
Till death does one part

"Helen come on you all ways are busy with something!" I looked up from my textbook with an eye roll to look at my best friend and roommate Ross Evans. "Yeah because I'm just trying to do my time and get out on good behavior." I said turning to type on my laptop only to have it shut by Ross. "Ok one college is not a prison girl, and that project is not due till next week so just come to this one house party. If you go then I will leave you alone about going to party's for the next month and a half ok?" She said looking down at me, looking deep into my soul with her grey eyes that can haunt my dreams if she wanted them to. "Ok fine just this once ok?" I said turning to put away all of my stuff before getting up and walking over to my closet. I pulled out one of my cuter outfits that I don't normally wear out much. A soft pastel pink crop top, pink large gaped fishnet tights, white short shorts with the ends rolled up, and a nice pair of white shoes with some pink laces.

I brushed my long white dyed hair into a ponytail with a few piece framing my face. I sighed as I looked at Ross to see her wearing a black pleated skirt and a black crop top with some black cross earrings one longer then the other and some black and white checkered Vans. "You ready to go Ross?" I asked as I watched her mess with her short black hair. "Yeah lets go." She said as she grabbed her bag. I nodded and grabbed my keys and walked to the front door I checked my phone to see I got a miss call from my mom and then a text from my dad.

Voice mail: 8:15 pm, from mom

"Hey I know that your busy with college and whatnot but I just called to tell you to look out for you brother Clark. He's been acting really strange lately. Any I hope you having fun and studying hard me and your dad miss you so much Helen. Good bye make sure to call us more."

End of voice message: from mom

That's a bit weird but it has nothing to do with me at all. Clark has always been weird but for my mom to saying something to me about it is a bit concerning but not by much. Because I live half an hour away from my brother and parents. So, I should be perfectly fine, my mom's warning can be ignored I guess.

I was just about to open the message from my dad before I got a text from Clark. As I was about to open the text Ross called my name as she stood outside by my car. "Are you coming or are you going to stare at your phone at the front door letting the bugs in all night?" She asked with a smirk as I rolled my eyes with a smile and unlocked the car before turning and closing the door making sure to lock it.

I walked out to the car and got in only to see Ross starting to pre-game. I laughed as I shook my head at her before stretching my hand out to grab one of the bottles. "If you are pre-gaming I'm pregaming." I said before taking a big drink and turning the car on. Before I started moving I stopped and thought for a moment.

"If we are pre-gaming like this then we shouldn't drive at all time." I broke myself out of my thoughts and looked at Ross. " Hey we should call an Uber to drive us there so we don't have to drive drunk." I said grabbing my phone opening the app. "Yeah that's a smart idea. Sometimes I love your over thinking mind." She said with a smile as she continued to drink heavily.

After a 10 minute wait the Uber got there and we left for the party well pre-gaming hard in the backseat. When we got there we were not trashed but we were getting there. We walked inside and caught the eye of a few people standing in the living room. me and Ross looked at each other with a knowing look and a smirk. we did our friendship handshake and walked off in different directions towards people that were staring at us. I walked up to three girls in the middle one had a certain look in her eye. Ross walked up to a tall dark-skinned man who was looking her up and down. the beginning of the party was fun so far full of flirting and pointless conversation with people we probably will never see again after tonight. after 2 hours me and Ross regroup and gossip about what we talked about with the others. "His name is Rodney and he is the quarterback for the football team at your college Helen. He's majoring in forensic science like you." Ross said while holding a drink and looking at him well standing against the wall for support as she and I are now both trashed. "Oh that's cool you but you know that girl was talking to earlier? well she is on the cheer team and she's like really into girls. And she's majoring in law like you but don't be surprised if I disappear for an hour or two!" I said with a smirk and a bit of a laugh these also made Ross laugh before she winked and said "Well then don't be surprised if I disappeared for a few hours as well." We gave our secret handshake yet again before we both went upstairs with our respective partners and disappeared into rooms not coming out for as we said an hour or two.

After regrouping with a just as equally blackout drunk Ross I check the time before drunkenly saying that its 12:45 am and that we should start heading back home because we have classes in the morning. "But the party Fuck those classes man I just got laid and I want to do it again." I just shook my head though that action almost cost me a loss of balance. "No you have that test that you can't miss and I need to be in class every day so I know what the hell I'm doing so we are leaving I'm calling the Uber right now." I said while carelessly taking the phone from my pocket and getting the Uber.

After waiting for 15 minutes the Uber got there and we got in pretty much just drunkenly talking nonsense to each other till we got home.

"What are you talking about Ciel is not the coolest anime character in the show. Have you seen May-rin? Sebastian, Finn, Grell, Undertaker, or William??" I said turning to face her as she said the most outlandish thing to ever hit my ear holes, "It's 2020 I said what I said girl." I laughed at her as she tried to snap her figures in a Z pattern only to forget how to make it half way through. "Here you ladies are, ya'll have a nice night ok." We nodded and grabbed out belongings and hopped out. I grabbed my keys and went to unlock the door. When I got to the front door I stopped and looked at Ross as she too looked at the now opened door. I pulled out my small hand teaser as did Ross and we nodded to each other. I slowly pushed the door opened as I quietly made my way inside the house with Ross close behind me. I go to the kitchen and she goes to the living room I find nothing and walk out of the kitchen to the living room before me and Ross both move to the hall way. We walked up to two doors facing each other and give a nod. I walked into Hannah's room and Ross walked into Tanners room and looked around for the person who came into the house. We both found nothing and walked out to the bathroom door and just opened it turning on the lights and walking in as Ross went to look in her room. We again both found nothing the last room was mine the biggest on out of all of them because I got the master bedroom after winning a game 5 times in a row. We both looked at each other before walking into the room turning on the light as we do so. After looking under the bed and in the closet we found nothing.

"I guess you just didn't close the door all the way when we left earlier." Ross said as she put away her teaser and closed her eyes before being stabbed countless times in the neck before being turned around before she could fall to the floor. She was then stabbed 27 more times in the chest and stomach. I stared watching in horror before I let out a loud scream that most of woke the neighbors and I hoped that it really did. I watched as the hooded person slowly stood up and took the hood off. I watched as pitch black hair fell to frame the face of the killer his eyes a crazed shade of green. I know who it was the second our eyes met. "C-C-Clar-Clark!?!" I stuttered with both fear and confusion. I slowly started to back up as he moved close to me till I hit my bed falling back on to it. Thought my fall didn't stop me as I started to crawled back to my headboard. " You know I get so sick and tired of people always saying that I need to do better in life and compare me to you. The perfect child even though your the youngest your also the smart one, the funny one, the cute one, the puppeteer, the game-master." He said as he took a gun out of his pocket and placed it in his right hand. With the knife he twisted it around in his left hand. "You know living in your shadow has made my mind a pretty dark place that leads to stuff like this happening so..." He trailed off as he pointed the gun at my hand and shot it hitting my hand spot on. He then shot my foot so that I couldn't walk or run away from him.

"I never meant for that to happen I promise just let me go!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I stared up at him as he walked a bit closer till he was right next to my bed. I watched with wide eyes as he sat down on the bed a creepy smile spreading across his face. I watched with a painful tension as he placed the knife in his mouth and suddenly swung his fist into my throat. I tried to scream out in pain but nothing came out but a need and lack for air. I forced myself to breath through my nose. "You know Helen I was never a fan of your piercings." He said while taking out a pair gloves sliding them on before going towards my nose piercing. My breathing picked up as I shook my head to till him not to. But I was saved by someone knocking on the door. My ex boyfriend Dean was here I could here his voice. "Hey Helen I saw you at the party can we talk. I think we should try again on our relationship, and I know that I messed up the first time by sleeping Hannah a month ago." If I was not in a life or death problem I would have rolled my eyes. I heard is footsteps in the hall and as Clark turned to look at the door of my room I quickly moved and knocked my lamp, alarm clock and radio to the ground the radio blasting to life. Clark swings around and points the gun at my head and pulls the trigger twice both the bullets found there ways into my eyes. A scream forced its way through my burning throat. As I fall to the side holding my eyes I heard running before I think Dean ran into the room yelling my name. "Clark? What the hell are you doing?? Hey now calm down no need to point that gun at me." I heard him say but could not do much about it as I could not see and my mind started going blank till there was nothing and my body felt light.

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