
reincarnated as an overpowered King?!!

Reincarnation, something that transports a soul to a different body in another world but...is that even real? Does reincarnation really exist? Even if it would, where do the souls go? What world or universe will they meet.. Jeong-ho, a ordinary guy with ordinary tasks, lives the life like everyone else. He was basic, had some friends, was always nice and smart but that doesn't mean that he is really the one others think of..his parents were murdered, tragically and sad which made him move to his grandma in another country. But this one day changed everything. "g-grandma?!" she died, his grandma died because of old age. The day can't get worse, right? Oh, yes, it can. Jeong-ho was like always on the way to his college, thinking of his grandma till.. CRASH He got hit by a truck. "oh my, such a sweet innocent boy~ this isn't the death you deserve, let me get you a helping hand, hm?~" Jeong-ho looked up and saw a woman, dressed in a beautifully white dress and covering her eyes. She floated to him, gently and elegant, touching his right shoulder."my duty is to give you a better life, so enjoy it to the fullest, promise me that, dear~" the so called angel didn't leave him time to proceed and immediately transferred his soul to an other body. "enjoy~" He woke up, and immediately looked at the mirror, seeing a black haired guy with red eyes. Handsome but scary, exactly like a demon. "W-what is this!!?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is just a silly BL I wrote- didn't plan to publish it but my friends forced me to. I apologize for ANY grammatical mistakes as I cannot afford any help. I might not continue this as I wrote this just for fun. Cover art coming soon maybe? I appreciate any help or ideas.

PixieManiac · Fantaisie
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Beginning after the end

"hey Jeong-ho!!" someone called him from far away. A brown haired guy also known as someone 'popular' ran to him. "huh? What's wrong Ji-sung?" Jeong-ho asked, he wasn't in the mood to talk due a important test he was going to write tomorrow. "what's wrong, you ask?! Na-heul asked me out!! Seems impossible but it's true!" Ji-sung said, jumping around like crazy, a little too crazy. "You mean Na-heul like the bully Na-heul?! Ji-sung, you know she is a total bitch! How can you get excited of that? She is gonna cheat on your after some days anyways! Don't tell me you're this stupid.." Jeong-ho responded, sighing loudly. "awh come on Jeong-ho! She won't be like that to me right? I am handsome, sporty and of course rich as hell! We are like meant to be~~" Ji-sung continued to day dream while Jeong-ho was already out, almost home. He slowly opened the door "grandma I am home!" he called but she didn't respond. "grandma? Did you buy groceries without telling me again?" Jeong-ho asked but noticed her shoes on the floor. "huh? Grandma, are you sleeping?" he went to the living room and fell down in tears. Jeong-ho saw his grandmother on the floor, dead. He rushed to her and called an ambulance. His tears rushed down his cheek, his eye becoming red and sore. After losing his parents, he also lost his grandma!

After 2 weeks, he got a call from the doctors, telling him to come over. He had a bad feeling so he rushed to the hospital, the doctors looked at him sad and nervous. "I am sorry.. Your grandma didn't make it.." the doctor said. Jeong-ho was heartbroken and looked at the floor, tears running down his cheeks, worse than 2 weeks ago. He walked out and saw it, Na-heul kissing another guy which seemed to be ji-sung's older brother. He immediately called Ji-sung to tell him about it. "what?! Stop lying she would never! Fuck off man, I never thought you would want my relationship with Na-heul break." Ji-sung said, leaving the call a minute later. If Was perfectly raining.. Maybe a little too perfect. Jeong-ho was really heart broken, no where to run or hide. He was alone. He walked down the stairs, over a street but suddenly it happened..


The individuals around him immediately rushed to call an ambulance or to try and help but either way, it was too late.

Jeong-ho slowly woke up and saw a tall, slim young woman in front of him, wearing a white long dress and a blindfold. "Now now, mortal being~ I guess it's your lucky day huh?" she said, showing a slight smirk. "Am I.. Dead?" he asked her, knowing the answer already. She looked at him worried and smiled nervously. "well uhm- yes and no! You're currently dead but since it's my duty to help everyone that dies depressed and miserable, I will give you a second chance!" Jeong-ho looked at her, not believing any of her words, he couldn't even say anything before he passed out again.

Jeong-ho woke up and saw a room, it was quite elegant but the atmosphere was dark. As he saw a mirror, he gasped and tried to proceed what just happened. Did he.. Reincarnate?! He laughed quietly as he picked some clothes out. "this.. Fuck, this is too stressful! I just wanted a normal life." When he was finished, he slowly walked out of his room till a maid saw him from behind. "k-king noxia?.. Yo-you're awake already? I-ill get your breakfast, sit on the table please, your highness.." she said and walked away. He searched for the dining room until he found a poor little kid running into him. As the kid looked up, he was afraid and shaked terribly. "s-s-sorry y-y-your highness!!" the kid said, scared and stuttering. The kid ran away before Jeong-ho could even react. "W-what?!, hey, come back!" the kid couldn't hear him anymore. Jeong-ho sighed and tried to ignore it, is this his new life? "how should I survive in this shit hole. King noxia? Pff, I am just a regular guy, not a king, my name isn't even no-" "shut the fuck up, I want to sleep." someone said in his head. He gasped and fell down, the voice seemed familiar. "who are you!" he asked the guy in his head. "I am you, well, I WAS you, before that bitch angel decided to transport some human in MY body! This is all so fucking tired." the voice said, sighing.

Jeong-ho tried to proceed it once again but then stood up and walked into the dining room, the table was full of food and he saw another young man sitting there. "oh! Hello uncle!" he said, waving at him gently. He was handsome but also quite charming and nice. Jeong-ho sat besides the guy, he didn't know who he is or how to address him so he just ate casually, hoping he won't say anything, but his luck was bad like always." so uncle, did you decide to visit your old friend? Well.. I did hear that he somehow is out of.. Mind after you were-" my 'Nephew' stopped suddenly since the head butler was behind him. "don't tell it your highness yet, it's too early!" the head butler whispered to him. Jeong-ho didn't hear them at all. "uh.. Which friend again, haha..." Jeong-ho asked nervously. My nephew looked at me, completely dumb-founded. "are you serious, uncle?.. Of course it's the king of the fairies, Marcel! Well more like king aemest but doesn't matter!" Jeong-ho laughed to keep up with him but he had no idea who who is. "uhm.. I know this is a dumb question but.. What's your name again" Jeong-ho asked his 'nephew'. His nephew sighed "you always forget my name! It's kanji amites noxia, but kanji for short!" Jeong-ho smiled as he ate up. "I'll go outside.." he said. Kanji was still eating so he just waved to him and Jeong-ho went out.

It was a sunny day, Jeong-ho was walking around confused. He looked here and there and suddenly was in the middle of an forest. Without his sword, he was weak. Suddenly, some fairies found him but not only fairies also.. The king which was supposed to be his friend. "well well well, look who we have here huh?" Marcel came out, walking over to Jeong-ho. He grabbed his hips and smirked. "such a perfect found we made, right, love?~" he asked Jeong-ho. Jeong-ho was nervous but also pissed, he had no time for this. "Fuck off Marcel, or I'll rip that sweet innocent head of you" he said. Marcel let him go and laughed nervously. "oh my, rude and cold like always~" Jeong-ho came back to senses, he couldn't remember what happened before Marcel grabbed his hips. He looked at Marcel, and checked him out, with a serious face. Marcel reminds him of someone but he didn't know who.. Marcel has straight long blonde hair and diamond blue eyes, he was white as snow and really muscular. Not only that, he also had some kind of elven ears. But suddenly, he heard something running to them.


A huge white lion jumped at Jeong-ho, he didn't know what to do, he was useless, never even held a sword before! Till suddenly, he blacked out again.

His eyes became darker and darker and suddenly casted a spell, killing the lion with his bare hand in one hit. He grabbed a dagger and stabbed into the lion, more and more, making sure that he's really dead till Marcel suddenly grabbed his arm. "h-hey hey, this is enough.. Don't you think?"

"Fuck off."

Jeong-ho finally came back to his senses but this time he was in his bed, somehow. A doctor rushed inside and praised him. "Oh my, oh my!! You did amazing! Killed a white Lion just in one hit! I am sure the demon king will have a liking on you! Just what you wanted~"

The doctor went out and closed the door, Jeong-ho sat on the bed, trying to proceed anything that just happened." demon king, my ass!! I never wanted that, this old man, he is fucking crazy! I should have killed him when I had the chance, fuck!" Shian said which is supposed to be the owner of this body. "alright, kid! I will make you the king that will rule over this world!!! After you transfered into this body, 90% of my power disappeared but even with 10% is killing another king easy as fuck!" Jeong-ho was about to talk when suddenly a maid knocked on his door. "uhm.. Your highness, she is back.."

Jeong-ho was quite confused but stood up and dressed himself quite elegant. He walked into the dining room and saw her. It was a old woman that looked similar to him or more like to shian. "if it isn't my grandson? Come, give grandmother a hug~" she said. Jeong-ho looked at her and looked away. "ugh, arrogant like always.. Sit down, we have a problem." she said. He immediately sat down, one seat away from her. "so, noxia has been attacked again, I have a feel that it's from queen Shima. That arrogant little- ehem.. Anyways, you should do something about it. I don't want everyone here to die too like your- ah sorry. You heard nothing." she said. Jeong-ho was kinda confused but insisted. Now he needs to make a plan. As it slowly became darker, Jeong-ho walked into his bedroom and talked with the angel again.

"so so, queen Shima is attacking kingdom noxia? That's not good, hmm.. Don't worry, I have an idea but first, I'll show you the past life of Shian~ he can't do anything about it ehe~" she said and brought us somehow back into the time as.. Ghosts? As the first Szenario came, we saw king noxia with a huge scar on the back of his back. Jeong-ho was nervous as he saw how much he got bulked from his older brothers. His father never helped him just like his mom. But grandmother, she helped him until she stopped to help too, "personality change maybe?" Jeong-ho thought. "impossible." the angel answered. As we saw some few more scenarios, there was one that was the worst out of all. When king noxia was younger, everyone hated him that they even tried to kill him, rape him or even do both or something else to.. Of course because of his scar, no one could make it out of his bedrooms alive since the scar was..cursed. Jeong-ho felt quite bad, now he knew why he was so cold to everyone.. His past is so sad..he thought.

As Jeong-ho woke up, it was already morning but there was a Note on his bed. He read it and ran outside, really pissed. He saw queen Shima, his grandmother and his Nephew, tied up besides the queen. "you.. What do you want from me you filthy!!-" queen Shima laughed, "it's easy, give me everything you have and I'll give them back~ or.. Fight me if you can!" she said, laughing afterwards. Jeong-ho hesitated, it said that the king was useless because he couldn't use magic at all. It wasn't true, the king was just overpowered so he had no use of it anyways. But they said he doesn't deserve to be a king or even the noble rank." you.. You better let them go! Or- or!.." "or what?" she said, giggling louder. "you gonna kill me, what? Then go ahead and try~ you're so useless anyways!~ can't even use a little magic!" Jeong-ho tried to hold back, he felt an overwhelming power, it isn't coming from her but from.. Him. "kill her.. Kill her.. Kill her.. KILL HER!" some Ken said inside his head, it wasn't shian, the voice is deeper, a lot deeper. he tried to stand still but fell down. "F-fuck I-.. You're dead~" Jeong-ho smiled and looked at her, his face was relaxed and his eyes red like blood. He let that overwhelming power control him which could end horribly "you're such a beautiful woman, time to make you even prettier!!~" he said and immediately ran to her at light speed. "F-fuck! Stop playing, you're weak!" she answered, nervously. "there's no way you'll defe-" Jeong-ho slashed her head off, it fell down on the floor, little did he know that she can grow it back again in no time, he would need to get her heart instead. "Ahahaha! You're so weak and dumb! It's your end, you piece of shit!" Shima pulled her sword out and pointed it at him, summoning her quite strong Army full of skeletons and zombies. "kill him!" she demanded, but it was no use, they were all dead after 5 minutes. "ahaha!! Look who's laughing now!~ let's play more, shall weeeee?~" he giggled and grabbed her hair from behind. "now.. Say bye bye to your worthless life~ this is the end of our game~" he killed her with just his bare hands, the overwhelming power slowly disappeared and he fell down, Marcel immediately catching him. "oh my.. So that's how the almighty king survived for so long.. So cute hm?~" he smiled and kissed Jeong-ho on the Forehead before bringing him to his bedroom.

"what happe- HOLY SHIT!!!" Jeong-ho immediately grabbed the blanket as he noticed that he was shirtless. Marcel came inside and tried to calm him down. "woah woah, calm down, you were heavily injured that's why you're shirtless! Don't always think so wrong~" he smiled and pushed Jeong-ho down on the bed, going on top of him. "you're so cute.." Marcel said and raised Jeong-ho's chin to make him look directly into his eyes. The mood changed immediately, Marcel slowly came closer, almost touching each other's lips but suddenly.. "UNCLE, UNCLE!! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Jeong-ho's nephew ran inside, as he noticed Marcel with him he immediately thought it was suspicious. "hm.. Leave uncle alone old man!" he said, sticking his tongue out to Marcel. "you little brat! I am 2 years older than him, that doesn't make me old!" Marcel shouted at kanji. Jeong-ho sighed and just looked at them. "Stop now.. Both of you." he said but they didn't stop at all. "I said.. Stop, or I'll use your heads as a ball." both of them looked at him and immediately ran outside closing the door.

"what did I got myself into..I just wanted to live a normal life.." Jeong-ho sighed and looked outside, watching the trees silently till he noticed a strange aura behind him. "don't move." the strange man said. Jeong-ho did like he was told just to live. The man injected something inside his arm, making him lose consciousness...

Hello all! If anyone is reading this, I would love if you could support me by writing a (hopefully) positive feedback <3 I could also need suggestions for the next chapters! Please support by sharing it, I really wish others would enjoy my stories like I do ^^

PixieManiaccreators' thoughts