shook off all sleepiness when he realized that he was being held at bladepoint. His eyes shot open to see the same glowing red eyes he saw in his dream.

'Wait… That was no dream!' Varnon realized and tried to scream out.

Before he could make a sound, he felt the woman in front of him press the blade harder on his skin. The blade drew blood from how much force the woman just exerted.

"Make a noise, and I'll make sure this knife goes up both you and your equally fat son's ass." Ferrah said to Varnon.

The fat man couldn't nod or speak to show his understanding in fear of the blade pressing under his chin. Varnon could only make no noise to show that he listened to her instruction.

"Good." Ferrah said as she retracted the blade she held at Varnon. "Do you know why you're here, pig?"

A confused face was on Varnon's face after he heard Ferrah's question. It seems he was thinking deeply as to what he did that landed him here.

"I- I don't know… Did I offend anyone? Please, I'm just a backwater merchant…" Varnon said in a shouting whisper.

Ferrah put a hand on Varnon's shoulder before landing a solid punch on his fat face.

"Think again. Think. Very. Carefully." Ferrah said slowly as she strengthened the grip on Varnon's shoulder.

Varnon did as he was told and thought as best he could. This woman was clearly furious at him, so he must have done something to her.

"D- did I force myself on you in the past?" Varnon said after a few silent moments of thinking. His response elicited a small laugh from Ferrah.

"You wish, pig. Is your brain filled with shit?" Ferrah said before landing punches on Varnon's face.

She punched five times before stopping. Varnon's face became a bloody mess.

"Poor piggy can't think straight~! Fine. Maybe this can jog up your memory." Ferrah said before taking off the cloth that covered most of her face.

Varnon saw through his swollen eyelids the face of Ferrah. Her pale skin that seemed to shine under the moonlight, her glowing red eyes that contained her anger, and her white hair that fluttered in the cold evening wind.

"White hair?... Ahh…" Varnon slowly realized what he did. "The outsiders…"

"Wow. I'm glad you're not that dumb!" Ferrah exclaimed before stepping back and gesturing to the corpses around her. "Yes. The outsiders. The family you ordered these men to kill."

Varnon looked around after Ferrah gestured to him to do so. His eyes bulged out of their sockets when he saw the corpses of his own private army.

He looked behind Ferrah to see the humble home of the family he ordered to be killed. Varnon could only curse his ignorance for putting him in this situation.

He would not have ordered something so silly as getting this family killed if he knew that the mother of that family is capable of doing something like this. How could one woman kill so many men he thought of as hardened warriors?

"I- I'm sorry… I'm very sorry… Please forgive me!" Varnon started whimpering as tears fell from his eyes. "I- I was only trying to protect my son!"

Ferrah lightly slapped the side of Varnon's face when she heard his apology and reason for wanting her family dead.

"To hell with your apology. You're as stupid as your son! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all." Ferrah said as she pointed the knife at Varnon once again.

"Something must have happened to your son today. No doubt my children are responsible." Ferrah said with a proud chuckle.

Varnon was surprised that Ferrah is aware of the actions of her sons. He wanted to voice out how irresponsible of a parent she was, but chose to keep his mouth shut instead.

"But I don't really blame my boys. Your son is a bully and a menace to other children. Whatever my children did to your son, he did worse to others along with his little gang of followers." Ferrah spat out in disgust.

"No… Lies! My son is not like that!" Varnon shouted at Ferrah. His shout was met with another punch.

"And how would you know? I saw with my own eyes how your fat son is on the path to growing up as a detestable man. Have you?" Ferrah asked Varnon. Her question made him silent.

It was true. Varnon never spent time with his son as much as he liked. He spent more time with…

"You value your pathetic money and business more than your own son. Let me open your eyes. One. Last. Time." Ferrah slowly said as she put a gag on Varnon.

With the gag in place, she then removed the restraints on Varnon. Varnon took the chance and tried to tackle Ferrah to the ground, but his arms only met empty air.

Suddenly, Varnon felt a hand pull his hair from behind. The hand pulled him along the ground as Varnon tried to escape from the hand that was pulling him like a sack of potatoes.

Varnon struggled as much as he could until the hand let go of him in the middle of a clearing in the forest. Varnon tried getting up, but was stopped by Ferrah.

Ferrah sat on Varnon's fat stomach as she held down both of his arms by the wrist using one hand. Varnon struggled but he somehow couldn't overpower the frail looking woman.

"That money you value so much? Out there in the real world," Ferrah said slowly. "It. Doesn't. Mean. Shit."

"You never kept an eye on your son. As a father, what use does your eyes have?" Ferrah said with a wild grin before removing the gag on Varnon.

"Please! I'm sorry! Please let me make it up to you! PLEASE!" Varnon screamed between pathetic sniffles.

"HAHAHAHA! If we were any other family, you wouldn't be sorry." Ferrah said as she reached out her other hand to Varnon's face.

"You're only sorry because I am someone above the likes of you."

In a painfully slow process, Ferrah plucked out the eyes of Varnon out of their sockets. She took her time with each one, relishing in the cries and pained screams of the insect that dared think it was powerful enough to touch her family.

Not gonna lie... I was very much inspired by a certain assassin whose husband is a secret spy and whose daughter is a secret esper.

Mommy?!... Sorry. MOMMY?!... Sorry.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Ehnvycreators' thoughts
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